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Applying Sterile

Gown and Gloves

Katherine Sheppard
Advanced Nursing Practice
NUR 3205

Importance of Surgical Attire

(Why we perform this skill)

attire is protective equipment to

use in healthcare facilities that promotes
safety and cleanliness in the perioperative
environment. (Braswell & Spruce, 2012)


attire is worn to reduce microbial

contamination transmitted from staff
members to the patient. (Bon Secours
Health System, 2014)


gown and gloves (size appropriate)

Sterile absorbent towels
Head covering or hood
Face mask
Protective eye wear
Shoe covers

Applying the Sterile Gown

Wash hands
Apply surgical head cover
(Rationale: According to Lippincott (2015)
placing the head cover reduces microorganisms
into the sterile field.)
Apply shoe covers
Apply surgical mask
Special consideration: choose a mask with
microbial filtration of 95% to protect from
aerosolized particles. Choose a mask that covers
your nose and mouth completely.

Applying the Sterile Gown Cont.


Apply eyewear to protect from splashes
Open Sterile gown/gloves
Wash hands
When entering the surgical room make sure to
keep elbows up
Remove the gown from sterile package and
grasp the inside of the gown.
Special Consideration: The outside of the gown
is considered sterile; do not touch the outside
part of the gown or let it touch the ground.

Applying the Sterile Gown Cont.


the gown in an uncrowded area

Hold the gown on the inside and allow the gown
to unfold inward toward you.
Complication: Shaking the gown causes air
currents which could cause contamination. (Bon
Secours Health System, 2014)
Stand with your arms straight out and at your
shoulder level.
Have another staff member who is not sterile
touch the inside of the gown and sides to cover
your shoulders and tie closed.

Applying the Sterile Gown Cont.


nonsterile staff member should secure

the gown neckline and inner gown.
The gown should be applied before the

Applying Sterile Gloves

Applying Sterile Gloves


the gown is applied the best way to apply gloves

is used by performing the closed glove technique.
The best way to do this is to keep your hands inside of
the gown and pick up the glove with your
nondominant hand for your dominant hand.
Extend dominant hand palm up and place the glove
on the dominant hand. First place the glove palm side
down and fingers facing self. Grasp the glove through
the sleeve and use nondominant hand to grasp the
top of the glove and stretch onto the dominant hand. .
Adjust the glove on your hand and repeat with
opposite hand.

Common Mistakes to Applying

Sterile Gown/Gloves
Staff member
putting the patient
at risk for infection.
Staff member does
not properly fit the
correct size.



Braswell, M., & Spruce, L. (2012). Implementing

AORN Recommended Practices for Surgical Attire.
Retrieved April 4, 2015, from AORN:

Surgical Attire, Donning. (2014, October 3).

Retrieved April 2, 2015, from Lippincott Procedures:

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