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Gallberry Farm Elementary

Battle of the Books 2015-2016

Gallberry Farm Elementary Battle of the Books (BOB) is gearing up for a new year. BOB is an annual event
in which Cumberland County Elementary Schools compete to see which team knows the most about a particular set
of books. If you love to read and are great at remembering trivia and details about the books you have read, then
BOB may just be the place for you.
Thank you for attending our general interest meeting today. At this meeting, we discussed the program
schedule, talked about the books that are on this years elementary list, and passed out a list of book titles and
authors to read and study. From the date of this meeting, you will have two weeks to study the title/author list.
After the two weeks, on September 18th (during the school day) you will be tested on authors and titles. Students
must make a 100 on this test to be considered for the Battle of the Books team.
Parents, please note that after these two initial meetings Battle of the Books is an afterschool club and
transportation will have to be provided. Battle of the Books is also a big commitment and students will be expected
to read up to 18 books that range from yellow dot (4.0) to dark orange (6.0). There will be deadlines along the way
where students must have read and tested on a certain number of books. Those that have met the deadlines will
continue on to become part of the Gallberry Farm Elementary Battle of the Books team and go on to the
competition. If a student does not meet the deadlines they will not move on.
If you are interested and would like to try out for the Battle of the Books team, please complete the
permission form below and return it to Ms. Ransom in the media center and begin studying for your title/author
test which will be on September 18th.
The Battle of the Books Coaches

My child, ______________________________, has permission to try out for the Battle of the Books
I understand that Battle of the Books is an AFTER SCHOOL activity and I will be able to provide
transportation if my student continues on the Battle of the Books team.
Parent Signature _________________________________________________
Teachers Name ______________________ Grade _________ Reading Level ____________
Teacher Recommendation: _________________________________________________
(Teachers: By signing, you are acknowledging that you feel that your student can read from a 4.0 to a 6.0 fluently and with comprehension)

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