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General Information

Lebanon is a country located in the Middle East on the eastern shore of the
Mediterranean Sea. Its bordered by Syria and Israel. The capital of the country
is Beirut. The government system is a constitutional, democratic and
parliamentarian Republic. The chief of state is the president, and the head of
government is the prime minister. Lebanon is a member of the League of Arab
States. Lebanon oficial language is arabic but also the majority speak french
and english. Lebanon has no official religion but they recognizes 17 religious
communities; the 60% of lebanease people practice the Islam.
In Lebanon the official coin is the Lebanese pound. The leabanese flag is
composed of red that symbolizes martyrdom and Lebanon people sacrifice in
the struggle for Independence, White that represents peace, purity and the
Lebanese snow-capped mountain peaks, and finally at the center is a Green
cedar that is the symbol of Lebanon for ages and represents immortality,
tolerance, strength and prosperity.
Interesting Facts:

There are no deserts in Lebanon, which makes this the only country that
can make this claim in all of Asia and Africa.
Beirut was destroyed and built from scratch seven times and is known as
the Phoenix.
The worlds first ever law school was founded in the city of Beirut in
Byblos is the worlds oldest, continuously occupied city and the first
alphabet was also created here
The countrys name is known to be the oldest in the world and has
remained unchanged for over 4000 years.
It is widely believed that Jesus Christ performed his first miracle here.
It is the one and only Asian country that has absolutely no desert.

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