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Cultural Viewpoint of The End of Life

NURS 458- Palliative Care

Purpose of Assignment
To increase student awareness of cultural difference with the End of Life by
investigating a cultural/religious group other than their own views aging, grieving, death,
and dying.
Approach to Assignment
The approach I took towards this assignment was to increase my knowledge base
of a culture that has a significant presence in American culture, but whose values and
health beliefs I was unfamiliar with. This assignment provided great insight into how the
Chinese culture approach specific aspects of care such as do not resuscitate orders and
discussions on death and dying. This provided me with the importance of tailoring
nursing interventions to patients who come from a different background from mine.
Incorporating cultural-sensitive care into my nursing practice will assist with my patients
healing process.
Reason for Inclusion
I wanted to include this assignment, because I believe providing cultural-sensitive
care to our patients is an important part of nursing care. Upon completion of this
assignment I was able to give a overview of the health beliefs and practices towards end
of life issues in the Chinese culture.

Articulates an understanding of how human behavior is affected by culture, race,

religion, gender, lifestyle, and age.

The research I did for this power point presentation on Chinese culture showed an
emphasis was placed on giving respect to elderly family members. Filial piety and
paternalism were characteristics that was encouraged and upheld in this culture.
Taking care of parents as they got older and ill is an important cultural value for the
Chinese culture.

Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health and how

these beliefs influence an individuals reactions to the illness experience and end
of life.
The Chinese culture view death and dying as taboo subjects to discuss. It is

considered very rude and disrespectful to discuss end of life issues with an elderly
Chinese. Immediate family members are expected to make health care decisions and
decide whether to disclose a diagnosis to an elderly family member.

Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions

As a nurse I am now aware of certain cultural beliefs and practices of the Chinese

culture that will guide my nursing practice while providing care to someone from this
cultural group. Some of the important cultural practices I have learned that will affect
how I approach nursing practice for a Chinese patient is: 1) importance placed by
family members being at the bedside when a family member is dying, 2) organ
donation is not encouraged, 3) autopsy is also not widely practiced because of the fear
of body disfigurement, and 4) grieving is typically kept within the family and therapy
is used as a intervention to deal with grief.

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