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Biochemistry Assignments for May 6-8,2010

Assignment 3

Nucleic Acids
1. Describe nucleic acids.
2. What are the substances that compose nucleic acid structure?
3. Differentiate nucleotide to nucleoside.
4. Types of nucleic acids:
4.1 give the structural composition of RNA and that of DNA.
4.2 Types of RNA and give the corresponding function
4.3 Present the DNA complementary base pairs
5. Present the Genetic code in tabular manner with the corresponding amino acid.
6. Present the Central Dogma scheme.
7. Trace DNA replication to protein synthesis.
8. Types of mutation
9. How does DNA repair works?

Assignment 4

1. Define Enzymes
2. Structure and function of enzymes
3. Classification of enzymes
4. Factors affecting enzyme and the corresponding effect
5. Describe each of the following and give sample for each:
5.1 Competitive inhibitor
5.2 Noncompetitive inhibitor
5.3 Reversible and Irreversible reaction
6. Clinical importance of enzymes

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