My Hell Written Portion

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Hannah Croy

Mrs. Skirtich
Period 2
April 4, 2016
Dantes Inferno Project

The Foggy Woods

The woods leading to Hell are full of trees which stand
seven feet tall and fog that rises and falls within the
trees. Above is the blue skies and the sun. This
represents the superiority of God over Hell. The Fog
represents human temptation pulling them towards

Circle 1: Gates of Hell

The Gates are golden rods. There is a red background
behind the gate that looks somewhat intriguing. After
walking through the gates, they close dramatically.
From behind the gate, it is black and rusted. The sun is
barely visible as it fades away into the darkness,
encapsulated by the dark clouds.
Two Faced
These sinners had two parts of themselves. On Earth
they acted differently around different people. One day
they were your friend and another they were your
enemy. The front half of their body is duplicated and
attached to the back. The sinners are eternally engaged
in conversation with the others but, at random times
their body will shift and their other side will show. With
the constant splitting and shifting of their body and

perspective of others. The other sinners are then filled

with hatred towards them. This happens perpetually
within all the sinners here. Examples of sinners that
would lie here are Caleb Prier from Divergent, Peter
from Divergent (The characters from divergent are two
faced in a way as they cant decide which side they are
on throughout the story. They also used information
from both sides and give it to the other, as it suited
Circle 2: Pet Peeves
Round 1: Loud Bubble Gum Chewers/ Poppers
These sinners chew/ pop their gum loudly and
excessively. Their punishment is to be encased in a
large bubble gum bubble that floats around bouncing
off of the floor. This bubble is indestructible. A couple
people that would be assigned to this round would be
my mother and Tyree Johnson.
Round 2: Indecisive
The sinners that are located here are the indecisive.
These people could never make up their minds and
always frustrated and confused those around them.
Their punishment is to follow a road map that leads to
nowhere which will lead to their eternal frustration and
confusion. Someone that would be located here is my
sister, Madeline.
Round 3: Slow Walkers
These sinners walked extremely slow throughout
hallways and roads. Their punishment is to be chased
by flesh eating dogs; they have to continue running at a
fast pace otherwise the dogs will rip them to shreds.
Examples of these sinners would be people that text
while walking and Emma Ivory.
Round 4: Knuckle Cracking

These people were placed here for the act of cracking

their knuckles. Their punishment is that their bones are
constantly breaking and then fusing back together. Two
people that would be located in this layer of Hell are
Jake Sauder and Kat Demyan.

Circle 3: Gossiping
These sinners talked bad about people behind their backs
and/or spread rumors about others. Their punishment is that
their lips are blistered and eternally bleeding in
representation of the pain their words caused others. Regina
George from Mean Girls would be located in this circle for the
Burn Book that she and her clique made. Cady Heron, also
from Mean Girls, would also be placed here from her
participation in spreading of rumors.
Circle 4: Jungle Sands
The Jungle Sands is a place where the floor of the jungle
is quick sand while there are trees and jungle branches
above. The two types of sinners that lie here are the
Wrathful and the Sullen.
Stage 1: Wrathful
These people were always angry on Earth. Their
punishment is to be tied upside down from the trees by
the vines. The sinners are eternally swinging back and
forth trying to reach the safe land, although, they can
never reach it. This is symbolic of their emotions in
which they can never reach the point of equilibrium.
Some people that could be located in this layer of Hell
could be Big Red from the app Angry Birds and Hulk
from the Marvel movies.
Stage 2: Sullen
These sinners were always depressed on Earth. Their
punishment is to be stuck in the quick sands. The more

that they complain or feel self-pity, the more the quick

sand will consume them; resulting in continuous death.
Some characters that would be considered in this layer
of Hell are Sadness from Inside Out and Elsa from
Frozen. Elsa would be found here because of the
depression and isolation that she had after the death of
her parents and the incident with her powers.
Circle 5: Dwellers
The sinners who lie here spent their time on Earth dwelling
on the past. Their punishment is to continuously relive the
day of their death. Some people that would be located in this
realm of Hell would be King Stephan from the movie
Rapunzel and Gothel from Rapunzel as well. Gothel had a
grudge against King Stephan because he married another
woman. King Stephan wouldnt forgive King Fredrick because
of a mistake that he made years before.

Circle 6: Thievery
These sinners stole from others on Earth. As the sinners used
their hands to take other peoples belongings, their hands
are cut down to the degree of thievery that they committed.
Two sinners that would be in this layer of Hell are the
dinosaur from Meet the Robinsons and my father for all the
candy that he steals from my sister and I.

Circle 7: Idolatry
On Earth, these sinners worshiped people and/or objects
over God. Their punishment is to be eternally bowing down
and worshiping God while singing His praises. Two types of
people that would be considered for this realm are those who

believe fully in what fortune tellers tell them and those who
idolize famous people.

Circle 8: Bragging
Ring 1: Pitiful
These people bragged or over indulged in expressing to
others the amount of depression they had or how bad
their lives were on Earth. Their punishment is that they
are eternally stuck upside down in a pit and have to
sing happy clich songs about life. Some people that
would be considered in this ring of circle 7 would be
Candice from Phineas & Ferb and Deandra Brachen.
Both of these people try to persuade others to feel bad
for them by over expressing their faults and/or troubles
in life.
Ring 2: Under Appreciative
These people bragged about all the luxuries that they
had in life. Their punishment is to be naked (having
nothing) while running in a circle chasing after rolling
stones (not the band). This is ironic because they had
so much and now they are running after a rocks that
are worth nothing. Two people that would be considered
in this layer of Ring of hell is Kylie Jenner and Scott
Dickson. These two people have been blessed with
immense amounts of money and are not humble in the
means of flaunting it.

Circle 9: Kidnapping
These criminals captured people and held them hostage
against their will. The sinners are in small boxes that have
rusty nails sticking through the sides. Depending on how
many people that they kidnapped, thats how Mrs.

Trunchbull, from Matilida, determines how much wiggle room

there is between the rusted nails that are pocking at their
skin making them eternally bleeding. Two people that would
be considered in this Circle of Hell would be the Dentist from
Finding Nemo and Mirage from The Incredibles.

Circle 10: Abuse

Bolgia 1: Drug Abuse
These sinners let drugs consume them and used them
for different purposes than what they were intended for.
As punishment, the drugs that they got addicted to are
just out of their reach as they are shackled to a wall by
their ankles, waist and neck. Without the drugs in their
systems, the sinners begin to fall into withdrawal and
depression. Two people that would be considered in this
Bolgia are Michael Jackson and Lisa Robin Kelly from
That 70s Show.
Bolgia 2: Alcohol Abuse
These sinners let alcohol consume their lives on Earth.
Their punishment is to be eternally drowning in the
alcohol that they abused and throwing up blood from
alcohol poisoning. This results in the lake being a
mixture of blood and alcohol. Some people that would
be considered in this Bolgia of hell is Rob Lowe and
Ozzy Osbourne.
Bolgia 3: Animal Abuse
The sinners who lie here abused animals and/or killed
them for inhumane reasons. These sinners are only
allowed to communicate by the sounds of the animals
that they hurt and are being beaten by demons with
the weapons that they used against the animals. Two
people that would be considered in this Bolgia are
Michael Vick and William Dugger.
Bolgia 4: Spouse Abuse

The sinners who reside here inflicted verbal or physical

pain on their spouse. They are being strangled by their
marriage bands at their waist, neck and ankles. After
their bodies explode, they are pieced back together and
are bound again by their wedding bands. Two people
that would be in this Bolgia of Hell are Ray Rice and
Michael Lohan.
Bolgia 5: Child Abuse
The sinners who lie here physically abused children. In
Hell, their feet are cut off right above their ankles,
making them bleed for eternity while they are forced to
walk on Legos. Two people that would be found in this
Bolgia of Hell are Leon Brittan and Nigel Stonebridge.
Bolgia 6: Political Abuse
The sinners in this sub-section of Circle 9 obtained a
political office position and abused the power and
influence that they had on the community in immoral
ways. As punishment, they have to wash the feet of all
the people that they took advantage of. Two people that
would be located here are Fidel Castro and Adolf Hitler.
Bolgia 7: Rape
On Earth, these sinners sexually assaulted another
person without their consent. In Hell, they are tied
down while demons drill holes into them. If the sinner
screams or cries out in pain, their restraints are
tightened to the point where their limbs are cut off.
After their bodies are demolished with holes and all
limbs are absent, their bodies fuse back together and
the punishment repeats. Two people that would be
found here are Albert Magbanua and Daniel Dougherty.

Circle 11: Murder

These sinners who reside here took the life of another
human being intentionally. In Hell, they are repeatedly killed

the exact same way that they did to their victims. Two
people that would be located here are Jordan Graham, Adolf
Hitler and Ted Bundy.

The order in which I placed my Circles is based off of my views of

society. Circles one through eight are sins that, in my opinion, are
easily forgiven and cause little harm. These sins are committed on
a daily basis. Everyone in society at one point dwells on the past,
walks slow or gossips about another, whether we realize it or not.
I placed people that are two-faced in Circle one because, out of all
my Circles, I believe that it is committed the most. Then comes
Circle two which is my pet peeves. These are not actual sins but
they bother me very much, so I decided to place them in Hell. The
third Circle is gossiping. Gossiping is a sin that is committed daily
in a life of a teenager. Although it may be thought as the norm, I
didnt want it to be overlooked and thought to be acceptable. The
fourth and fifth circle are sins that I think that society overlooks.
These people commit their mind to one thing being oblivious to
the world around them. Next, I placed the people that idolized
anything other than God. I dont think this is the worst thing you
can do but can be difficult to change therefore, I placed it in the
center of my Hell. Then I placed the braggers. These people
continuously talk and make people around them feel awful in
different sorts of ways. Next, I chose kidnapping because I just
dont understand how people think it is okay to take another
person. Circle 10 has the most sub-sections in it. I chose the order
of the Bolgias in Circle 10 from minor abuse to major abuse.
When I say major I mean that it inflicts the most long term
damage. Lastly, I placed murder. Killing another person, to me, is
the most unacceptable and worst thing you can do.

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