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The City of | Access Barrie - Transit BARRIE MEMORANDUM pendix 1) Ina response to pute feedback for exonded service hours o Roule 8A Narthbound earviing the north area of the ey. These changes wil vole tho extension ofthe sore to his route deparing ‘he downtown terial 11:50pm with service ending at the donntown termina t 12:50am 2) Ina resporse to public feedback, and to improve schedule adherence. Mina timing changes willbe made in the Roule 8 Schedule to help buses from running ahead of schedue, which wit in turn Provide 2 dct ransforcometion Dotwoen the Route EB Southbound, tothe Rosi 88 Northbourne tthe Dowrlown Transit Termin, 3), Toimproveaccessbity, Route 3 wll sevice the rear enrance ofthe Allanéle Recreation Cent Instead of Foute 1. This wl prove dect connections from a larger numb of senior’ esdences and rm the 85 Pls Centr. 4) Tomeet wh developmentin the south end ofthe ity, Rout 3 wil recy connec the new Basie Primary Cae Campus at Bayvow Drive and Big Bay Point aad wih deco and rom travel othe downtoun, Seior's Cenre's,ofer medal cles andthe hosp 8) Ina resporse to public feedback, thse route changes wil esl in added vavel connections to the Park Pace raster hub, a wel, adjustments wil bo made win th echosies to provide more fd ‘connections ©) Ina responve to pulic feedback, thse route changes wil eeu in inproved connections frm noarbyransfer habs and more cect ave to and em the Huronla Urgent Care Cline (Eagle ldge). wil make i easier for vans users fo get to and rom hi le fram nearby resent srs, the cownown area ofthe cy, aeons Seniors Conte's, oer ietical crics and the hospital. 7) New more dct to and rom travel, Monday-Saturday daytime serie from souhoas! resident transit servze areas to and tom the commercial rea of Yonge Sireet a By Bay Point Road, and the Painswick brary. 18) Ina response to pubic feecback rom the 0.0 F. these route changes wilnwole added vo ‘roconal tans services o Dean Avene. 9) Ina response to pubic feecbacs, these route changes wal Invave the notucton of @ new trait route that wll rely connect the Pak Pace tansler hub othe residerdaarea of almost 400 homes: located nea tothe intersection of Lockhart Road and Huonis Road. 410) Ina response to pute feedback, these route changes wal intcve aided two drectonal vans ‘serees fo and rom Contmerce Park Drive and the south end of Bryne Orie. 111 Te accomodate pubic feedback, ese route changes Wi WowWee extension Of Route 71> ‘rect comect ths route tthe Holy Communiy Carve ane the commercial area of Mapleton ‘Avenu and Essa Road, 12) To accommodate pubic feecbac, thet route changes wil vole the extension of Route Os coverage ate lo service Athabasca Road which wl provce more drect conectons lo Georgian ‘Cale, the commercial areas along Mepleview Dvive, nd the Baie South GO Staton. ‘Disadvantages Associted with Proposed Changes, 1) These roe changes wal inlve the removal of one rectona rans service tom Cox Mil Road precerity servicing two low ership ancl stops that are lass than 400m walking stance to sternative rei servic ules, The City of Access Barrie - Transit BSERIES MEMORANDUM “Thewe route changes wal nvolve the removal af wo drectonal tans srvces rom Church Drive * front sering wo li ier Fae slop fare las han 400m wang dance © ‘terative tans service routes. 3) These route changes wil vole the removal of wo dectional transit serdces from Maiev Drive Eau between Marsolus Drive and Essa Roa that are presenly servicing two low nership Want ops tha re less than 400m walking cstace oaternative vans service routes

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