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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(Updated 4/17/15)
(edTPA Aligned)
The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting students with the
T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets
departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.
Background Information (When doing the actual edTPA, leave out identifiers)
Teacher Candidate: Araceli Aispuro
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Jager
School District:
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Math
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Place Value

Date: 1/21/16
Grade: 2/3
School: Ruth Livingston Elementary

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

Instructional Plan Purpose:
The purpose of this lesson is for the students to learn and practice using place value. It is important that the
students learn about place value because knowing place value is the foundation for learning how to add,
subtract, multiply, and divide. Learning place value enables students to solve complex mathematical
problems and prepare students for higher levels of mathematics.
This lesson is a continuation in learning about place value. Yesterday, the students practiced determining
whether a one, two, or three - digit number is even or odd. The students learned that they must focus only on
the ones place. We also reviewed place value and practiced using different numbers (3 digits).
State/National Learning Standards:
2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digit numbers represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.
2.NBT.2 Count within 1000; skip count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.
2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
Content Objectives and alignment to State Learning Standards:
SWBAT identify the ones, tens, and hundreds place.
SWBAT express numbers in base ten form.
SWBAT express digit numbers in standard form.
SWBAT express numbers in expanded form.
Aligned standard:
Language Objectives:
SWBAT define place value.
Aligned standard:
b. Previous Learning Experiences:

Prior to this lesson that students have been introduced to place value and have practiced using place value
blocks for the ones, tens, and hundreds. The students have also practiced skip counting with 5s and 10s
using a number line. The students have been working on solving word problems and determining whether a
number is even or odd as well as adding multiple numbers using doubles and factors that add to 10.
Planning for Student Learning Needs
The teacher will first be modeling a few problems on the board/poster paper before the students do it
independently. Students who are struggling with place value will receive additional support from teachers
and tutors in the classroom. There will be a hands on activity that will allow students to better understand
place value. The students are also welcome to use classroom resources such as the place value blocks, and
the hundreds chart.
f. Assessment Strategies (Informal and formal)
Teacher candidates should attach questions, worksheets, tests or any additional documentation related to their
assessment strategies, including accommodations or modifications for students with disabilities as stated in
their IEPs. They may also attach appropriate marking rubrics, criteria lists, expectations, answer keys, etc.
Consideration for multiple means of expression should occur here. That is, how will teacher candidates allow
for K-12 students to express their learning in different ways? Will K-12 students be given some choice?
Content/Language Objectives
Assessment Strategies
o SWBAT identify the ones, tens, and
Formal: Worksheet. The students will be turning in their
lessons at the end of the lesson.
hundreds place. (2.NBT.1)
o SWBAT express numbers in base ten
form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express digit numbers in
standard form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express numbers in expanded
form. (2.NBT.3)
o Express numbers in word form (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT identify the ones, tens, and
hundreds place. (2.NBT.1)
o SWBAT express numbers in base ten
form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express digit numbers in
standard form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express numbers in expanded
form. (2.NBT.3)

Informal: Observation/Anecdotal Notes. The teacher will

walk around while the students are completing the

o SWBAT identify the ones, tens, and

hundreds place. (2.NBT.1)
o SWBAT express numbers in base ten
form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express digit numbers in
standard form. (2.NBT.3)
o SWBAT express numbers in expanded
form. (2.NBT.3)

Informal: Class discussion: The teacher will discuss place

value to see where the students are in relation to the goal for
this lesson.

g. Student Voice:

K-12 students will be able to:

1. Explain student learning targets

and what is required to meet
them (including why they are
important to learn).

Student-based evidence to be
collected (things produced by
students: journals, exit slips, selfassessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
Exit Slip

2. Monitor their own learning

progress toward the learning
targets using the tools provided
(checklists, rubrics, etc.).


3. Explain how to access

resources and additional
support when needed (and
how/why those resources will
help them).

Place blocks, hundreds charts,

teachers, and classmates.

Description of how students

will reflect on their learning.

The students will be filling

out an exit slip explaining
what the learning targets are,
why learning about place
value is important, and where
they are in relation to the
learning goals.
The worksheets will
demonstrate student learning.
The students will go over the
worksheets they have just
completed with a pen. This
will allow for students to
correct their own mistakes.
The students may use place
value blocks, hundreds charts,
and assistance from teachers
and/or para educators in the

Grouping of Students for Instruction:

We will begin this lesson with whole class instruction in order to review material that has already been
learned and go over what we will be doing next. Then, we will start with a mini lesson about place value, in
which the students will practice writing numbers in the hundreds and the thousands. After modeling a few
problems for the students, the students will solve the a problem independently. Once the student have answers
a few questions independently, they will do pair share to check their answers. This will allow students to
check their work and their own understanding of place value. Depending on how well the students are doing
with the problems, the teacher will either continue demonstrating more examples or allow the students to do
the rest of the problems independently.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning


Good morning students, so today we are going to continue learning about place value, and practicing using
different numbers. Except today, we are going to use some treats to do so!
We are going to start by practicing a few numbers on our poster sheet.
*Gradual release of responsibility
(Bring up poster sheet. Have students seat at the rug or near the board.)
(Have students write down answers on white board.)
We are going to start with numbers in the hundreds. Once weve practiced a little, we are going to try
numbers in the thousands.
1. What is place value? (Knowledge)
2. (Pointing at numbers) What place value is this? (Knowledge/Understanding)
3. Now that we have practiced learning about place value, can someone tell me why it is important?
4. How does knowing place value help us add and subtract? (Understanding/Analysis)
5. Why did I write this number this way? (Understanding).
6. How can I draw this number in expanded form? (Understanding)
7. How can I write this number in words? (Knowledge/Understanding)
8. How can I write this number in expanded form? (Understanding)
9. How do I draw this number in base ten form? (Knowledge/Understanding).
10. How does place value help us add or subtract? (Understanding/Analysis)

Learning Activities:

Learning Steps and Activities

1. Class Discussion/Review/Mini Lesson:
Place Value. Class Discussion.
Teacher: We are going to start with numbers
in the hundreds, then, I am going to
challenge to use numbers in the thousands.
Teacher: We are going to practice writing
these numbers in number form, standards
form, word form, and expanded form.

Supporting Theories/Principles
Vygotsky Schema. For the beginning of this
lesson we will be reviewing material that the
students have already learned. The students will be
building on their prior knowledge.
Bandura - Observational Learning. The students
will first watch the teacher demonstrate what the
students will be doing through a mini
lesson/gradual release of responsibility.

Teacher: Can someone tell me why place

value is important? Why is it important that
we learn about place value?
(Call on student)
Student: It is important because it will
prepare us for fifth grade.
Teacher: Thats right, can someone give me
another reason?
Student: Because it helps us solve
Teacher: Yes, it does. I know lately weve
been practicing adding and subtracting
numbers, place value allows us to add and
subtract more easily. Even without using our
Vygotsky Importance of Language. The
students will do pair share to discuss answers
and/or correct answers. The students are given the
Ok, I am going to try 136. I am going to
opportunity to discuss how they got their answers,
write this number down in the first box. Now, and how they checked if their answers are correct/
I am going to write the number out in
wordsone hundred thirty six. I am going Bandura Observational Learning. The teacher
draw one, one hundreds square, three tens,
will first demonstrate how to write the number in
and 6 ones. In this lower box here, I am
standard form, word form, base ten, and expanded
going to write the expanded form. So I have
form (hundreds and thousands). Then, the students
100 + 30 + 6. And I am all done.
will do it independently.

2. Class Discussion

Lets try another one. Hmm. How about

178. I am going to write down the number
(write down number in the first box under
number form). Now, I am going to write it
under words form. One hundred seventyeight. Ok, so how am I going to draw this in
base ten form?.
Student: You are going to draw one square
for the hundred, seven tens, and eight ones.
Teacher: Ok (draw what the student said.)
Teacher: Now what?

Now that we have practiced learning about place value, can someone tell me why it is important?
Student: Because knowing place value helps us add and subtract easily.
Teacher: Thats true, knowing how use place value allows us to count, to solve math problems, to add,
subtract, multiply, and divide more easily. It sets the stage and prepares you for learning more complex
(Collect worksheets.)
Independent Practice: The students will use the place value charts in class and may also take place value
charts home to continue practicing using place value.
Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology:

Place value blocks

Place Value poster.
Dry Erase markers.
Place Value Chart.
Pretzel sticks (Tens)
MnMs or cheerios (ones)
Chex (hundreds)
Marshmallows (Thousands)
White Boards.
Zip Lock Bags (to put snacks in.)
Gloves (to serve the snacks.)

Acknowledgements: Acknowledge your sources

Name: ______________

Exit Slip
1. Fill in the spaces below.
Standard Form:

Word Form:
______ ______ ________ _______

Base Ten Form:

Expanded From:

Standard Form:

Word Form:
______ ______ ________ _______
_______ ________

Base Ten Form:

Expanded From:

3. How I feel about place value. (Circle)

4. It is important to learn about place value because

Place Value Chart.

Back of sheet (Thousands).



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