Grammar and Correct Usage Quiz 5 - PH Civil Service Exam Reviewer

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Grammar and Correct Usage

Quiz 5
This is the fifth Grammar and Correct
Usage Quiz in PH Civil Service Review.
Good luck and enjoy learning.
Grammar and Correct Usage Quiz 5
Fill in the blanks with the most
appropriate word.
1. They _______ TV while I was cleaning
the dishes.
a.) are watching
b.) was watching
c.) were watching
d.) had watched

c. were watching
2. James ____ in Manila for the past 8

a.) stayed
b.) has stayed
c.) stays
d.) is staying

b. has stayed
3. Are there ____ cookies in the fridge?
a.) many
b.) much
c.) any
d.) a

c. any
4. I liked it. That _______ interesting
a.) was a
b.) was an
c.) is
d.) is an

b. was an
5. I went __ the market yesterday.

a.) to
b.) at
c.) in
d.) on

a. to
6. Ron: Gabby, look at the new girl. You
know her right. What ___ she like?
Gabby: Shes very bubbly.
a.) does
b.) is
c.) did
d.) has

b. is
7. Please hurry up. I need ____
a.) go
b.) going
c.) to going
d.) to go

d. to go
8. I ____ a new mobile phone yesterday.
a.) bought
b.) buyed
c.) had bought
d.) did bought

a. bought
9. How ____ was the phone?
a.) many
b.) much
c.) few
d.) more

b. much
10. I love ______ classical music..
a.) listen
b.) listen to
c.) listening to
d.) to listening to

c. listening to

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