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By: Krista Ruggiero

In 2014 citizens of Venezuela began to protest because of
the current president Nicols Maduro's administration.
While the student movement has organized this uprising,
many Venezuelans have taken to the streets to voice their
objections against the country's high levels of violent
crime, inflation, and the increasing scarcity of basic
Major social and economic problems have fueled the
protests. But as the demonstrations gained steam,
officials have pointed fingers at other factors and accused
the United States of plotting to destabilize the


Many believe that the economic and political issues began in the 90s
when Hugo Chavez became president and escalated into Nicolas
Maduros presidency.


Chavez was aVenezuelan politician and thePresident of
Venezuela between 1999 and his death in 2013.
Applied social programs known as theBolivarian
Missionto expand access to food, housing, healthcare,
and education. This led to improvements in areas such as
poverty, literacy, income equality, and quality of life.
Chvez's presidency also saw significant increases in the
country's murder rate and corruption within the police
force and government. His use ofenabling actsand his
government's use ofBolivarian Propaganda was also

2001President Chavez appears on TV to explain
49 reform laws which his government has
introduced, including land and oil industry
reforms, under powers which did not require them
to be approved by the National Assembly.
2002National currency, the bolivar, plummets
25% against the US dollar after the government
scraps exchange rate controls.

2003Opposition delivers petition with more than three
million signatures demanding referendum on Chavez's rule.
Electoral body rejects petition saying it fails to meet technical
2003Second petition demanding referendum on rule of
Hugo Chavez is delivered. Opposition says it contains 3.4
million signatures.
2004 Several people are killed and many are injured in
clashes between opponents and supporters of President

2005President Chavez signs decree on land reform which aims to
eliminate Venezuela's large estates. President says land redistribution will
bring justice to rural poor; ranchers say move is an attack on private
2005Venezuela and 13 Caribbean states launch a regional oil company at
a summit in Caracas. Venezuela, a major producer, agrees to supply the
nations with cheap fuel. Critics accuse President Chavez of using oil to
increase diplomatic influence.
2006President Chavez signs a $3billion arms deal with Russia, including an
agreement to buy fighter jets and helicopters.
2006Hugo Chavez wins a third term in presidential elections with 63% of
the vote.

2007President Chavez announces that key energy and telecommunications
companies will be nationalized.
2007 President Chavez says 16 large farms have been seized for
redistribution under a land reform plan.
2007Government takes control of oil projects in the Orinoco Delta as part of
the nationalization drive.
2007Two leading US oil companies, Exxon Mobil and ConocoPhilips, refuse to
hand over majority control of their operations in the Orinoco Belt to the
Venezuelan government.
2007Mr Chavez suffers his first defeat at the ballot box, when voters in a
referendum narrowly reject proposals to extend his powers and accelerate his
socialist revolution.


2008Venezuela and Russia sign oil and gas
cooperation accord. Russian warplanes visit
Venezuela, with Russian warships heading there for
November joint exercises - first return of Russian navy
to Americas since Cold War.
Venezuela expels US ambassador in solidarity with
similar Bolivian move. US reciprocates.
Russia and Venezuela sign accord on joint civilian
nuclear cooperation.


Relations with Colombia begin to deteriorate again after plans are
announced to allow US troops to use Colombian military bases as
part of a drive to curb drug-trafficking.
The diplomatic row escalates after the Colombian government and
the US sign their long-trailed deal on the use of Colombia's military
bases. President Chavez orders 15,000 troops to the Colombian
border, citing increased violence by Colombian paramilitary groups.
2010President Chavez devalues the bolivar, by 17% against the
US dollar for "priority" imports and by 50% for items considered
non-essential, to boost revenue from oil exports.
Six TV channels taken off air for breaking rules on transmitting
government material.
Economy shrank by 5.8 % in last three months of 2009, according
to the central bank.

2010Mr Chavez visits Iran, where he and the Iranian president promise
to deepen their "strategic alliance" against US "imperialism".
2011Mr Chavez begins a year-long course of cancer treatment in Cuba
2011Government introduces price controls on many basic goods in an
attempt to curb the 27% annual inflation rate, one of the highest in the
world. Initial price controls on a few basic goods were imposed in 2003.
2012Government extends price controls on more basic goods in the
battle against inflation. President Chavez threatens to expropriate
companies that do not comply with the price controls.

Price controlscreated by the Venezuelan government had hurt businesses
and led to shortages
In 2013, as the country suffered from shortages of necessities such as
toilet paper, milk, and flour, Venezuela devalued its currency
Venezuela had the second highest inflation rate (56.20%) in the world for

Before becoming President, Nicolas Maduro was
Vice President for Chavez
After the death of Chavez on March 3, 2013,
Maduro became president.
On April 14, 2013 Nicolas Maduro won the
presidential election

In 2014, a series of protests, political demonstrations, and civil
insurrection began inVenezueladue to the country's high levels of
violence, inflation, and chronic shortages of basic goods attributed to
economic policies such as strict price controls.
In the first two months of 2014, nearly 3,000 people were murdered
10% more than in the previous year and 500% higher than when Hugo
Chvez first took office
9,286 protests occurred in 2014
Protests began to decrease at the end of 2014 then escalated in 2015
because if the lack of oil



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