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Our Side of the Fence or Theirs


1. In the narrator’s mind, what sets the neighbors apart from other people, especially in his city?
2. The narrator is critical of the neighbors. What does he seem to disapprove of? List several
3. Aside from disapproval, what other feelings does the narrator seem to have toward the
neighbor family? Prove your conclusions with quotes. (I can think of at least 3)
4. The narrator openly states how the rest of the family perceives the neighbors. What do they
feel and what are their reasons?
5. What is your opinion of the narrator and his family? Why? Be specific in your answer (this
means using quotes or referring to events that create your opinion)
6. What do you think the theme of this story is?
7. The only dialogue in the story comes near the end. Technically, dialogue means speech between
two or more characters. How do the quoted speeches in this story diverge from that definition?
What role do these speeches play I he story? How would the story’s impact change if the author
used true dialogue throughout?
8. “We’re respectable, honorable people,” declares the narrator in the second paragraph. On the
basis of the story, write a definition essay describing the values, attitudes, and relationships that
the narrator’s family apparently believes define a “respectable, honorable” Indian family.

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