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Abraham Lincoln Inquiry

Name: Valentina Olivares
Grade: 7A

Write your name in this document.

Answer the following questions in this document. Answer using complete
Print this document and bring it to class ready by April 12 th. Once it is corrected,
you must add it to your portfolio, be organized!
Make sure you follow APA rules and mention all the references used.
This work is completely individual, you may not share answers or work with your
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Literature section.

1. Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
He was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, United Estates.
2. Name all the jobs he had as an adult.
He served as a captain in the army during the War Hawk Negro; also e
served four terms in the Illinois State Legislature, He was elected
congressman in the House of Representatives of the United States
Congress, and then he become president on November 6 of 1860 he win
the presidential elections.
3. Did Abraham Lincoln go to school?
No, he never go to an school or academy but he knew how to count, read,
and write but no more, and all that he was getting from here and there by
the demands of necessity.
4. What did Abraham Lincoln like to do the most?
Lincolns favorite hobby was reading, because he believed in education
especially self-education because most of Lincolns knowledge came from
reading, so when he has a problem he always look for the answers in
5. When was he elected president of the United States? How was he elected?
He was elected president of the United States on November 6, 1860,
6. Add some pictures of him in this document

7. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? Why is it so important?

The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and
executive order made by the president Abraham Lincoln was to put the
enslaved persons in freedom but not all the slaves just the states that
were they have already seceded to the Union and havent been returned
to the union control, this proclamation was on January 1, 1863,this is very
important because
8. Why do you think Abraham Lincoln is called one of our greatest presidents?
I think Lincoln is called like that because he make so many things to help
people in the U.S on that time with the slaves, the right to women to vote,
also he make that United States won the Civil War and the Gettysburg
Battle also, so he make many efforts for the American People so thats
why I think people call him like that.
9. How did Abraham Lincoln die?
Abraham Lincoln was killed on April 14, 1865, he survive to the shot but
the injuries were so serious that he die the next the April 15, 1865.
10. What is the Lincoln Memorial? Why was it made?
Is an American national monument of Abraham Lincoln located in the
western end of the National Mall in Washington D.C., and It was built in
honor of the 16th president of the United States.
11. What is Lincoln's Gettysburg address? What was the Battle of Gettysburg about?
The Gettysburg address is a speech by Abraham Lincoln one of the bestknow in American history it was told by Lincoln during the American Civil
War on Thursday, November 19, 1863, the Gettysburg battle was the
largest battle of the American Civil War also the largest battle ever fought
in North America.
12. Make a brief summary about his life and achievements.

He was born on February 12, 1809, his parents Thomas Lincoln and
Nancy Hanks Lincoln were from Virginia and they moved to the west, he
start working since he was 16 years old, he married Mary Todd Lincoln on
1842-1865. He had 4 children in which all of them were male. One of they
majors accomplishments is to won the civil war and also his attitude after
doing so, also the Emancipation Proclamation he gives the black people
the right to fight fro their own freedom and the right to fight to serve their
own country.
13. Name some interesting curious facts about Lincoln.
Lincoln was the first major leader in the U.S to feel that women should be
allowed to vote.
He practiced law without a degree he has less than 12 months of formal
He created the Secret Service hours before he died.
Lincoln is the only president that has obtained a patent.
His assassins brother saved Lincolns son.
14. Reflection: What are your expectations about this new book that we are going to
read? What are you expecting to learn?
On this new book that we are going to start reading I will learned more
things about this president and his life and important things he do for be
so memorable, and it will be a nice book like a biography I think with all his
life there (family presidency, important actions)
15. References (follow APA rules)
Staff (2009). Abraham Lincoln is born. A+E Networks.
Recovered from
NCC Staff. (2014). 50 Interestings facts about Abraham Lincolns life.
Recovered from
Charles M. Hubbard. (1998). Abraham Lincoln facts, information and
articles about his life. World History Group. Recovered from
Staff (2010). The Gettysburg Address. A+E Networks.
Recovered from
Staff (2009). Emancipation Proclamation. A+E Networks.
Recovered from


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