Ewcreflection 2

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To Kill A Mockingbird Final Essay Reflection

In my English class, we were assigned a literary analysis essay on a

book we had recently read. We had recently finished reading To Kill A
Mockingbird By Harper Lee, and were given the prompt of identifying and
explaining the different influences on the life of Scout (the main character)
throughout the book. I used my Effective Oral Communication skill because
I was able to make my points clear and quote the book with efficiency. This
was not my best paper, earning me a B+, but it shows improvement over
my earlier works. I also have a reputation for not using graphic organizers
to their full extent and poorly planning my essays. In the future, I plan to
proofread my work better, make sure all the small details of my final
product are smoothed out, and plan out my essays more thoroughly.

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