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Amazon and Barnes and Noble Marketing Concept Paper

1. Amazon was started by Jeff Bezos in 1995 and has since vastly expanded throughout the world.
It was incorporated in Seattle, Washington and then reincorporated in 1996 in Delaware. It
began as an online bookstore but has diversified its product line to just about anything. Bezos
wrote the business plan on a road trip from New York to Seattle.
Barnes and Noble was its origins in Illinois when Charles Barnes opened a book-printing business
in 1873. The first real store was opened by his son William in conjunction with Clifford Noble in
New York City in 1917. Leonard Riggio purchased the business in 1971. Barnes and Noble
became the first company to advertise on television and to give discounted prices on books.
Selling titles to mail-order customers allowed them to serve customers across the nation.

2. I believe Amazon embodies the marketing concept

4. Both companies ship internationally. The only items that Amazon doesn’t ship everywhere in the
world are Amazon Marketplace items.

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