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Izard County Consolidated Elementary School's

Parental Involvement Plan

ICC Elementary is committed to providing a quality curriculum so all children may become capable citizens. Parents are an
important part of their students education so we will include them in planning, implementing, and evaluating their students
1. The elementary principal organize Parental Involvement Policy documents, recruit staff and community members for an
advisory board, call and preside over board meetings, conduct the annual review of the policy, and present recommendations
for consideration to the Izard County Consolidated School Board.
2. The Parental Involvement Advisory Board and Parental Involvement Facilitators will coordinate their efforts with the
ACSIP chairmen for ICC Elementary, ICC Middle School and Izard County High School. They will also guarantee that this
policy is in compliance with Act 307 (603/307) and all other requirements of the Arkansas Department of Education.
3. Parents will be involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating the schools Parental Involvement Policy through:
a. Open House - where parents will receive a copy of the student handbook, the Student Parent School Compact,
and a copy of the Parental Involvement Policy.
b. Annual Meeting in September where Title I and other parental rights will be addressed
c. Bi-annual Parent Teacher conferences where student test scores will be distributed and the Student Parent
School Compact may be reviewed
d. Ongoing parent survey distributed to parents who come to school for various events when practical
e. Annual review of the program

Parental Involvement Policy Board

g. Provide parents a copy of the Izard County Consolidated Schools Parental Involvement Policy on the school
4. The Parent Student School Compact will outline the specific responsibilities of parents, students, and the school. The
Compacts will be signed during Back to School/Orientation Night and reviewed at the fall Parent Teacher Conference. They
may be reviewed periodically by anyone involved in the Compact.
5. ICC Schools will involve parents, in an organized, ongoing, flexible and timely way in their students education through:
a. Open House at the beginning of school
b. Bi-annual Parent Teacher Conferences
c. Parental access to TAC accounts which make student grades available for viewing
d. Quarterly Newsletter to parents

Parent Teacher email, phone calls, School Reach, mail, notes sent home with student

f. Mid-quarter reports to parents

g. Quarterly grade reports

Reasonable access to unscheduled conferences through the school offices

Student handbooks including the Student Parent School Compact and parental rights

j. A Parent Information Center where families may get information about parenting, education, and documents that
pertain to Bay School District Parental Involvement

Specially planned meetings, such as Grandparents Breakfast Week, and Family Literacy Night, will offer

opportunities to learn about parenting education, the schools curriculum, and Title I.
l. Parents Helping Teachers organization which allows parents to volunteer in the school as well as providing
informational meetings
m. Soliciting parents who may be interested in volunteering at the school.
6. The Parental Involvement Advisory Board will conduct an annual review of the Parental Involvement Policy through the
ongoing parent surveys, statistics, and checklists to insure the effectiveness of the policy. These documents will be devised
by the Advisory Board. Where necessary, changes will be recommended and presented to the School Board.

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