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Steven Vallejo

History 1
November 9, 2012
How Democratic Were The 13 Colonies??
The 13 colonies were somewhat democratic. In evidence L, William Penn promised to
the settlers that there was going to be democracy in America. In evidence M, New Yorks rich
landlords approved of the Dukes approach to governing his colony. Farmers, fishermen and
trades people did not. The 13 colonies were somewhat democratic. Not everybody shared the
same opinion.

The 13 colonies were somewhat democratic. Evidence B states that In many ways the
colonies were more democratic than England. Still, not all the colonists had a voice in the
government, usually, only free, white land owning men were allowed to vote. In some colonies,
voter also had to the preferred church. Other colonists- including women and, secants, and
slaves and skilled tradesmen who were not landowners- had no voting rights. This evidence
connects L and M it shows that the 13 colonies were somewhat democratic because its more
democratic than England but they still have slaves. So it doesnt make it entirely democratic.

In evidence G it states there is freedom for some but slavery for others. So was to
compare the 13 colonies with England, the 13 colonies are more democratic. In evidence N it
shows that there were opportunities for everybody. In evidence N it states convert wanted to
start a colony founded on religious freedom where there would not only be a good life, but also
a prosperous one for those bold enough to take the risk. People did have a chance for a

prosperous life.

Democracy means government by the people; a form of government in which the

supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agent
under a free system. All these people came to the 13 colonies to get better opportunities. They
escaped England to escape the strong religious they came to spread and practice their religion
freely. They were building up to a democracy.

In conclusion I do think that the 13 colonies were somewhat democratic. William Penn
promised to settlers democracy in America (evidence L). In New York not everybody agreed
with some governing in the colony (evidence M). Landowning men were like the only ones to
have the right to vote (evidence B). Evidence G states how there will be freedom for some but
slavery for others. In evidence N there was going to be opportunities for the people bold
enough. There were opportunities for people and people had a little more freedom than they did
while in England which makes me think the 13 colonies were somewhat democratic.

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