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45 Should, shouldn 1 We use should with an infinitive (do, go, ete): ITIVE | 2 ‘The negative form is shouldn't: You shouldn't sit in the sun all day. They shouldn't spend so much money. 3. We use I should or we should to say what isa good thing for us to do: Tshould go home. I's midnight. We should invite them for a meal We use lor we shouldn't to say that something is a bad thing for us to do: Tshouldn’t spend so much money. ‘We use you should/shouldn't to give advice: You should look for a beter job. You shouldn't drive so fast, Should is not as strong as must or have to ‘Compare: You should eat more fruit (It a good idea.) “You must eat more fruit? said the doctor. (its very important.) 4 Weuse the question form should I/we ..2 t0 ask for advice: What should I say to Hilen? need a new passport. Where should I go? 5. Wecan say I think we should, I don’t think you should, etc to give an opinion: e I don't think you should believe everything he says. ‘We do not usually say Lihink youeshoulds't.. 6 We can use do you think I should ...?to ask for advice: He hasn't replied t0 my email. Do you think Tshould phone him? What do you think I should give Toms for his birthday? | Practice | ‘A. Complete the sentences, using should or shouldn't and the words in brackets ( ). > You " T enjoyed that flm. We should ao This food is torrbe. Which shirt do you think wer (Youlwork) so hard. Have a holiday. (Wego) to the cinema more often (Yourpark) here. its not allowed. (/e0ok) for dinner tonight? (Yourwear) a coat. I's cold outside. (Wefarrive) at the airport two hours before the fight. (apply) for this job? What .. (You/smoke). It's bad for you. ss (pay) now or later? Do you think What do you think .. (write) inthis space on the form? (eat) any more cake. I've already eaten too much. .. (Welcomplain) to the manager. (Wouy)? far me to do it, am obliged to doit to do to work Terabe tn | O82 /weryourthey ave 1D I'l be late for work tomoreow I have to go tothe dentis. 1 Jane starts work at 7 o'clock, so she has to get up at 6. 10 You have to pass atest before you can get a driving lence, ‘The pase (yesterday / lst wock etc) is ad t0 1 I was late for work yesterday. had to go to the dentist. 13 We had to walk home lat night. There were no buses. In questions and negatives we use do/does (present) and did (pas) present do /we/you/they Vwe/you/they don’t does _he/she/it, he/the/it doesn’t past Vwe/yo0th6y | Bae gg Vwe/you/they he/she/it Tue | did't have to 1D What rime do you have to go to the dentist tomorrow? 5 Does Jane have to work on Sundays? 5 Why did they have to leave the party ety? | don’t have to (do something) = its not necesary todo it: 10 Pm not working tomorry so I don't have to get up eal. 5 fan doesn’t have to work very hard. He' got an easy job 1D We didn’t have to wait very long forthe bus ~ i came in afew minutes smust and have to You can use must or have to when you say what you think is necessary, when you give your opinion: 1 Keka fanatic film. You mast see it. or You have to sce it ‘When you are nor giving your personal opinion, use have to (wot must). Compare {Jane won't be at work this affernoon. She has to go to the doctor (this is noc my personal opinion ~ it sa fat) 1 Jane isn't well. She doesnt want to goto the doctor, bu I told her she must go, (Chis is my personal opinion) must / must / don't need to Unit 31 Exercises Unit 33 33.1 332 333 335 336 Complete the sentences. Use have to or has to + these verbs: do hit read speak travel -wear, My eyes are not very good. 1._.MWe. t0.NEAe._ pases. 1 2 Atte end ofthe course all the studens act 5 Som is studying literature. She lot of books. 4 Albers doesn't understand much English. You very slowly to him, 5 Kate x not ofen ae home. She 2 Toei her job. 6 In tenis you ‘the ball over the nt Complete the sentences. Use have to or had to + these verbs: answer buy change go walle 1 We ad. to walk ome bst night. There wete no buses. 2 Wt. 1 now: I'l see you tomorrow 3 T went tothe supermarket afer work yesterday. 1 sete food 44 This twain doesn go all the way to London, You 1 Bristol 5 We did an exam yesterday, We six questions out often Complete the questions. Some are present and some are past. Thhave wo get up early womorrow) (What time — 42. yan have to gek up George had to wait 2 long time | | How long Liz has to go somewhere. | | Where We tad to pay ao of money. | | How much hive o do some work) \ What exactly Write sentences with don't/doesn't/didn't have to 1 Why are you going out? You ...don't. have. to. g. ou 2 Why is Sue waiting? She 3. Why did you get up eal? You 44 Why is Paul working so hard? He 5 Why do you wan ro leave now? We Which is correct? Sometimes must and have to are both correct. Sometimes only one is correct. 1 Ieba finest film, You mus 2 Jolia wont be at work this afer feces red 5 You can’ park your car here for nothing. You must pay / ave to pv. 4 didet have any money with me lastnight, so I must Bortow / had to borrow some. 5 eat t90 much chocohte. I rally mu stop / have to sop 6 Paul isa hurry. He must mect / has o-mect somebody in five minutes, 7 Whats wrong? You must tel have to eel me. 1 wane to help yo. nave to see its (bth are caret) ‘She me go-/ has eo goto the doctor ‘Write some things that you (or your friends or Family) have to do or had to do. 1 (every day) | have to travel ten niles every day. 2 (every ds) 3 (yesterday) 4 tomorow)

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