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Name of Technology

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Platform

Description of Product
A headset and access to a phone allows users to experience an artificially constructed
environment that they can inhabit and manipulate. The technology sees many uses in
entertainment, but holds potential to be of great use in education.

Picture of Technology

Classroom Use
Access to VR gives students the ability to sit in lectures that theyd otherwise miss
because of distance or time constraints while also participating in the classroom. An example
that comes to mind would be in language classes where students can have actual
conversations with foreign-language speakers. The technology also provides access to handson experiences that supplement multiple learning styles that reach Blooms Taxonomy for
higher learning.

Google Cardboard

The device itself costs 15$, all that is required is a phone and access to the
applications store.

Special Features/Accessories
Google Cardboard requires a headset that is built attainable items or bought.

Operating System
The device uses Java for Android devices and C# for iOS.

Name of Technology
3-D Interactive System

Description of Product
The product uses a camera and a display tablet to allow interaction without the need
for a headset and introduces the ability to manipulate constructs that vary in complexity. This
technology also allows users the opportunity to explore these constructs on a new modular

Picture of Technology

Classroom Use
A 3-D Interactive System grants students access to hands-on learning with the ability
to manipulate and study objects that would otherwise be unobtainable due to budgetary
restraints or limited access; instead of having students group in dissect an animal, they could
all virtually dissect one without isolating themselves from group work. The ability to create
countless objects extends beyond observation and manipulation as it can involve creating
and designing.


The device is currently in refinement and remains a project; currently, it is unavailable
for purchase.

Special Features/Accessories
The Holodesk relies on a webcam that displays the object on a tablet.

Operating System
The Microsoft device makes use of Kinect data.

Name of Technology
Interactive Whiteboard Display

Description of Product
A large, whiteboard display that allows users to interact with the information shown,
the display helps make presented information accessible and inspires users to be more
active with the material.

Picture of Technology

Classroom Use
The Interactive Whiteboard Display introduces students to a board that they, as a
group, can interact with to develop social skills and practice their ability to manage. The
display also doubles as a method for revision in which other students can exhibit knowledge
in a field or work cooperatively with their classmates to successfully gauge their ability to
apply the lessons theyve learned.

Smart Board

Options for SMART Boards range from $2,000-8,000.

Special Features/Accessories
Operating System
The Display comes with Smart Notebook software.

Name of Technology
Massive Open Online Course

Description of Product
A Massive Open Online Course, provider that hosts university-level classes to
student bodies across the world, while also surveying the use of alternative-learning styles.
Users have access to countless courses categorized in their respective fields to be studied.

Classroom Use
Access to online courses provides the opportunity for students to be exposed to
different styles of learning in search of a lesson that appeals to their method of learning and
teachers can incorporate various lesson plans to continue to supplement their portfolio from
other certified and like-minded sources.

Picture of Technology


A large amount of the courses available are free, but those that cost money range
around 50$ for a certificate. The certificate does not guarantee to be counted for credit at
any college/university.

Special Features/Accessories
Users create a profile in which they access and join courses.

Operating System
eDX requires no extra additions and runs on regular computers.

Name of Technology
Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

Description of Product
A physical object is created based of an electronic blueprint before being constructed
from substance materials from a printer. This type of construction allows schematics to be
traded around the world and vital components can be created at a quicker rate than having
an item shipped.

Picture of Technology

Classroom Use
3D printing incorporates the highest of Blooms Technology in that students must be
able to create, design, and develop a concept that is transitioned into a physical object. This
process depends on a students mastery of their particular subject, anatomy for an example,
so that they may reproduce the item to scale and mechanically correct. It also works in
reverse so that items can be broken down and the components can be studied individually in
the students own hands; in this way, students are exposed to a different way of thinking as
they deconstruct problems.


Potentially free, depends on tax-deductible donations to provide classrooms with
one. Without the donation, a printer costs $2,899.

Special Features/Accessories
3D Printer

Operating System
MakerBot Desktop is an application required to create blueprints of any designed

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