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Joe and Amber lying on sofa. Amber pushes + suggestive wanting more
intimacy. Joe wants to stay the same.

²- Silence (character kissing and cuddling)

²- Joe plays with Amber¶s hair

Amber: There¶s no one here - shall we go upstairs? (Cheeky smile)

Joe: No, I like it just here with you, it¶s romantic.
Amber: Yeah, but it will be more romantic upstairs. (Gets up and pulls his
Joe: (pulling back) NO AMBER, I¶m not ready for this stage yet.
²- Amber walks out of the room in a mood.


Joe talking to friend about Amber and their relationship. Joe says that he
really loves Amber and he¶s so glad she asked him out.

Jack: So how are you and your new girlfriend doing? (enthusiastic)
Joe: I really love her; I couldn¶t bear to live without her now.


Amber and Joe on the phone. Joe wants to go round. Amber has Jack over. She
lies to Joe and says that she has studying to do.

²-Amber picks up the phone and tells the boy to be quiet.

Amber: Shh! be quite (laughing) it Joe!
Joe: Hey sugarplum, what y ou doing?
Amber: (serious) Do you just call me sugarplum?!
(Jack laughs)
Joe: Who was that?
Amber: My brother, he just lobbed something at me and thoughts it was
Joe: Oh alright, he¶s such a douche bag. So can I come and see you. It¶s
been whole 2 h ours since I saw you. I¶m getting lonely.
Amber: Babe, I would say yeas but I really need to study, you know how
important this drama performance is to me. And you of all people know hard
Shakespeare is to grasps.
Joe: But I really miss you loads. Don¶t yo u forget. I¶ll give you a call
before I go to bed. Love you.
Amber: Ok, buy.

²- Hangs up.


Amber and Lauren getting ready for party. Amber explains that Jack will be
there and Joe won¶t.

Amber: Jack is going to be there tonight and Joe said he isn¶t going, so me
and Jack can finish where we left off the other night.
Lauren: You know Amber, you really shouldn¶t be doing this. Joe really
cares for you!
Amber: Whatever like you perfect.

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