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Mooring 1

Lindsay Mooring
UWRT 1102-041
Inquiry Proposal
Professor Ropko
23 February 2016
The Unforeseeable Future of College Admissions
College admissions is a stressful process for high school seniors. Could it be possible to
eliminate part of that stress? Ideas and new perspectives on the requirements for college
admissions have been popping up everywhere within the past couple of years. Some schools
have decided to make major tests optional for incoming students to submit. I want to know what
changes could be coming and how will it affect future college students and the colleges they are
applying to.
It may seem silly for me to be looking at college admissions as a freshman in college.
However, I want to know how different the future college admissions process will be from the
one I experienced. I wonder how this will affect my children. I also find it interesting that some
programs and majors are becoming more and more popular. Will anything be added or required
to get into these programs? The college admissions process affects future students, their parents,
and the college itself.
Currently, I know that college admissions are becoming more popular with the recent
changes at some colleges and universities. For example, some colleges are not requiring students
to submit their SAT or ACT scores. If students did not have to worry about perfecting these

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scores, the admissions process would be less stressful. These colleges are focusing on the future
students high school GPA, community service, and essays. I also know that some universities set
up in-person and phone interviews for students trying to get into a certain program or major.
I would love to learn about how colleges are implementing new ways to the college
admissions process. I want to know if they have phone or in-person interviews. I hope to
research more about how college rate their applicants if SAT and ACT scores are not required. I
want to learn more about how this change will affect future applicants. Will more students apply
to more schools if they knew it was a personal process? I wonder if we could look at colleges
and universities in other countries to see how they measure their applicants. I also want to know
what would be the advantages and disadvantages to keeping the admissions requirements the
same. Many questions arise from the evolution and change of the college admissions process.`
Although it is several years into the future, I want to know how these changes will affect
my children. I hope that it will be less stressful for them than it was for me. It is evident that the
college admissions process will be drastically different five to ten years from now. I think it will
be interesting to see what works and measures a student accurately with the new ideas that
surround this topic.

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