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Chapter3 CT

1) A. First_Name
- lastName
B. -Sub (this is illegal because it is a reserved word)
-10var (starts with a digit)
-A-B (has a - which is used for subtraction operator)
-First Name (illegal because there is a space in between)

2) A. Dim numCards As Integer

numCards = 5
B. Dim numCards As Integer = 5

3) A. 13
B. 11
4) It allows the user to enter a value.

5) To convert data to a numeric variable so there is no error

6) A. Prompt

B. To describe the expected input from the user

7) A. Integer
B. Decimal
C. Integer
D. Double
E. Boolean

F. Char
8) A. Local
B. Its shows us that the value will appear when the button is pressed

9 A. 8
B. 8
C. 4
D. 12
E. 12
10) When x is 2005, 0 is assigned to y. When x is 1776, 0 is assigned to y.
And When x is 39, 3 is assigned to y. in general, the result of this expression
is the tens digit of a number.

11) A. Variable,
Dim numVotes As Integer
B. Variable
Dim Percentage won As Double
C. Constant
Dim Initials As String
D. Constant
Dim Year As Integer
12) a. Syntax error, Dim num As Integer = 6
b. Syntax error, num = Val(Me.TxtNum.Text)
c. Syntax error, lblOutput.Text = message
d. Logic error, avg = (test1 + test2) / 2
e. Logic error, Dim numberTest As Integer = 2
f. Logic error, Me.lblEmptySeats.Text = MAX_CLASS_SIZE + currentsize

13) 0

14) a. A = 1 * w
b. P = (R C) / N
c. A = h * (b1 + b2) / N
d. V = (4 / 3) * PI * r ^ 3
e. A = (F + S + T) / 3
f. P = (5 * F) / (4 * d ^ 2)
g. A = P + P * r * t
h. M = (P * r * (1 + r) ^ n) / ((1 + r) ^ n 1)
i. x = (-b * (b * b 4 * a * c) ^ (1 / 2)) / (2 * a)

15) a. 1 = A / w
b. R = P * N + C
c. b1 = N * A / h b2
d. r = (.75 * V / PI) ^ (1 / 3)
e. T = 3 * A - F S
f. F = (4 * P * d ^ 2) / 5
g. P = A / (1 + r * t)
h. P = (M * (1 + r) ^ n 1) / (r * (1 + r) ^ n)

16) a. T
b. F (Only Multiple variables of the same type can be declared in a single
c. T
d. F (The val() function converts text box data to a numeric value)
e. T
f. F (it represents true or false)
g. T
h. T
i. F (x is assigned the value 6)

j. F (Constant declarations can be placed anywhere, but as a matter of good

programming style they should be placed before variable declarations at the
beginning of a procedure)
k. T
L. F (Keywords are restricted from being used as variable identifiers)
m. T
n. T
o. F (A syntax error results from violating the rules of visual basic)
p. F (run-time errors are only detected at run-time)
q. F (A breakpoint does cause program execution to stop, but program
execution is continued from a breakpoint by clicking the Step Into button on
the Debug toolbar, pressing the F11 key, or selecting the Step Into command
from the Debug menu)

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