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Reflections of a Perspective
Vanessa Reed Calonzo

The Legacy
My earliest concepts of a framework came
from my grandparents & parents stories.
These stories were of prejudice,
immigration, labor, fruit, travel, economic
struggle, abuse, loneliness, family, military,
health, and most importantly, love.

They all struggled for a

future good for their
children. Through these
stories I find inspiration
to develop my Voice
to address the injustices
continued to be
experienced in the lives
of people today.

Education & Identity

In elementary and high school, in Aberdeen, I
tried to find a sense of self in my education. My
past was filled with lessons that did not reflect
and connect with me and the identity I was
struggling with. Was I White? Was I Filipino?
Could I be both? Why did I keep getting asked
explain my culture? Who could I talk to? Was I
the only person struggling with racial identity?
(Dalton, 17)
College would lead me to others on
I got along with people, but why didnt I feel
similar pathways and help me
Acknowledge my experiences and
perspectives . This was a time in my life
where I came to terms with my shifting
identities (Kottack & Kozaitis, 71). I felt
comfortable being multiple identities.
It would also be in this environment that
I would find that it wasnt just the
information that made a difference to

I would find people who
believed in me and the
potential I had for helping the
world. Through these mentors, I
would be inspired to seek
justice through the power of my
education and return the
support I experienced as I have
grown in my experience. I
finally felt



As I experience major milestones in my life:
birthdays, marriage, having my own family,
I begin to see how my life is not just my own
anymore, but a growth of love, an impact that
intertwines through the world of my family,
friends, co-workers, and students who are my
inspirations and who are seeing me as an

Example of the philosophies I try to live


I see myself as: a daughter &

granddaughter continuing a legacy of
hard work, intellectual exploration,
and helping others; a wife that is
supported and who supports her
partner through the preservation of a
healthy relationship in love; a mother
who will put her son, and future
children first so they know they are
loved, supported, and challenged to
be conscious human beings living up
to their potential.
I will continue to evolve through my
formal and professional education to

Student-ofStudents. Education is not just

be a

a stand-alone experience, but a

lifestyle I choose to participate in at
home, in my spiritual life, and my

Career and Cause

My heart calls me to action to use my privileges of resources, time, and
knowledge to

Support those without Access.

Today, my work in Outreach and Admission in a Community College helps

me to be connected to my social justice mission in life to help others.
In my work and in my life, I continue to follow my heart ..
As I learn the effective language to articulate my ideas to be a force of
positive change,
As I continue to fill my heart with love so I may never forget the good in
As I keep in mind that challenges are blessings that help me gain strength in
my resolve, And as I gain the depth of knowledge to support those that I
may serve.

A Framework of

Student of Students

Dalton, H. (2012). Failure to see. In Rothenberg, P. (Ed.) White
Privilege: Essential readings on the other side of racism (p. 17).
York: Worth Publishers.


Kottak, C.P., & Kozaitis, K.A. (2012). On being different: Diversity &
Multiculturalism in the North America mainstream. (p.71) New York:
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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