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There were numerous contributing factors which aided my decision to create The
Adventures of Pigeuo and Bryan. Primarily, I wanted to make something that I
myself would enjoy watching; I wished to draw influence from and pay homage
to my key areas of interest (cartoons, horror, comic books and video games). As
such, I attempted to make my idea as madcap yet (marginally) plausible as
possible. Consequently, there are as many allusions to mental disturbance as
there are peculiar creatures. This conveys that the general plot has its
foundations in reality, with its finer details suspended in an obscure, fictional
This is the complete antithesis to my second plan. Whereas The Adventures of
consists of more light-hearted tones and action, the other is something of a slowburner; it takes time for it to escalate and reach its precipice. Observing my
previous work (in particular my stop-motion film), it is possible to note that this is
a recurring trend and I should, perhaps, revaluate how I present and write my
narratives. Essentially, I am taking this as an opportunity to explore the areas
outside of my immediate comfort zone and create something unlike anything
that I have done before.
Having worked with animation on two previous occasions, I was also conscious of
planning a piece that would serve as a challenge. I feel that this criteria is met
with my noted idea; in terms of the set and character development, there are
numerous elements that I must consider in order to keep the piece from
becoming nothing short of stupid. Furthermore, the complexity of the storyline
would enable me to not only take my production in a new direction but improve
upon my use of frames and techniques.
Moreover, four out
of five respondents
from my survey
noted that they
preferred idea one
to idea two. These
reitterated that the
former of the pair
fact that this was
nearly unanimous
indicates that this
is not a close call;
one was definitely more intriguing to the recipients than the other.
When asked why it was that they felt this, common answers included that it
sounded funny and was unique. Seeing feedback such as this was somewhat
reassuring; it proved that my narrative was already being received in the way

that I intended it to be, and I am en route to creating an imaginative and peculiar

story. Another individual stated that they liked how, overtly, it seems to be an
innocent, child-friendly cartoon but when we examine it further it is rather
twisted. Again, this was my goal; much like how Family Guy was orginally
perceived as a clone of The Simpsons, I wanted to shock the viewer by including
violence and horror themes etc. In turn, this would eliminate the risk of it being
mistaken for an addition to the mostly oversaturated childrens television
person did
prefer the
saying that
thought it
was more
what could
be a real
situation. I
disregarding this reply merely because it does not relate to my chosen plot. I will
look at how I can incorporate more realistic issues into the piece so that actual
problems are conveyed in an alternative, dystopian manner. As a result, this
would help prevent it from becoming too silly and make the content all the
more troubling, thanks to the way it will be presented.
Similarly, and regardless of which plot was being referenced, each respondent
felt that it would be engaging to watch. Inevitably, this was reassuring; if no one
wants to watch the product, there is no point in it being created. The general
consensus was that this is due to it being a different concept and a two-headed
pigeon being a strange, unheard of critter. I am optimistic that it will be this
coupled with his offbeat adventures that help to keep the plot interesting, fresh
and offbeat. Again, I will try to incorporate the respondents opinion regarding the
second idea so as to accomadate as many viewers as possible. To do this, I will
make the characters relatable, and the situations obscure.

anticipated, the recipients did raise several concerns. These ranged in their
nature, from those mentioning the complications of obtaining the pigeon to the
skill required to make it effective. The first of these is easily resolved; I will be
using plasticine/Play-Doh to mould the basic creature, before introducing the
extra appendage. I will be doing several trial runs, so to speak, so that I am
confident as to how I will be creating Pigeuo. In regards to how I shall make the
storyline as engaging as possible, the characters will encounter new challenges,
some slightly more realistic than others. As well as this, I will distribute audience
feedback forms so that I can learn what was successful and what was not. This
also enabled me to understand just how difficult it will be to execute my project
well. Whilst this provided me with valid considerations, it did not dissuade me
from my choice; I like the idea and want to create it enough that I shall work
through any problems and adapt the concept so that it is achievable.

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