Living in A Megacity Brainstorm

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Global Geography 12 (A)

Brainstorm of the advantages & disadvantages of living in



Easy access to goods, services, markets

Issues with transportation services &


Diverse transportation options (train,

subway, bus, etc)

High cost of living (apartments are very

small yet cost a lot of money)

Closer to family - if your family lives in the

city you dont have to travel far distances to
see them. Close concentration

Traffic & congestion

More exposure to different cultures. Diverse


Eco-system disturbances - deforestation to

build outwards is destroying natural habitats

Economic potential - lots of jobs &


Natural disasters - high rises and other

infrastructure not able to withstand force of
natural disasters like earthquakes & floods,

Everything is concentrated in one area so

you dont have to travel far for your needs

More people demanding more resources.

Causing resource scarcity

Cost of living = expensive

High crime rates

Slum conditions for large portions of people
- uneven/inequitable distribution

Huge demands on services & infrastructure

(poor quality of roads and public transit)

Loud & crowded. Feeling uncomfortable or


Lack of a community feeling - not knowing

who your neighbours are

Resource consumption - demand for food

and water

Sanitation issues (clean water, clean streets,


Air pollution (ie: smog in China)

Unsustainable growth? Cities arent planned

to operate in a 21st century world. Cities
arent self sufficient and use more resources
(food and water) than they can produce.

Global Geography (D)

Brainstorm of the advantages & disadvantages of living in



Better access to goods, services, resources

Crowded in public places

Economic opportunities - jobs

Lower quality of life

More socially advanced/exposure to cultural


Less job opportunities (more people

competing for specialized jobs)

More leisure activities/opportunities

(resturaunts, entertainment, etc)

Poor air quality (environmental)

Technological improvements to
infrastructure (better sanitation)

Lack of natural resources - high demand on

surrounding resources (water, forests, soil
erosion, etc)

Access to diverse transportation options you dont have to rely on having a drivers
license. People with disabilities or those who
dont drive for other reasons can take the
bus, subway, train.


More transportation options = reduces price

of transportation. No need to invest in car,
services, or parking.

Crowded & congested living spaces

Social interaction increase - lots of different

people in your area to network with.

High crime rates

Convenience. Everything you need

concentrated in one area.

Poor cleanliness & sanitation - dirty streets.

Public transportation as only feasible option
- relying on public transits schedule,
effeciency, and routes.

High cost of living (apartments, food)

Extra time to get to and from places - due to

transportation ineffeciencies or congestion
(ie: crossing the street in Tokyo taking 10-15
Increased pressure on infrastructure &
services (roads, bridges, healthcare, social

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