Paul Bejgrowicz Paul Bejgrowicz April 27, 2010: Solutions That Perform

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Evolving as a

g professional

Using networking and collaboration to improve performance

and help your learning organization evolve

Paul Bejgrowicz
April 27, 2010
Solutions That Perform™
Page 1 | April 30, 2010 | Copyright © 2008 RWD Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.
How do we evolve as learning professionals?

Communicate - Collaborate - Coordinate - Innovate

Solutions That Perform™

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Group Exercise

• Within the table groups, talk about the

discussion points on the following slides and
h d outs.
hand t
• Designate a representative to capture your
responses on the flip charts and someone to
share back with the entire group.

Solutions That Perform™

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Scenario – Problem Statement

Let’s say that you have a group of “trainers” in your

organization and you want to get them “up to speed” with
the latest theory and technologies being used either
within other parts of your organization or with the
industry as a whole.
How would you use networking and collaboration to
improve performance and help your learning
organization evolve?

– As you capture your thoughts, think about:

• What challenges you faced?
• How did you overcome the challenges?
• How did it affect you?
• How did it affect your team?

Solutions That Perform™

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Table Discussion – 15 Minutes

① Who do you network with internally from a

learning/training perspective?
• Internal user g
p for systems,
y , ((LMS,, SAP,, CRM etc),
), functional,,
(finance, supply chain, compliance)
A. What are some challenges you have had with maintaining
the internal groups?
B. Wh t iis th
What the “perception”
“ ti ” from
f leadership
l d hi off thi
this group?
Do you have their “buy-in” to keep the group going?

Solutions That Perform™

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Discussion Continued
② How do you stay connected within the learning industry
with groups “outside” of your organization
• External organizations, seminars, magazine subscriptions,
newsletters– ASTD, CLO, T&D
• Participate in vendor sponsored forums
A. How do you share knowledge and experience with others
back at the office?
B. What are some challenges you have had with staying
active with these external groups?
C. What is the “perception”
C perception from leadership of your
participation in these groups? Do you have their “buy-in to
support your participation?

Solutions That Perform™

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Share your responses 5 minutes/table
① Who do you network with internally from a
learning/training perspective?
A. What are some challenges you have had with maintaining
the internal groups?
B. What is the “perception” from leadership of this group? Do
you have their “buy-in” to keep the group going?
② H
How ddo you stay
t connectedt d within
ithi th
the llearning
i iindustry
d t
with groups “outside” of your organization?
A. How do you share knowledge and experience with others
back at the office?
B. What are some challenges you have had with staying
active with these external groups?
C. What is the “perception”
C perception from leadership of your
participation in these groups? Do you have their “buy-in to
support your participation?

Solutions That Perform™

Page 7 | April 30, 2010 | Copyright © 2008 RWD Technologies, LLC. All rights reserved.
3CI – Using networks to build your team

• Get buy-in from your leadership for your time devoted to

creating and running the community
• Keep it simple and start off small
small, use what you have &
use what you know how to use!
– Email
– Teleconference
– WebEx/Live Meeting
– Portals/Websites - SharePoint
– Emerging Technologies – Yammer,
Yammer Blogs etc
• Brand your group, do some marketing, create buy in,
create a buzz, get excited!
– Create a logo
– Market and publicize your meeting schedule
– Send out agenda prior to meeting to create interest

Solutions That Perform™

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3CI – Using networks to build your team

• Start with standard agenda and share content and areas

of expertise that you know
– Share your perspectives
perspectives, project examples
examples, lessons
learned and create a dialogue that encourages others to
present and share
– Participate in and bring in information from external
collaboration sources such as local ASTD chapters, CLO
events, something you’ve learned on Twitter or LinkedIn
• Encourage participants
E ti i t tto take
t k an agenda
d item
it or lead
l da
meeting to create buy in from your audience and begin
to transfer ownership of the CoP to the participants
• Sh
Share success stories!
t i ! Show
Sh the
th value
l off participating
ti i ti iin

Solutions That Perform™

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Solutions That Perform™
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• You’re not alone – others have similar experiences to

share, internally and externally
• We all have some form of networking and collaboration
that we do formally and informally – make it work for you
• Building a community of practice can be accomplished
with the tools and technologies that you have available –
start simple and build from there
• Champion and lead collaboration, get a group started
and then share responsibilities so it will become self

Communicate - Collaborate - Coordinate - Innovate

Solutions That Perform™

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Paul Bejgrowicz
Principal Performance Consultant
410 925 5504

Solutions That Perform™

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