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Website and Curriculum design by

Lisanne Botter, Loes Brekhof, Rowena van Buuren,

Marijn van Halteren, Mirjam Hoekstra
Hogeschool Utrecht 2016

Weekly progress report

Week 1
Picked a target group: 3 VMBO KB
Picked a theme related to one of the sectoren: catering. This theme partly covers
more than just one sector as well.
Created our minimal on Mindmeister.
Agreed to: do Needs Analysis with at least one of your classes. Rowena doesn't have
3KB, so she will observe a lesson of a colleague. Lisannes school doesn't offer any
VMBO level at all, so she will ask one of her 1 H/V about their needs. Bring next
Week 2
Decided which subtopics to use
Divided the subtopics
Discussed about which skill fits which learning objective best
Looked at the different ICT tools we can use during our lessons
Gathered lesson ideas and made sure our ideas dont overlap each other
Agreed to: Bring next week --> lesson ideas (+ main skill and subskills), ERK objectives
for each lesson, pre/after activities, ICT use, vocab/grammar for each lesson.
+ Complete Needs Analysis next week.
Reminder: HW HU: read assignment/articles on hubl and bring 1 suitable text for
your target group.
Week 3
Looked at a suitable text for one of our lessons and created a lesson plan around this
text, using the penta pie theory (Westhoff)
Received feedback from Irene about processing input through form and content.
Discussed how to process vocabulary in one of our reading lessons --> using
synonyms instead of fill in the gap exercise.
Made an overview of all our lessons, including skill, subskill, pre/main/after activities,
and ICT use. Adapted our ideas to create coherent transitions between lesson series.
Agreed to:
use a maximum of 15 words of new vocabulary per lesson series of 4 to avoid
a massive vocabulary list
put spider web in Mindmeister: Loes
Fill in Needs analysis scheme and send to everyone to add findings: Marijn
Fill in Project planning form and send to everyone to complement: Lisanne

Week 4
Added materials to our Mindmeister mindmap, both for our group project and our
individual lesson series
Reviewed Westhoffs penta pie (reminder: add enough input material for both the
form and the content goals of the lesson, you can use different sources for the input
that is required such as a clip for the content and a text for the form).
Created a menu outline for all the different penta pie parts of each lesson (based
on the feedback given in class), so that the entire penta pie is featured in one lesson
and that this follows the same structure throughout the curriculum.
Discussed lesson ideas for our individual lesson series and talked about how we can
create good follow ups between the different series
Discussed our CEFR goals for the individual lessons (reminder: formulate the CEFR
goal specifically for the lesson)
Divided the assignments for the tests: we each create an assignment and will use
these to create one big test and provide each other with feedback to make sure that
the assignments reflect the content and forms presented in all our series. Together
we will then create a rubric and a format for the answer keys.
Agreed to the following division of assignments for the test:
- Lisanne: listening assignment
- Rowena: grammar assignment for questions and a vocab assignment
- Mirjam: writing assignment
- Loes: speaking assignment that also tests whether students can use a future
- Marijn: reading assignment and a grammar assignment for the imperative

Week 5
Reviewed Westerhoffs Penta Pie, and asked questions about processing and output.
If speaking is the main skill, you dont have to use this skill in the processing part.
Processing is mainly focused on input (receptive skill).
Looked at different ICT tools in class Ideas for our own lesson series: Blendspace
for some of the lessons/Tiki Toki for our introduction lesson/Powtoon for output
Need to incorporate competitive elements into classroom assignments (game
element to engage students)
Already chose a website tool Weebly (
Agreed to:
o Look into settings on weebly, everyone should be able to use the same format
for their lessons
o This afternoon: Complete Needs analysis/project planning form/weekly
report. When finished Put on teachers page website.
o Next week: Everyone puts at least 1 lesson on our website.

Week 6
Gave our presentation and got feedback from Irene. The rest of the class wasnt of
any use, because they didnt even listen, let alone give reactions. Luckily, Irene
provided some great ideas to fine-tune our lessons.
Incorporated these useful tips: less text on the site, shorter instructions and different
kinds of instruction methods (e.g. video vs written text), we should create clear
options for students to hand in their work (facebook, dropbox, e-mail).
Uploaded the needs analysis and added materials to our teachers page on the site
(lesson materials/legal notice).
Reviewed the different elements of the final test and gave each other feedback on
possible improvements for the test. For example, Rowena added a Whats App
assignment to make the test more authentic for the students.
Agreed to:
o Next week: second lesson should be on the site
o Come up with ideas for the first and last lesson
o Work out the feedback improvements for the final test
o Think about Dragons Den format

Week 7
Looked at one lesson that didnt meet the requirements of the course. We saw that
each text should be processed by form and content. Both of these processing
exercises and the output should complement the input. If the output doesnt, there
should be more input that fits the purpose of the output.
Looked at ways to process vocab match:
Agreed not to give another presentation, because the other groups didnt either.
Individually received feedback from Irene on our second lessons.
Gave each other feedback on lesson content, whats suitable to use for input and
processing form/content.
Agreed to:
o Work on our intro/outro lessons together
o Intro lesson: Starter (startup information & FB/Groups): Loes
Edit youtube video: Rowena
Processing content: Marijn
Processing form: Mirjam
Output: Lisanne
o Make an introduction/promo video for the site: Loes
o Meet early at test day to complete everything for the Dragons den.

Week 8 & 9
Reviewed our entire site, providing feedback on all the lessons.
Checked the layout of our individual lessons to create a unified curriculum.
Worked in pairs to incorporate each others feedback into our lessons and fine tune
the assignments so that there isnt any overlap in content and projects between each
Practiced our Dragons den presentation a couple of times and gave each other tips
for our talks
Brainstormed on ideas for the outro lesson and further use of ICT throughout the
Were really happy with the feedback from the dragons, they were all so enthusiastic
about our site!
Discussed the written feedback received from the dragons. One dragon remarked
that the vocabulary used might be too difficult for our level of students (year 3 vmbo
basis and kader level). After some debating and comparative research (including
other curricula used at our schools as well as the CEFR) we decided not to change the
vocabulary, as we believe the vocabulary is most suitable and challenging for year 3
vmbo basis and kader level students. Another dragon commented that the font
(comic sans) could be changed. We dont see a problem with the font used on our
site, in fact we believe that the font is suitable and clear to read for all students
especially with a view to dyslectic students.
Agreed to:
o Work on our intro/outro lessons together
o Outro lesson: Appetizer/preactivity: Loes
Processing content: Marijn
Processing form: Lisanne
Output: Rowena
o Dot our is and cross all ts!

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