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Steps it takes to become a mechanic

Justin Crandall


w hat is a autom otive m echanic?

An automotive mechanic is someone

who goes to fix broken down

Skills you need to know is how to
take apart and replace the parts.
Having to re build parts and
exchange parts
It would be better to know what your
doing before you do it.

Schoolrecom m endations
You must have graduated from High

On the job training will be there if
Help out at a junk yard taking parts
off cars.
Classes for this job can be taken at
community colleges, vocational
colleges, technical institutes and

M ore on schooling
You would take on both classroom

activities and hands on activities.

Certification is not required but they
would rather hire someone who is
certified by the Automotive service
excellence or the ASE.

Activities that help

Taking care of your own car.

Changing/ checking the oil. Changing

the tires and brakes.
Modern things to help your car stay
running is a way to learn prior

The m oney w e m ake

Average mechanics can make

$51,000 - $64,000
Diesel mechanics make $20 dollars
an hour and an average of $110,000
per year

Typicalday in life
A typical day in the life of a

mechanic, would be to get up early

In the morning drive to work. Get to
work and get busy. Taking apart the
part that needs to be fixed and try
and get it fixed as fast as possible.

A fam ous dieselm echanic

Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel

Just by the name alone I would think

he is the man behind Diesel engines.
He is the gentleman who created
diesel engines and other diesel tool.

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