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1st Form Project:

1. Project must be type written and submitted in a clear plastic folder
2. A total of 5 marks will be deducted for each late day
3. No information should be taken from the test book. All research must
be done online.
4. Cover page must be well laid out with the following information.
Project Title:
Name of Student:
Home Room #:
Name of School:
Due Date:
Name of Teacher:
5. Due date 25th January 2016
Project Description
There are various output devices. Write a brief description of least ten
(10) and provide a picture. Be sure to include basic elements of a project
such as introduction, conclusion and bibliography.
Examples of output devices are: Printer and Monitor
Marking Scheme:

Presentation Organization Creativity Content Total -

5 marks
5 marks
5 marks
10 marks

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