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Geometric mean based job scheduling


Geometric Mean Based Prioritized Multi Queue Job Scheduling in

Cloud Computing

Submitted By
Neha Ashishkumar Thaker

Supervised By
Ms.Jasmine Jha
Asst.Prof.,PG Dept.

Cloud computing is one of the latest technologies which are very popular now days in
IT industries and it will continue in developing phase until computers and internet era
is in existence. While dealing with cloud computing, a number of issues are
confronted like heavy load or traffic while computation. Job scheduling is one of the
answers to these issues. It is the process of mapping task to available resource. The
goal of cloud job scheduling is to achieve high system throughput and to allocate
various computing resources to applications. The Complexness of scheduling problem
increases with the size of the task and becomes highly difficult to solve effectively.
For the solution of this I will try to improve the multi queue job scheduling by using
geometric mean based prioritized multi queue job scheduling.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Job Scheduling, Multi Queue Scheduling Algorithm,


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