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Plan of Action:

Weeks 1-6
Ethan Asano, Laakea Gamiao, Jonathan Valencia, Clark Acohido
Week 1

Plan/Make products to sell at school, neighborhood, etc.

Make Website
Questions to guide project and to be reflected on every week:
1. How can we learn more about the Philippines and its society?
2. How can we donate as much money as possible to the
organization so that 100 students of the Philippines can receive a
good education?
3. How can we exhibit:

Week 2

1. How much do the materials cost?
2. How is the quality?
3. Discuss the process. Was it difficult? Why or why not?
Make/Buy materials to sell at school
Test the quality of the product

Week 3

1. How much did we collect this week?
2. What are techniques we can do to sell more product?
3. Were the customers satisfied?
Sell Product and Collect Money
Record Progress (document on google docs spreadsheet)

Week 4

1. How much did we collect this week?
2. What are techniques we can do to sell more product?
3. Were the customers satisfied?
Sell Product and Collect Money
Record Progress (document on google docs spreadsheet)

Week 5

1. How much did we collect this week?
2. What are techniques we can do to sell more product?
3. Were the customers satisfied?
Sell Product and Collect Money
Record Progress (document on google docs spreadsheet)
Start on Ted Talk Style Presentation

Week 6

1. How much did we collect this week?
2. How much did we collect in total?
3. Have we reached our goal? (in terms of collecting a
specific amount of money)
Sell Product and Collect Money
Record Progress (document on google docs spreadsheet)
Compile Data

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