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Be til 4 Clic BOS DB , we ‘Welcone again to another issue of A DISCORDIAN DIRECTORY. Mnost 2 year bes passed between issues, and the forces of chaos in the air serit a new edition. How soon the next ‘issue of ADD cones out is up to you. Send me contributions of nexs, ads, money, mail art, frop, etc, Whining requests ica ee a aineeetaes rier e eee straage Yourselt. Several people have asked what B.1.1.C.6. js... It stands for Bavarian Illuninati Teanessee Chapter Headquarters, vhich is located in Kentucky to coofuse the Conspiracy. Sometime in 1990 this office will be publishing THE JOURNAL OF SURREALIST RESEARCH, which will publish acorn papers dealing vith Surrealist, Discordian, Subenivs, Chaos P.O. Box 23061 Kaezville TN 37933-1061 USA Yagick, Chaos Science, paranornal, and such diseased topics Witer's guidelines vill be supplied to anyone interested, Write to: JEFFREY SCOTT HOLLAND, 302 MARTIN ORIVE, RICHAOND, KY, 40475. M1 Hail Digcordia, Hail Bris. Faord. Bte., etc. of the SubGenius — — P.o.Box 10026. DALLAS, TX 752+ $850 t0:) Kallisti Productions Box 434 M.P_O.” Niagra 7 402° “The British Empire(Ovartand ive Summary : Covert) is the Cen eno- Saint Nera ct kexaeies menon of World History Since Dedicated w lensing te Nature of the Decline of the Vatican’ 1 seers ‘ esearch ¢ P.O. Box 20273 « Ferndale, Ml 48220 A, [ © Te Ae eee , wie ‘. a ORR a EE The home of Otis worshi) node in the network of that's out there "Funny only if you have the wit to get it. ir Direct i per a ea : ‘ithe Intergalactic House of Fruitcakes 2 POB 235 Williamstown MA 01267-0235 FAMOUS HITCH-HIKER BUBBLE GUM CARD #4 Here's what THE STARK FIST OF REMOVAL Genius (Box 140306, Dallas, TX 75214) says about this famous hitch-hiker1 St. KERRY WENDELL sHORNLEY——> Guinci OP THE ANARCHIST AVATAR (neo inna a faitearizcte vaso Ah FERMANENT UNIVERSAL RENT-STRIKE EXCHANGE j TAISSES PATRE SOCIALIS® PARTY, SPARE CHAlt FERS? COMMERCIAL EVANGELICAL ERISIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OP THE SURGENIUS, etc.) Send at least $1 for aay sheaves of info. How's this for eredeqtiaio: SHORNLEY 15 ONE OF ‘HE LEGENDARY POUNDERS OF THE-DISCORDIANS, WAS IEE HARVEY OSMALD'S BUDDY IN THE MARITZS, BND 3AS A MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. ovED WITH BY tHE CONSPIRACY." And he writes about it gf all — and everything else — in rant after E rant, all of which you MUST READ if you wich fo KILL AUTHORITY, “Thornley ia dead eersous Tut Leaves it up to you to figure out 1s SAY Sepact’op etn onuren heats thitered down to you yet, tut if will Fe urge you to Hest ahetet contact’: tou 00 to thy Jona Ps Kennedy CAN" YOU TAKE 122% 0 “ SPARE CHANGE * BOX S498 ATLANTA, GA. * 30307 NATIONAL IMPORT! 236K West Manchester Ave. 3 Los Angeles, CA 90003 ’ (213) 778-2231 ‘Send $1.00 fr 270 PAGE CATALDG of candies, Jewelry, herbs, Incense, tapes, cards, books, magical & spiritual supplies! conspiracy PROPAGANDA Se ROBERT ANTON WILSON TneHeAD evoLUtiON Eitri Lene ‘The New Inquisition. $10.00 ppd. By SA. OFFeRs a VARIETY OF LECTURE ANO MUSIC TAPES CL BV such ansTs £5 Sako SONEW'TS MARGOT "ADLER. SELENA FOX ANO laN CORRIGAN WAITE FOR FAEE CATALOGUE | TES RPLREN Rael? HAPREN EN hataramenars He Rose 510.00 ppd. ‘THE ASSOCIATION FOR CONSCIOUSNESS EXPLORATION 1643 LEE ROAD, ROOM 9 CLEVELANDHTS., OHIO 44118 GARTH DANIELSON AAA-AARDVARK \CHURCH OF SALES 2832 PARK AVE. S. #4 MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55407 Send a dollar to AME HENDERSON DECK, LIT fraitage Drive, Richeond,X¥, 40475 for twisted visions and weird words. LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED Publishers & Sellers of Unusual Books PO Box 1197 Port Townsend, WA 98368 US.A. HERMETIC. Cerda OF THE GOLDEN ECT Pye aaa © TEMPLE [NITIATION © GRADED CURRICULUM © MONTHLY RITUAL Local or Out-of-Area Students PO, Box 5461 + Santa Monica, CA 90405 THE DILLINGER RELIC This is a { Science Fiction Newsletter by Arthur D. Hlavaty and his mental ward cast. Asthurwrites in dfary form, which adds © friendly narrative siyeto his reviews of the varied conferences he partci- pates in all over the U.S. He tatks about The Intemational Conference CLASSIC’T RI poe of the Fantastic in the arts in Fort conspin acy ¥ e W/IELA RA Lauderdale and The Contraption con Ee, in Detroit in is latest issue. He also cen reviews SF books as well, Available for $1, arranged trade, or letter of comment, Arthur D. lavaty, P.O. Box 52028, Durham, NC 27717 os Ba PrcacienS enews 2 Bene Hroscie-eoeekTe neteccousn MUWon etasbict “Lene am maxrngeake funy ways A buraltito FouesT’ ere Tavumnce $3 Paces, ¥6.95 rosreato “RODRESS BOB BLACK ‘ PO, BOX 2159 occurred sitce the Last ADD, First and foretost, ve were shocked to hear that KALLISTI magazine decided 88 y to call it quits, ws.Grimn & Kray sj are still at POB 19566, Cincinnati, 2:8 a eX Sane eG Cee GH, 45929 and st3)) have sone back Ss " occu Ssswes, I think. Bab Black is nov tel Rie Gaddis of Cites ew AGE, MYSTIC ARTS. a Woe 2d io this issue), PRS cea WITCIICRAFT, VOODOO TREE PRESS died and theo cape back | : Thovsonds of anusval items to lite sioce the last 00. They're #43 noe _ Still $2 to PPP, POB 55223, Tulsa a yovnsed Sore Mya Arte OK, TASS. Bott PHOSPHORUS’ FLOUELSH I Books, herb, els gareshe and CONTROLLED ABIADON are defunct, EER i MANY intiging cleat, $1.00 By {E FMLSE POSITIVE is dead, but its ety NEM Kirn Tost elivory, $2.00 attspring, HOOKS, is thrivinglste ad) x eee eee reece 3 Razed Ninneopain MH 85417 be Se nn eee 2-8 Diabolos Graphics €xchange Gone ano MUCH, MUCH MonE — THE PERFECT ARCHIVE FOR PUBLISHERS OF DEATHZINES AND STUDENTS OF THE MACABRE. CHOOSE PROM OUR REPOSITORY OF SICKNESS. ‘We've cot : Generic MuTaTIon, CANNIBALISM, PLastic SURGERY, Skin Disease, Coroner's Puozos, Funewal ART, Vicrontana, Vampirism, Mass Munper, GENocIDE, Torture, Guosts, WitcacrsrT, PARANORMAL” Puenomen#, Horrox & Sptarrer, Movie Struts, Hicuway Parrou Accwenr Puoros, SATANISM, Escuarorocy, Forsidew LireraTunt, TERATA, AND SrRANcE Suicives. INSIDE, JOKE ! ¢/o Elayne Wechsler P.O, Box 1609 Madison Square Station Kew York, NY 10159 STRENGTH THROUGH JOY. P.O. BOK 1856. 582 SEATTLE, WA, 98111-1856 HARSH REALITY MUSIC P.O.BOX 241661 ‘MEMPHIS, TN 30124-1661 THE LARGEST LIBRARY ON DEATH AND RELATED SUBJECTS WW THE WORLD. Senp $6°° (PPD) ror six sussects (Ptease BE srectric) To: D.G.E. — P.O. Box 4527, Portiann, Onzcon 97208. 11” x 17” Posters AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. + HE chins F BOBS INTERNATIONAL, The oraniation or 8 LE people named Bob Teeshinorsweashin. fami: 3 Bobs Gallery, penis, newsleers. muck more a). Route 1, Bo) | 93-5567. Any 5. issues $1 Packrat Press Box 5498 Atlanta, GA 30307 Ue INTERKASIONNL Ss @ newsletter Teligated to the, exploration ef hauntings and the searen for res} Vanpires. For avsanpie issue yeu Sonacnd $1-00 tor TLC INTERNAT fonads P.O. Bex 020261, Staten 1SuaN, ev. 10902-0005, “Tam an anarchist! Wherefore 1 will Not rule, and also ruled I will not bel” —John Henry Mackay yuo Tae BYL Grove PACIFICA Satacuansanis MU, ‘QUESTION: We When striking a golf ball most Golfers wre thinking of just one Wats Tis ‘or two things. What are you ne 2 vis PL OF a 9 NICE 89, PD 4 x 305, Outen, tn ose, Peter J, Carol's PSYCHONAIT, EP 8, VG, Test | em desartsk, Vit: ES santa Galas, and | evevore in AD, ‘AAractically 4 ceerrting else, rague Coyote's Strange Little Bag of Tricks thinking of when you look a the eye and with past and future lives? “ANSWER: Itisatong shot tobelivinginthe IP first tew decades of eternal lite ind iis equally chancy and nonsensical that the grave shouldbe the end eepectally when you are the sole possersor ef the richest expe- | Fence this world has to offer- Sena'Sacs.c, to 4 WAY HEREDEFORES. Box 2288 YOUNGSTOWN OHIO, 44504 person straigh! ‘equate tl soontss Bax 45272. Seal. 7819F- Publisher, DshuriQuetleeal, Productions and BAVA.» Pacifica Productions Editor in-Chiel BL. Pacifica Producsions een TOCA HAK(GY Kee 4 SHARP HAH) & — LOOKOUT tty F BMwminati are Hitt EVERYWHERE ty Got A Now MEMBER? HL ASK WIM! =I ( fyresceeceerceesencecsrane ze KODKS Magazine PD, Box 953 d fH Allston, MA 02134 (#2, seven Wonders of Kookdom:; Donna Hy Kossy’s First Kook; Christian Technocracy; Magne BiURCINER SEAUSSHLAB He Tit tf Jee i CHOTA 2379 Windsor Street Halifax, Nova Scotia Ht Devil's Alphabet; Reviews, ! Canada eal 83k $07 t+ +3; Eclectoplasm From Space; Archive of ee Se ee rere Hepp) Useless Research; Mr. Science vs. the Jesii: 1The Rine Unknown Mew Historical Kookdorn. 90 Minutes of Music & Tourn oe single and back issues: $3 Join the CONSPIRACY & subscriptions: 4 issues/$12 Buy a Cassette Please add $1 postage per order in the U.S., | Only $8.00 Gets You The Knowledge $2 in Canada, $3 overseas. To Rule The World! “Initiation” GP where et Checks payable to Donna Kossy. Suclometcom For a complete price list and description of 2 Robert Rabinowitz = FNORDES® pack issues of FALSE POSITIVE MAGAZINE, ; 156 18th Street pamphlets, full-color postcards, and the new

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