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Generic Lesson Plan Form

Subject: Reading

Statement of Objective:
*Observable/Measurable (A,B,C,D)

Activity: Decoding/Story/Activity

Setting: Individual

# of Students: 1

Given the Unit 38 Readwell materials, the student will be able to decode words containing the
/igh/, /-er/, /-ir/, /o_e/, /a_e/, and /i_e/ sounds. The student will also be able to recall
information from the story to complete the comprehension activity.


Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

*Prepared and organized
*Available for all

Unit 1-38 Sound Cards

Unit 38 Decoding Practice 1
Unit 38 Story 1
Unit 38 Comprehension Work Activity 1

Additional Sound
Cards for further
review if

*Gain attention/motivate
*Activate prior knowledge
~link/relate; assess; prepare for new
learning (e.g. vocabulary)
*State goals/set purpose
~explain task: why, what, how, and
for strategies
*Clear directions
*Variety of learning (T/S, S/S, S/T)
*Organizational framework
~construct, clarify, and link concepts in
meaningful context
*Present visually, verbally,
real world (e.g. LESH)
*Model and think aloud to make visible
~language practices/processes
~learning strategies and adaptations
when and why)
~organization, relationships, and clues
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, etc.
*Clear directions
*Check for understanding
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt
probe/question (in ZPD)
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~overt and active
~instructional dialogue, think aloud,
explain, justify, evaluate, etc.
Guided Practice:
*Activity related to
*Active student participation
~provide rationale for assignment
~multi-sensory and real world
~instructional dialogue
*Transfer of control
~students explain, justify, clarify, think
*Check for understanding
~ensure high success rate
~appropriate feedback: praise, prompt,
probe/question (in ZPD)
Individual Practice:
~assess/error drill
~monitor and adjust instruction
~scan, circulate, assess, support, praise
*Adequate time
*Students summarize content and

Begin with a thorough review of the Unit 38 Sound Cards.

Connect unknown
sounds to familiar
words containing
the same sounds.

Refer back to previous words containing the sounds as needed.

Today we are going to begin Unit 38 to continue becoming the best reader we can be.
Begin to introduce the new sounds.
Work through Unit 38 decoding practice 1.
-Introduce new sounds
-Sound out familiar sounds
-Build fluency
Introduce Unit 38 storybook 1.
-Table of contents
Read Unit 38 storybook 1.
Unit 38 storybook 1 comprehension questions.
-Who are the two main characters in this Greek story? (Identifying- Who)
-What problem did the man and his son have? (Inferring- Problem)
-What did they want? (Inferring- Goal)
-What did the man do? (Identifying- Action)
-What happened at the end of the chapter? (Identifying- Action)
-Do you think this story is fact or fiction? (Classifying)
-What do you think is going to happen next? (Predicting)

Probe the student through the directions for completing the Unit 38 Comprehension Work
Activity 1 as needed.
Remind the student to use the storybook to assist in recalling information; remind him/her you
are there if he/she has any questions, as well.

Use new words in

sentences to
provide further
encourage student
to use the word in
a different
sentence, as well.
Provide the
student with
guidance while
Prompt the student
through the
him/her to recall
information from
the story.

Provide support
for the student as
questions arise.

Provide time for the student to individually complete the Unit 38 Comprehension Work
Activity 1.

We will continue working through Unit 38 tomorrow so it is important to practice the new
sounds we learned today to become the best reader you can be!

Allow for
additional time to
complete the Unit
38 Comprehension

*Assess/identify new goals

*Link to future learning

Work Activity 1 if

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