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Project planning form: Designing Catering 4 the Future

1. What do you want your students to learn/be able to do?

Through our website students learn new skills and further develop their English by actively involving them in an authentic and real
project through task-based and project-based learning. The topic was chosen with a view to teaching organisational and event
management skills through English as a foreign language (this follows the CLIL methodology: Content and Language Integrated
Learning). The goal of organising a food festival for the school challenges student to work on a variety of skills together with their
classmates while they keep their eye on the price: a day to be proud of!
This curriculum is designed for year 3 vmbo basis and kader level students of English. More specifically, it can be used to teach
organisational and event management skills as featured in several of the official Dutch vmbo exam programmes
(including"Dienstverlening & Product" and "Zorg & Welzijn".

2. How are they going to show you what they have learned?
Over the course of our curriculum the students will become an event manager. During each lesson the students will show off a new
skill that they have learned to master by processing form and content through various assignments relating to specific input provided
in the lesson materials. To really showcase what the students have learned each lesson rounds off with an output task that is targeted
at the specific learning goals for the lesson. The organisation of the food festival is spread out over all these lesson goals and output
tasks, so by the end the students will have organised an actual festival day for their own school. The students also take a skills test
specifically designed to test their English language skills.

3. What do they need to be able to complete the task?

The students will work together in a teams and they should attend the lessons. Each lesson has a clear structure which indicates what
is expected from the students (an appetiser, a starter, a main course and a dessert these parts of the lessons contain the different
elements of Westhoffs penta pie).
If the students prepare their homework and study on the materials published on the website, not only will they be able to organise a
great food festival day at their school but they will also be able to pass the test with flying colours!

4. What do you want your students to learn/be able to do? (at the end of the 6 weeks lessons you are planning)
Our curriculum comprises of five series with four lessons each. The festival focused goals of these lessons are as follows:




do research on needs, kind, content and organization of a festival

define basic ideas of the client fort he organisaiton of a festival
specify and describe what the client wants
pitch/present ideas about the organisation of a festival





make a dos and donts list for organising a food festival

promote the food festival to the public
gather ideas and content for a food stand at the food festival
promote their teams festival stand for the food festival

9. The
10. The
11. The
12. The

student can make contact with executives

student can communicate in a formal manner
student can organize a room (in this case a food stand)
students can create a questionnaire and organize a contest

13. The
14. The
15. The
16. The



make a budget for the food festival

make a checklist for the food festival
make a schedule for festival contributors (their own group members)
evaluate the festival

17. The
18. The
19. The
20. The



arrange and shape the location for the food festival

give instructions and directions about an activity
welcome guests, and motivate them to join an activity
design and create promotional materials for the food festival

5. How are they going to show you what they have learned? (This is the final assignment)
a food
at their
school focus).
and host the festival day.
to join
an activity

The students will also take an English skills test (including reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and

( have a good look at the can do statements you can find some here )

Our planning overview

Theme and topic level for
Catering 4 the Future

Learning goals per topic


Can discuss an order with the


1. The student can do research on needs, kind,

content and organization of an event
2. The student can define basic ideas of the client
3. The student can specify what the client wants
4. The student can come up with suitable ideas for
an activity.

Can plan several activities for
the food festival

1. The student can make a dos and donts list for

organising a food festival
2. The student can promote the food festival to
the public
3. The student can gather ideas and content for a
food stand at the food festival
4. The student can promote their teams festival
stand for the food festival .

Organising a food festival!

The student can put

preparations in place for food
festival activities

1. The student can make contact with executives.

2. The student can communicate in a formal
3. The student can organize a room (in this case a
food stand).
4. The students can create a questionnaire and
organize a contest

The student can make

arrangements for the supply
of materials and personnel at
the food festival

1. The student can make a budget for the food

2. The student can make a checklist for the food
3. The student can make a schedule for festival
contributors (their own group members)
4. The student can evaluate the festival

1. The student can arrange and shape the location

for the food festival.

Can carry out facility work

around an activity

2. The student can give instructions and directions

about an activity.
3. The student can welcome guests, and motivate
them to join an activity.
4. The student can design and create promotional
materials for the food festival.

Planning of series part 1

- Lesson level 3 vmbo basis/kader
- By Lisanne


Learning goals per

* do research on needs, kind, content and organization of an event (festival focus)
* create a to-do list with your group

Do research on event

* identify the main point of TV news items reporting events where the visual supports the commentary (Listening-watching A2)
* identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters such as a brochure (reading A2)
* write a series of simple phrases and sentences (writing A2)
* use the words belonging to this lesson (vocabulary).
* define basic ideas of the client (festival focus)
* make a summary of the clients demand and put in a priority list with your group (festival focus)

Can discuss
an order with
the client.

What does the client

have in mind?

*understand and extract the essential information from short recorded passages dealing with predictable everyday matters that are
delivered slowly and clearly (listening A2)
*understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type provided speach is clearly and slowly (listening A2)
* write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with connectors like "and", "but" and "because". (writing A2)
* manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort + Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and
direct exchange of information.(speaking A2)
* use the words belonging to this lesson (vocabulary).
* specify what the client wants (festival focus)

What does the client

specificaly want?

* inform the client about the main ideas of your group (festival focus)
* understand basic types of standard routine letters and faxes on familiar topics. (reading A2)
* write a short simple emails, provided guidance is given (writing A2)
* use the future form "to be going to" in simple sentences (grammar)
* Come up with suitable ideas for the activity (festival focus)
* Pitch/present your ideas to your teacher and the rest of the class (festival focus)

Look for possibilities

and opportunities

* Make a digital moodboard (festival focus)

* can understand enough to be able to meet needs of a concrete type, provided written material is offered (listeing A2)
* give a short presentation, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent to his everyday lifr, briefly give reasons and explanations for
options, plans and actions (speaking A2)
* use the future forms "to be going to" and "will" in simple sentenes (grammar)

Planning of series part 2

- Lesson level 3 vmbo basis/kader
- By Loes
Learning goals per


Do's and don'ts of
festival planning

You can...
* make a do's and don'ts list for organising a food festival (festival focus)
* use the imperative in short simple phrases (grammar)
* catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages (listening A2)
* give and discuss basic advice about organising an event through the use of short simple phrases (speaking A2)

You can...

Spreading the news

about the festival

* promote your food festival to the public (festival focus)

* use new vocabulary to describe and announce the upcoming food festival (vocabulary)
* identify specific information in simpler written material, such as online articles describing events (reading A2)

Plan several
activities for the
food festival

* write short, simple descriptions of activities to announce an event (writing A2)

You can...
* gather ideas and content for a food stand at the food festival (festival focus)
* use new vocabulary to describe the theme and content of their team's food stand (vocabulary)
* identify specific information in simpler written material, such as short newspaper articles describing events (reading A2)

Inventing your own

food stand

* write short, simple messages to present ideas for a product or an activity, such as a festival stand (writing A2)

You can...
* promote your team's festival stand for the food festival (festival focus)
* use "going to" / "will" in short simple phrases (grammar)

Promoting your food


* understand and extract essential information from short messages and announcements (listening)
* deliver very short rehearsed announcements to promote a product or an activity (speaking)

Planning of series part 3

- Lesson level 3 vmbo basis/kader
- By Rowena

Learning goals per


You can:

Get your
invitations out

* make contact with the executives of the activity. (festival focus).

* write an email explaining towards the reciever what they need from them. (festival focus and
* conduct questions with do/ does/ have/ has. (grammar).
* indentifiy specific information in written materials, such as an article. (reading A2)
You can:

The student can

put preparations
in place for food
festival activities

Speak with a
member of
the festival

* speak with a member of the festival commission. (festival focus).

* create a mindmap using mindmeister. (writing).
* listen to instructions in a hsort video. (listening ).
* communicate in a formal manner. (speaking).
* ask questions. (speaking).
* make questions using do/does/have/has/ who/what/where/when/why. (grammar).
You can:

Set up your
own food

* decorate and organize an availiable space. (festival focus). make a scetch of their foodstand. (festival
* give instructions to others and exchange information and give your opinion (speaking).
* listen to instructions and can decorate a food stand by listening to the instructions. (listening).* catch
the main point in a short message or announcement. (reading)
* use the words to fill in the excersises. (vocabulary)

You can:

Create your

* create a questionnaire and organize a contest. (festival focus).

* read a questionnaire. (festival focus).
* listen to a short You-Tube video and can understand the main points. (listening)
* write down questions in a questionnaire. (writing).
* use the words belonging to this lesson. (vocab).
* extract information from simple texts. (reading).

Planning of series part 4

- Lesson level 3 vmbo basis/kader
- By Mirjam

Learning goals per


You can...
* make a budget for the food festival (festival focus)
* understand short, simple texts on familiar matters of a concrete type which consist of high frequency
everyday or job-related language. (reading)

Making a budget

* identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters such as letters, brochures and
short newspaper articles describing events. (reading)
* Students can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters of areas of immediate need
* use new vocabulary about budgeting in a budget sheet. (vocabulary)
You can...

The student can make

arrangements for the
supply of materials
and personnel at the
food festival

* make a checklist for the food festival (festival focus)

Making a checklist for the

festival organisation

* identify specific information in simpler written material he/she encounters such as letters, brochures and
short newspaper articles describing event. (reading)
* write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters of areas of immediate need (writing)
* write simple isolated phrases and sentences (writing)
* use new vocabulary about the content of a checklist in a checklist(vocabulary)
You can...
* schedule your contributors/ groupmembers (festival focus)

Who is doing what at the


* ask and answer questions and exchange information on famliar topics in predictable everyday situations,
* understand enough to manage simple, routine exchanges without undue effort. (listening)
* catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements,. (listening)
* make questions with who, what, where, when, why, how (grammar)
You can...
* evaluate your own festival (festival focus)

Time to evaluate

* generally identify the topic of discussion around you that is conducted slowly and clearly. (listening)
* say what you like and dislike (speaking)
* use do/does/have/has in simple questions and answers. (grammar)

Planning of series part 5

- Lesson level 3 vmbo basis/kader
- By Marijn

Learning goals per


You can...
* arrange and shape the location for the food festival (festival focus).

Arrange and shape the location

for the food festival.

* exercise one of the catering skills (festival focus).

* understand the main points in short, clear, and simple messages and announcements
(listening A2).
* make and respond to suggestions, and agree and disagree with others (speaking A2).
* make a correct sentence with the imperative (grammar).
You can...
* give instructions and directions about an activity (festival focus).

Can carry out facility

work around an

Giving instructions about an


* understand the main points in short, clear, and simple messages and announcements
(listening A2).
* exchange simple and straight forward information about familiar topics and activities
(speaking A2).
* use the words belonging to this lesson (vocabulary).
You can...
* welcome guests, and motivate them to join an activity (festival focus).

Welcoming guests, and

motivate them to join an

* understand what the job of a host/hostess is (festival focus).

* extract specific, predictable information from simple texts (reading A2).
* write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors like and",
but and because (writing A2).
* use the words belonging to this lesson (vocabulary).

You can...
* design and create promotional materials for the food festival (festival focus).

Promotional materials.

* write a short letter or note about urgent matters (writing A2).

* extract specific, predictable information from simple texts (reading A2).
* make a sentence with the imperative (grammar).

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