What Laws Are Involved On Apartheid?

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4.5 million people

19 million people

87% of land

13% of land

75% of national income

<20% of national income

Income of 14:1

Income of 1:14

1 doctor for every 400 people

1 doctor for every 44,000 people

2.7% infant mortality rate

20% urban and 40% rural infant

mortality rate

$696 Dollars spent per pupil on


$45 Dollars spent per pupil on


1 teacher for every 22 pupils

1 teacher for every 60 pupils
What laws are involved on apartheid?
Dividing people into categories based on race. Live, work, and play in
different areas. Carry a passbook starting at 16.
Describe what was the purpose behind these laws:
The purpose of these laws was to segregate, give protected rights to
whites, and only partial rights to people of color.
Education in South Africa wasnt equal. How was it not equal?
Blacks were forced to attend unfunded schools to increase poverty,
limit education, and further down the line, limit job opportunities.
What events took place that included violence?
Sharpeville Massacre, Soweto Student Uprising,
Nelson Mandela
Who was Nelson Mandela?
A South African activist and former President who helped bring an end
to apartheid.

When did he come to power?

He became the first black president of South Africa in 1994.
Why was he imprisoned?
Mandela was imprisoned for treason, violent conspiracy, and leading a
sabotage campaign against the government.
Research the Springboks. How did Nelson Mandela use the
Springboks to unite South Africa after apartheid was over?
South Africa hosted the 1995 Rugby World Cup, and Nelson Mandela
used the opportunity to unite the nation under one team, in spite of
any racial differences.

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