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Mathematics Curriculum Overview

Amber Mackintosh

The Alberta Education Program of Studies for Mathematics from K-9 emphasizes the
following beliefs about students learning and teachers teaching mathematics:

Students learn mathematics through relations to their real-life experience.

Students attach meaning and construct meaning of mathematics
It is essential to have student discussion in mathematics.
The learning environment needs to be positive for students to have positive
attitudes towards mathematics.
It is important for teachers to use a variety of teaching and assessment to
meet diversity of students cultures and experiences in classroom
Students are naturally curious about mathematics; continue to engage them
as teachers with activities, conversations and technology.

The Alberta Education Program of Studies for Mathematics from K-9 states goals for
students. The goals that are not reiterated through-out the program of studies are:
appreciate and value mathematics, commitment to life-long learning, and take risks in
performing mathematical tasks. I suggest for further reference on the second page of the
document for more goals.
The Alberta Education Program of Studies for Mathematics from K-9 provides a
framework that integrates 7 components of the nature of mathematics, 4 strands of
mathematics, and 7 mathematical processes.
The 7 components of the nature of mathematics are:
Change: mathematics is a progressive subject.
Constancy: some mathematical concepts are constant. i.e. 1+1=2
Number sense: connect numbers to real-world situations
Patterns: understanding patterns of mathematics
Relationships: connections with world
Spatial sense: using mental images, visualizing and reasoning.
Uncertainty: uncertainty in probabilities and statistics
The 4 strands have subcategories to them indicated in brackets. They are:

Patterns and Relations ( Patterns, and Variables and Equations)
Shape and Space(Measurements, 3-D Objects and 2-D Space, and
Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis, and Chance and Uncertainty)
From each strand and subcategory, there are GLOs and SLOs. SEE finished decision
tree attached.
Furthermore, each SLOs has one or more assigned mathematical processes (in their
abbreviated form) coordinating with it to inform teachers if students are meeting the SLO.
The 7 mathematical processes are:

Communication [C]: express understanding

Connections [CN]: connect math to real world and other math concepts
Mental Mathematics and Estimations [ME]: ability to work out mathematics
Problem Solving [PS]: ability to apply and learn problem solving methods

ED 3501- CnI (PQR)

Mathematics Curriculum Overview

Amber Mackintosh

Reasoning[R]: ability to use reasoning skills in mathematics

Technology[T]: use and develop skills with technological learning tools for
problem solving
Visualization[V]: ability to form mental images to aid in problem solving and
math processes
This can be seen in lesson plan that is attached under the SLO chosen to
demonstrate potential teaching strategy.

ED 3501- CnI (PQR)

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