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Who would be the

audience for your
media product?

By Elena Middlicott

GraphWhat is your Gender?





This is the percentage of females and males which are our target
audience from our survey. The percentage shows 78% are females and
22% are male, showing we need to target females more than we do
males but they still need to targeted in a small aspect.


Teenage girls between 15-21

Thriller links to our

Target Audience:
A main female protagonist.
Sensitive and in touch with her emotions as females are
stereotyped to be.
Healthy and normal body weight/BMI of character- linking to
realistic size of real women- natural- unmodified
On trend with clothing as she is in dark colours which is a
popular trend with teens at this current point.
The protagonist also has accessories like earrings and
bracelets, linking to teens who add items to assist their
The protagonist relates to age- she is 17 years old and
within the age range we are targeting, also the age in which
schizophrenia is most likely to happen- between 15 and 35

Teenage Girls- (15-21)

The main target audience in which we are appealing to is teenage girls who are between the
age to 15- 21 as there is mild swearing from the character. However, the storyline is also very
sensitive as she is struggling with mental health issues, therefore someone of a more mature
age is best to watch it in order to understand and know the severity of the condition. The idea
also suggest suicide, but is a little vague but the pills may also suggest the idea of them being
her medication to take in order to get better and recover to a normal state. Additionally, the
way that this thriller appeals to Teenage girls is the main factor that protagonist is a female
character who is 17 years old, falling into the age bracket of the years that we are trying to
target. Although, there is some skin of the girl on show, this therefore could also appeal to
teenage boys, who stereotypically like females and desire for her body. The character is also of
a healthy, normal weight. Showing, that boys like girls who are thin. In contrast, this is a great
role-model to girls who within the media are felt more pressured to be very thin and pet, when
in fact our thriller portrays a healthy weight to look up to, reassuring girls on there on body
shape. We also found that using a female model was much better as girls react to both sexes
and boys on react to girls in footage , like films. Therefore , using a female protagonist we are
able to link effectively with boys and girls, but girls is more of our specific area that we want to
target. Our thriller is very in touch with emotions, stereotypically in which girls are more open
about, applying to females more than males. But, to subvert this idea we want to open our
thriller beyond females to portray to men that it is okay to be open about your emotions, but
also the fact that this condition affects those who are between 15 to 35 but it also affects both
females and males equally. Reinforcing, that this condition doesnt just affect females but also
males. To subverts the stereotypes further we could of portrayed a male character with the
same condition, but this would appeal even more to females and far less to males as they tend
to only recognise females. To conclude, the female role is what appeals most to females but
also may appeal to men too.

Other Target Audience:

Gay Teenage boys between 15 to 21


Within our questionnaire the question what kind of things

do you look for in thrillers was asked and this was the
feedback from our target audience. Most of them wanted
something that builds tension which I feel will have
provided through not giving to much information away and
with holding the identity of the character for a little while.
However, of them ask for action thriller which I feel we
haven't achieved as it is more psychological thriller which
only one of target audience asking for specifically in the

The clich areas that our target audience specified was

mainly stalker type thrillers which I feel that we have
subverted completely, creating a more interesting
outcome. However, our thriller is very clever in the sense
that it doesnt distinguish if she is committing suicide or
trying to take tablets to overcome the illness. Therefore,
if it is suicide she is dying in a different way rather than
being killed or stabbed. Therefore, subverting what is
also stereotypically seen by our target audience. Finally,
the music that we have used in our thriller I feel is
different and relates well to our theme, although we
have added other music elements which I feel really
makes our thriller different and much more interesting .

Used a ethnic character or with strong

religious beliefs, linking to those who are
religious or other racial backgrounds.

To improve:
Use a male actor alongside our
actress, portraying the condition
through a female and male rolelinking the idea that condition
affects women and men equally.

Used a variety of actors- looking

at more than one persons life
coping with schizophrenia.

To improve:
Show more manic behavioure.g. throwing things or as she
is rather calm and erratic
behaviour may portray the
condition further.

Darken the lighting further throughout the

footage- creating stronger shadow and
darken the mood of thriller further.

Use more special effects to

ensure audience know that
the sins are in her head- use
an effect that portrays a
dream like quality or
hallucination effect.

Use more interesting shots- such as birds eye view to

make the character seem small and worms eye view
shots with the sins to show higher authority over the

To conclude , in order to improve or extend the opening further these elements I feel need to be
applied. However, we were limited on money with no budget and using money from our own pockets,
alongside limited on software. If we had more accessible software of higher or modern quality, the
outcome may have been different. In addition, we also had limited time- with more filming time without
having to reach a deadline we could have found more actors rather than isolating the idea to one and
expand the idea further, that are reliable rather than letting us down- the reason we isolated the idea
to one character. Overall, these areas would expand the opening into a high-end thriller instead of a
British isolated thriller film.

Other films:
All of these films are based on people who suffer from
schizophrenia. Although, they are all portrayed
differently, the way that they link is the fact they all
suffer with a mental illness. However, I never promised
a rose garden, Canvas and 15 Park Avenue are all
female protagonist roles and look at how they are
suffering with the condition. In contrast, they all look at
the side effects of the condition and how others perceive
the condition, including family, friends and even
strangers, like in The Soloist which looks at a homeless
man who befriends a white man, but the Homeless man
has Schizophrenia. This film is the biggest contrast
between ours as we have displayed no racial identity
other than white race, as well as we have also used no
male characters within our thriller, showing less appeal to
men. In conclusion, we could have portrayed a male
character instead of female or used a black actress.
However, the character does have a tanned skin,
therefore linking to race in a small aspect. In subversion
to this we linked heavy with the other films being female
dominated, although they portray family support where
as our character portrays no support. This is similar to I
never promised you a rose garden, she also is a state of
bizarre fantasy realm, which is what are character is in,
struggling to distinguish between this and reality. Overall,
this film is very much similar to our idea, but the
character eventually can tell between reality and fantasy,
but will our character be able to eventually?

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