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English Language I

September 2014

Unit 1
to manage /mn/, v.
to take care or charge of; to handle, direct,
govern or control in action or use
to have control over something (business,
department, sports team, etc.)
to take care of and make decisions about
(someones time, money, etc.)
to direct the professional career of
(someone, such as an entertainer or

Unit 1
management /mnmnt/, n.

the act or skill of controlling and making

decissions about a business, department,
sport team, etc.
the people who make decisions about a
business, department, sport team, etc.

Unit 1
manager /mn/, n.
someone who is in charge of a business,
department, etc.
someone who directs the professional
career of an entertainer or athlete

manageress /mnrs/, n.

Unit 1
managerial /mnirijl/, adj.
relating to the skill or process of controlling
and making decissions about a business or
of or relating to a manager or group of

Unit 1
as ... as

poreenje jednakosti

We use as ... as to say that two people or

things are equal in some way.

Shes as tall as her brother.

Is it as good as you expected?

Unit 1
to organize /ognaz/, v.
to arrange and plan

organizer /ognaz/, n.

Unit 1
businessman /bznsmn/, n.
a man who works in business especially in a
high position
a man who is dealing with business and
financial matters
entrepreneur /:ntrprn/, n.
a person who starts a business and is willing to
risk loss in order to make money

Unit 1

What are the differences between a

businessman, a manager and an

Unit 1
to complain /kmplen/, v.

complaint /kmplent/, n.

complainant /kmplennt/, n.

Unit 1
whether... or
It doesnt matter whether ... or

Whether we go by bus or train, itll

take at least six hours.

Well have to pay the same for the

hotel room, whether we leave today
or stay till the end of the week.

Unit 1
to bankrupt /bkrpt/, v.

bankrupt /bkrpt/, n.

bankruptcy /bkrptsi/, n.

Unit 1
employee / mploi:/, n. - a person who
works for another person or for a company
for wages or a salary

employer / mploj/, n. - a person or

company that has people who do work for
wages or a salary

Unit 1

Homework: Mastering English, page 7 10

Simple Present Tense

I speak

we speak

you speak

you speak

he/she/it speaks

they speak

Do you speak?
Does he speak?
You dont speak...
He doesnt speak...

Simple Present Tense


Za izraavanje optepoznatih injenica, u poslovicama, i sl.

(general truth)
The earth moves round the sun.


Za radnju koja se deava/ponavlja po nekom ustaljenom

redoslijedu, ili navici i obiaju
I come to the class every day.
He always sleeps with his window open.

* Priloke odredbe za vrijeme: always, never, sometimes, usually,

often, in spring/winter..., on Mondays, on Tuesdays, every

Simple Present Tense

3. Za izraavanje budue radnje o kojoj je

odluka ve donijeta

My train leaves at 6.30.

He sets sails tomorrow, and comes back
next month.
4. Za izraavanje budue radnje, poslije:

when, until, provided, if, as soon as, while

Dont write until I tell you.

Present Continuous
I am going

We are going

You are going

You are going

He/she/it is going

They are going

I am going out.
Are you going out?
I am not going out.

Present Continuous
1. Koristi se da opie radnju koja je u toku ba u trenutku
kada se o njoj govori
What are you doing?
I am reading a book.
The sun is shining.
2. Za radnju koja e se desiti u tzv. bliskoj budunosti, a
posebno uz glagole kretanja (leave, come, go) i uz
odgovarajue odredbe za vrijeme: tomorrow, this
evening, next week
We are going to Paris on Friday; we are leaving from London
John is coming here next week and is staying here until August.
What are you doing next Saturday?

Present Continuous
3. Za radnju koja nije u toku u trenutku govora o njoj ali je
aktuelna u tom period
Is my son working hard this term? Yes, he is trying his best now.
Are you negotiating with your partner from London?
* Po pravilu, postoje glagoli koji se ne javljaju u sadanjem trajnom
vremenu, kao to su, npr. glagoli percepcije see, hear, feel, taste,
smell, i sl. Tu su takoe i glagoli kao to su: like, love, understand,
cost, te modalni glagoli: can, may, must, need, i sl.
U izuzetnim sluajevima kada je neki od ovih glagola upotrebljen u
Present Continuous Tense, on ima znaenje koje je drugaije od
njegovog osnovnog znaenja.
I am seeing Margaret tomorrow. / seeing meeting, visiting
I am not hearing as well as I used to. / hearing my sense of
hearing is not as good as it used to be

Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous
Trajno vrijeme se koristi da opie radnju koja traje
odreeni vremenski
period ali koja e se prije ili
kasnije zavriti, a ako je radnja, po svojoj prirodi
trajna (stalna) koristi se Simple Present Tense.
Where does Henry work? in his permanent job
Where is Henry working at present? his temporary
Westminster Bridge crosses the Thames near the
House of
Parliament. permanent
Our bus is now crossing the Thames at Westminster
Bridge. temporary

Homework: Mastering English, page 11 12

Mastering English, page 15 - 17

Indefinite Article: a/an

Koristimo ga samo uz brojive imenice u jednini:
1. Sa znaenjem jedan, neki, bilo koji:
I have a sister and two brothers.
Please pass me a fork.
A triangle has three sides.
2. U odreenim izrazima za mjeru:
He drove the car at ninety miles an hour.
We have lessons three times a week.
He earns 1,000 a year.
3. Ispred dozen, hundred, thousand, million
There are a dozen eggs here.
A hundred sheep were in the field.

Indefinite Article: a/an

4. Ispred imenica koje oznaavaju zanimanje, religiju, klasu, i sl.
George wants to be an engineer.
Her father is an officer.
5. Sa znaenjem neki, izvjesni
A Mr. Johnson called to see you when you were out.
(A has the meaning I have no idea who he is, but he said
his name was Mr. Johnson)
6. U usklinim reenicama koje poinju sa rijei what, gdje je
imenica brojiva i u jednini
What a foolish thing to do!
What a pretty girl!
What a day!

Definite Article: the

Koristi se:
1. Ispred imenice koja je definisana (objanjena) u nastavku reenice
This is the book I promised to lend you.
2. Sa znaenjem jedan i jedini (the only one), kada je neto samo
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
3. Sa znaenjem the one we have just spoken about
Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived in a cottage. The
cottage was in the country and the boy had lived there all his life.
4. Ispred rednih brojeva
Queen Elizabeth II (the second), the first

Definite Article: the

5. Ispred imena drava koje se unija manjih drava ili onih koje imaju
oblik mnoine
the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Sudan, the
6. Ispred grupe ostrva
the West Indies, the Bahamas
7. Ispred imena rijeka, okeana i planinskih vijenaca
the Danube, the Atlantic, the Alps, the Andes
8. Ispred naziva brodova, aviona i vozova
the Queen Mary, the Flying Scotsman, the Comet
9. Ispred naziva hotela, pozorita, bioskopa, muzeja i drugih institucija
the Ritz Hotel, the Odeon Cinema, the Midland Bank

Definite Article: the

10. Ispred imenica kojima generalizujemo vrstu
The horse is being replaced by the tractor.
11. Ispred naziva muzikih instrumenata, generalno
Mrs. Priestly plays the piano, and Mr. Priestly is learning
the violin.
12. Ispred superlative pridjeva
This is the oldest building in town.
13. Ispred naziva novena
The Sunday Times
14. The Hague

Homework: Mastering English, page 117


Word Building: reconsider reconsider

razmotriti ponovo razmotriti

write rewrite

napisati ponovo napisati

sale resale

prodaja ponovna prodaja

print reprint

odtampati pretampati

open reopen

otvoriti ponovo otvoriti

make remake
fit refit

napraviti ponovo napraviti,

opremiti ponovo opremiti

order reorder

naruiti ponovo naruiti

cycle recycle

ponovo upotrebiti

Word Building: re Will you reconsider our offer?

The teacher asked him to rewrite the essay.
He buys baseball collectibles and then holds them for resale.
She gave permission to reprint her article.
The restaurant will reopen in April.
They will be remaking the film with American actors.
Theyre refitting the building with hardwood floors.
I had to reorder the shirt because they sent the wrong size.
Theyre studying various ways to recycle garbage into fuel.

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