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~~ Forwarded message —--—- “Maria Geryk" Date: Mar 15, 2016 5:47 PM Subject: Stay Away Order To: Ce: "Lisa Desjarlais" , "Kathryn Mazur" , "Michael Mortis" , "MARTA GUEVARA" , "Faye Brady” , Dear Ms. Hiza, | am writing to let you know that based on your actions to date and information received today which we find credible, you are not permitted on Pelham School grounds or on any school or grounds of the Amherst-Pelham Regional School district until further notice. You will need to make other arrangements to transport your daughter to school in the moming and afternoon until further notice. In addition, | have instructed Principal Desjarlais to no longer read emails from you and to forward them directly to Dr. Guevara and Dr. Brady until further notice. Until further notice, Brian Roffer will be the emergency contact for your child. Any and all communications from the school will be directed to Mr. Roffer. For the purpose of our meeting this Friday at 9:30 am, you will be permitted to enter district offices at Amherst Regional Middle School. | am sure you will want to discuss this information at our appointment this Friday at 9:30 am. As well, you should be aware that this decision by me to restrict your access to Pelham ‘School and its staff was made in cooperation with representatives of both Amherst and Pelham Police Departments. Maria Geryk ‘Superintendent of Schools -- Forwarded message — From: “aisha hiza” Date: Mar 23, 2016 12:01 PM ‘Subject: Want to file a complaint To: Date: Apr 11, 2016 3:34 PM ‘Subject: Made some changes To: “aisha hiza Co: Dear Superintendent Geryk and the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee, We the undersigned are former students of the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee (hereafter "The Committee") and are former and current residents of Hampshire County. We make this statement as a sign of solidarity for Aisha Hiza, who has been barred from attending this meeting, and her daughter, a student of your school system. We are dismayed by the current actions of the School Committee. What began as a mother's attempt to protect her daughter from violent bullying, motivated by racial discrimination, has spiraled into a violation of Aisha and her daughter's civil, educational and parental rights. The actions of The ‘Committee culminated in a Stay Away Order (hereafter "The Order,” presented to Aisha via her personal email account on March 15th, 2016. Aisha's attempts to obtain due process and speak with The Committee have not been addressed, rendering her voiceless before the committee. The attempts to silence Aisha have not gone unnoticed. Your mission is “The academic achievement of every student learning in a system dedicated to social justice and multiculturalism.” We ourselves were once students taught by this school system and itis clear to us that recent actions taken by the committee are in direct opposition to this mission. We call on the schoo! board to 1) immediately lift any orders against Aisha blocking her from exercising her first amendment rights, adequately caring for her child, and interacting with her daughter's schooling and 2) for the committee to undertake a full investigation into actions against Aisha and her family. We as a community stand strong behind Aisha and her daughter and will look forward to the swift resolution of this matter. Sincerely, the undersigned,

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