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Tennessee Temple University

Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Megan Roysden
Class: Mrs. Tracy Burch (resident teacher) First Grade; Science
Course Unit: Forms of precipitation as liquid or solid
Lesson Title: When Water Freezes
Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related
scenario, problem, or community link.

The students will watch videos, listen to a Scholastic News magazine, complete magazine
quizzes and activities (whole group), and complete a worksheet pertaining to different forms of
precipitation and be able to identify if those forms are in solid form or liquid form.


Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common

Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies.

S1E2. Students will observe and record changes in water as it relates to weather. a. Recognize
changes in water when it freezes (ice) and when it melts (water). b. Identify forms of precipitation
such as rain, snow, sleet, and hailstones as either solid (ice) or liquid (water). c. Determine that
the weight of water before freezing, after freezing, and after melting stays the same. d.
Determine that water in an open container disappears into the air over time, but water in a
closed container does not.


Clear, Specific, and Measurable NOT ACTIVITIES


The student will be able to identify different forms of precipitations. They will be able to identify
snow and ice as solid forms of precipitation and rain as a liquid form of precipitation. The student
will be able to use their memory of the video watched about snowflakes and the Scholastic News
magazine listened to and guidance from me (for the lower and struggling students) to draw the
correct form of precipitation on their worksheet.


Students show evidence of proficiency through a variety of

Aligned with the Lesson Objective

Students work on and complete Solid vs. Liquid worksheet. This sheet has two columns, one
column asks the students to draw precipitation in a solid form (snow, ice) and the other column
asks the students to draw precipitations in a liquid form (rain).


Aligned with the Lesson Objective

Rigorous & Relevant (Scholastic News) (Brrr-ing It On, Winter!

magazine) (Scholastic News) (video on signs of winter) (Scholastic News) (vocabulary words used
in Brrr-ing It On, Winter! magazine) (Brainpop) (snowflakes video)
Solid vs. Liquid worksheet
Water Cycle Song Mrs Price 2nd Grade CBB.mp3


(The Water Cycle Song)

An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort
when faced with a complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful
and authentic questions.

As a class we will sing The Water Cycle song. I will ask for volunteers to raise their hand and
name a form of precipitation. I will then lead into the lesson with Brrr-ing It On, Winter!

Tennessee Temple University

magazine and tell them we are going to learn what solid forms of precipitation are and what
liquid forms of precipitation are.


Step-by-Step Procedures-Sequence
Discover/Explain Direct Instruction
Modeling Expectations I Do
Questioning/Encourages Higher Order Thinking
Grouping Strategies
Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Provide
Intervention & Extension

The class will come to the front of the classroom where the smart board is. After singing The
Water Cycle song we will watch a video about winter. We will then listen to Brrr-ing It On,
Winter! scholastic magazine. After listening to the magazine, as a whole group, we will complete
the quiz on the last page. We will then go over the vocabulary words that were in the magazine. I
will then ask the students questions about the video and the magazine, ex: what are some signs
of winter? (snow, ice, warm clothes, less sunlight, shorter days), is snow a liquid or a solid? (solid)
why? (because it is made up of ice crystals). I will then show a video that talks specifically about
snowflakes (Brainpop). The students will then go back to their desks to work on their Solid vs.
Liquid worksheet.



We Do-You Do
Encourage Higher Order Thinking & Problem Solving
Differentiated Strategies for Practice to Provide Intervention &

The students will be at their desks working on Solid vs. Liquid worksheet. In one column they
will draw precipitation in the form of a solid and in the other column they will draw precipitation
in the form of a liquid. This will be independent work but I will be walking around helping when
needed. Many of the students have trouble reading and decoding words such as: Brandon,
Neeson, Anika, Brody, Joshua, Emily and Leo; I will help them to sound out words they do not
know and guide them to the correct answer without coming right out and telling them the


Summarizing, Reminding, Reflecting, Restating, Connecting

I will ask the students: to list forms of precipitation, (snow, sleet, hail, rain), Give me a form of
precipitations that is in solid form, (snow, hail, sleet), Give me a form of precipitation that is in
liquid form, (rain), Why is snow a solid form of precipitation? (it is made up of ice crystals).

Reading and art
Reading: reading and listening to the reading of the magazine Brrr-ing It On, Winter!
Art: being able to draw the correct form of precipitation.


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