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Extemporaneous Presentation Outline

Oh no! What should I do?

Attention-getter: Did you people get enough sleep last night? By cutting down on sleep, we
learn less, we develop less, we are less bright, we make worse decisions, we accomplish less,
we are less productive, we are more prone to errors, and we undermine our true intellectual
Background info: Sleep plays a critical physiological function, and is indispensable for your
intellectual development. Those who do not respect their sleep are not likely to live to their
full mental potential.
Thesis (what this presentation will prove/show): This presentation will answer the question
why regular sleeping habits are important by pointing some arguments.
Preview of main points: My main ideas are in reference to our health, emotional well-being
and also the daytime performance and safety.
II. POINT #1: Effect for our health
Supporting explanation/facts/examples/ideas/etc.
1. Regular sleeping habit means healthy brain function. Sleep helps your brain work properly.
A good night's sleep improves learning.
2. Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. Your immune system relies on sleep
to stay healthy.
3. Sleep also supports healthy growth and development. Deep sleep triggers the body to
release the hormone that promotes normal growth in children and teens.
III. POINT #2: Emotional well-being
Supporting explanation/facts/examples/ideas/etc.
1. People who dont have enough sleep may feel angry and impulsive, have mood swings.
2. It can lead to long-term mood disorders such as depression or anxiety.
3. People may have problems paying attention and negative thinking.
IV. POINT #3: Daytime Performance and Safety
Supporting explanation/facts/examples/ideas/etc.
1. Getting enough quality sleep at the right times helps you function well throughout the day.
People who dont have enough sleep are less productive at work and school.
2. Lack of sleep also make you out of focus. You might not be aware of what is going on
around you

3. Sleep deficiency is not only harmful on a personal level, but it also can cause large-scale
Summary of thesis and points: To sum up, regular sleeping habits are very important because
of our health, motional well-being and the daytime performance and safety.

Closer: Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.

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