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The mahogany table by Sylvia Townsend warner

SUMMARY The short story tells us about the life of an old woman, Letitia Foley.
She had a twin sister, Cecily Foley. During their childhood times, they used to
always play under the mahogany table that they inherited from their parents.
They lived together in a small villa. Cecily got married to a Californian man,
Dexter. After getting married, Cecily left Letitia alone. Cecily did not take the
mahogany table along with her but she left it to Letitia because her husband kept
many furniture already.
Letitia was glad to get to keep the mahogany table because it reminded her of
sweet memories she had gone through with her family. Letitia alternately wrote
to Cecily and Cecilys letters came intermittently. She told Letitia about her
daughter. The next letter to Letitia came from Dexters mother saying that Cecily
died in a road accident and Dexter had taken an overdose. Letitia continued her
lonely life till she died.
Sylvia Townsend Warner was portrayed as Letitia Foley meanwhile her lover,
Valentine Ackland was portrayed as Cecily Foley in the story. This can be proved
as in real life, Sylvia was in a special relationship with Valentine. Meanwhile
Letitia and Cecily are twins. There is a relation between the characters and
Sylvias life.
Sylvia & Valentine
This was obviously shown when Letitia lost her sister, Cecily as Cecily was
killed in a car accident. In real life, Sylvia lost Valentine as she died due to
serious breast cancer. As a result, Letitia tried her best to move on her life and
same goes to Sylvia but in a different way. The next letter came from Dexters
mother. Cecily had been killed in a road accident; Dexter had taken an
overdose. Real life : As Valentine died, Sylvia managed to live for another nine
years, dying on May, 1978
MEN SHOULD BE STRONGER THAN WOMEN Men are synonym with the terms like
strong, masculine, and rational. In this story, men were indirectly portrayed as a
weaker character thanwomen. Dexter, Cecilys husband who was had takenan
overdose due to Cecilys death. His action showedthat he cannot face the
problem. As a man, he should able to accept the fact of his wifes death instead
of taking such action. Although he loved Cecily too much, he should be able to
consider about the consequences of his action, furthermore he still have a
daughter to be raised up.The next letter came from Dexters mother. Cecily had
been killed in a road accident; Dexter had taken an overdose pg 26 paragraph 1
While Letitia, a woman who was the closest sibling to Cecily, though she had lost
hers identical twin twice ( Cecilys marriage and death), she did not take the
irrational action such Dexter did. She stillable to carry on her life although it
would not be the same anymore. She managed to handle thesituation by make

herself busy by doing housework.So that she will forget about the problem
temporarily.She died but the death was not due to her irrational action but it was
an accident. By half-past eleven I have finished the housework and have the
rest of the day before me to do as I please in. I never find time heavy on
myhands; there is always something to do, polishing, or mending, ironing,
spraying the window-plants , turning out cupboard ;there is always something
interesting to do and always something interesting to do page 24 paragraph 1
line 3-7
In this story, women were seen as someone whoappreciate something that was
memorable to them. Letitia kept the mahogany table because she feltthat the
mahogany table gave a lot of memories for her and Cecily. The mahogany table
kept their childhood memories. But for Dexter, he was not concerned on Cecilys
memories about the table instead saying that he was already swarmed with
furniture he calls missionary. The invitation ripped open Letitias sense of injury.
Will you be taking the mahogany table? She asked. The words were not sooner
out hermouth than she blushed for them. Cecily appeared to consider. Dear old
thing no, I dont think so. Dexter swarms with furniture he calls missionary
MARRIAGES We can see the culture a wife of following the husband after getting
married. In the short story, Cecily Foley moved with her husband his house after
she became Dexters wife. As though she were speaking a part in a play she told
Letitia that everything was settled, that she had never been so happy in her life,
that as soon as Dexters new leg had settled in they would marry and leave for
INHERIT FAMILYS PROPERTIES The inheritance of familys properties. In the
short story, Letitia and Cecily received their late parents property. The got all the
furnitures in the house including the mahogany table that they think was the
most valuable to them. When she and Cecily set up house together after the
parents were dead, Cecily had insisted on the mahogany table. Neither of them
wanted the tallboys; but as belated twins at the end of a long family they had to
take what was allotted and be grateful of it.
CHILDHOOD MEMORIES The mahogany table brings happiness to Letitia and
Cecily after their parents died as it is the only thing that being inherited from
their parents. Letitia and Cecily tend to play with the mahogany table during
their childhood times. none of the rich fruit-like glow of the mahogany table
under which she and Cecily used to play houses.
IRONY OF THE MAHOGANY TABLE At first, the mahogany table brings happiness
in Letitia and Cecilys life. Ironically, the mahogany table brings sadness to Letitia
in the end of the story when she died under it as the leg of the table broke when
she tried to stand but she panicked as her leg cramped and thus the table fall
over her.none of the rich fruit-like glow of the mahogany table under which
she and Cecily used to play houses. she must get onto her knees, for that
she must have something to haul on. Still sitting, she writhed about directionless

till she felt a table legit reeled away from her, the flap of the table fell, and
knocked her senseless.

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