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Brand Home

Articulating the spirit of Nest


What matters to us 03
In one slide 04
Brand belief 05
Brand manifesto 06
Who we are for 07
Our aspiration 08
We are 09
Our take on business
Our take on design 11
Our First Product 12
Product Promise 14
How We Talk 15
Forthright Friendly 16
Malcom Gladwell 18
Friendly in Action 19
How We Look 20
The Nest Logo 21
Clear Space 22
Logo Placement 23
Core Brand Colors 24
Supporting Color Palette 25
Logo Color Usage 26
Incorrect Logo Usage 27
Iconography 28
The Nest Curve 29
Bringing It Together 30
Typography 33
Correspondence Templates 36
Editorial Guidelines 38
Photography 39
Looking Ahead 41

Brand manifesto

Home has a roof to shield us,

floors to keep us out of the mud,
doors to lock or welcome.
But what if home could do more?
What if home could sense us? What
if home could learn from us? Then
home could anticipate our needs,
and take care of us.
Home could do good on our behalf.
Home could teach us to live better,
wiser. Home could become, in
small ways then big ones, a bit
more human.
At Nest, were imagining
the conscious home.

What Matters
To Us
Nest Brand Home

What matters to us.

Home and the people inside.

In a Nutshell

Brand belief
The conscious home.

Product Promise
The Nest Learning
Programs itself.
Saves energy.

Brand architecture

Our Focus


implies comfort.

Our products are

We are



intuitive, well-designed, holistic.

aware, intelligent, adaptive, connected,

conscientious, brilliant.

Fascinated by the conscious home and

relentlessly curious about unlocking its potential

Our aspiration
We are a team that is fanatical about
making the home aware of what human
beings truly desire and hope for and
then bringing an ingenuity of approach,
an obsession for how to harness
technology to do the hard work, and a
simplicity of design .

At Nest, we are developing solutions for

the conscious home .





The personal passion of Nest team members is the fuel.

Because we create things that human beings desire, but may be so deeply
rooted they cant express it.
We approach things differently, because so many of the traditional ways to thing
about the home simply dont work.
We draw on the latest technology, do some mighty hard engineering , and
find elegant solves in order to make our solutions brilliantly easy for people, and
unprecedentedly effective in their function.
We are simplicity obsessed about everything we do.
By conscious home we mean a home that senses, learns your patterns, and
responds to make your environment more enjoyable, more joyful, more energy
efficient, and whole lot simpler.

Who we are for

Home is where we feel safe and comfortable. And where our most important
moments happen. Its where we laugh,
where we cry. Where we walk around
barefoot in our old jeans.
Home is the only place where we can
truly be ourselves.
We are for the 62 million Target
Greens who want a warm and welcoming space. At home, they surround
themselves with people that make
them happy and objects that delight.
Their homes are an exercise in selfexpression, incorporating a deliberate
design aesthetic. They choose to define
their passions & beliefs through the
adoption and rejection of brands.
Target Greens want quality over quantity, desiring a return to craftsmanship,
to thoughtful creation. They are fascinated by technology and optimistic that
innovation can address pressing issues
of the day. They have high standards for
form and function clutter is something they despise. They are allergic to
cheaply made, bloated products.

Most homeowners have green attitudes, but dont have the desire or
means for green behavior. Putting a
solar panel on your roof sounds great,
but at $30,000no thanks. Target
Greens want products that do good,
are affordable (or pay for themselves in
a short amount of time), dont test their
patience, help solve inherent problems,
and delight.
In short, we are for people that love the
iPhone and have homes.

Our take on business

The average business follows the

money and aims to occupy a small
niche within that space. Nest
approaches it differently: we focus
on substantial problems others have
chosen to ignore. Rather than filling a
niche, we aim to create and own entire
ecosystems. Nest is not average.
Our approach: We take on the unloved
products that havent seen a lot of
innovation, but desperately need it.
We are driven by the desire to solve
issues we ourselves experience firsthand. And when we do, we dont sign
up for incrementalism. We redesign
everything from the ground up.
For our Learning Thermostat, we have
hired machine learning experts, awardwinning UI designers, and leading CE
software engineers to develop a
thermostat. Why? The home thermostat
controls 10% of the energy in the
US, and up to 20% of this is currently
wasted. A government might strive to
affect these savings over 20 years
we aim to do it much sooner, with a
team of 50.

Given the constant progress in

technological innovation today, there
are new tools to address some of the
worlds biggest challengeslike saving
energy. But it takes relentless curiosity
to discover the hidden opportunities
around us, deep expertise to solve
complex technical problems, and
honest empathy to create solutions
that people love. And it takes grit: hard
work, long days, and a commitment to
doing the basics well and building them
into something exceptional. This is
what defines Nest.

Our take on design

Most engineers are overly eager to

bolt on more bells, more whistles, just
because they can. The end result: a
whiz-bang gadget that is complicated
to use and unsure of its purpose.
Great engineers think like great
sculptors: they take raw material and
work meticulously to remove what
is non-essential.
Most designers pay too much attention
to form, and not to function. The endresult: eye-candy that doesnt perform.
Great designers wrap form around
function so that it is beautiful to look
at and intuitive to use.
For cell phones, the paradigm shifted
with the iPhone: it allowed people
to enjoy a staggering amount of
technology & features, because it was
simple, intuitive, and delightful to use.
Developing great products requires
great engineers and great designers.
Its not about bells and whistles, not
about great design. Its about being
designed from the ground up. Being
designed revolutionizes a product.

Designed lies at the heart of Nests

philosophy. And were adding one more
differentiating element to it:
With current technologies, the human
learning curve is steep every time
there is a new product, you have to
spend time and energy learning how
to use it. At Nest, products learn you.
You shouldnt have to spend time and
energy understanding how a new
gadget works. In fact, you shouldnt
have to do much at all. It should solve
problems for you, so that you have
more time for the things that matter.

We are

Relentlessly Focused
Never Satisfied
Hands-on Doers
Inventive & Ingenious
Mass yet premium
Always learning

We are not

Polite Compromisers
Academic Lab Coats
The latest gadget
Sales guys

Our First Product

Nest Brand Home

We call it
The Nest Learning Thermostat.

Product promise

The Nest Learning Thermostat.

Programs itself. Saves energy.

Our core audience

In a few words
Hip, modern, well educated,
socially active, environmentally
mindful homeowners.

By the numbers
62 Million
30-50 years old, married (58%)
Homeowners, and 33% have kids at home
More female (57%)
Well educated and with above average income (>$61,400)
Average home size 3,000 sq. ft.
Do their research. Love a good bargain
Frys (49%), Home Depot (42%), Lowes (37%), BBY (32%)

Attitudes and behaviors

Strong desire for uniqueness, expressed via fashion
Outgoing, socially active and likes to influence others
Environmental responsibility & cheap chic a big part
of their identity
Home should be an uncluttered environment for family
Open minded and seeking growth

NYT, The Atlantic, New Yorker, Consumer Reports,
WSJ, Dwell, Oprah, Wired, Fast Company, Slate,
Huffington Post, Salon

Core insights

Percentage of US homes
that have a programmable
thermostat in 2008

Source: Meir, Alan et al. How People Actually Use Thermostats.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2010. PDF.

Percentage of programmable
thermostat owners that
never used them to set a
specific schedule

Percentage of thermostats
in the United States that
are not programmed.

Key influencers

Tech enthusiasts

HVAC installers

Designers, architects

Younger, male, higher income, loves buying

& trying new experiences

Family owned businesses, success built

on multi-year personal relationships
(distributors accounts & customers)

Arbiters of taste

Few are truly trusted

Range of aesthetic predispositions from

functional to frou-frou

Finds themselves wandering through Apple

& BBY stores
Likes being among the 1st to try new tech
products to impress their friends

Fragile industry (50% out of business

each year)

True Brown Related

Self taught, nonstandard training,

tribal knowledge

Not willing to give up anything homeowners.

Influenced by industry trends and fashion

Typically very client focused

Training and tech do not distinguish

Promote as no surprises, reliable and
operating history

How we talk about

our thermostat
Product promise
& core feature set

Nest Learning

Comfort Schedule

Nest apps

Nest Leaf




Sensors & Algorithms

Programs itself.
Saves energy.

Nest Sense

Messaging architecture

I want

Reasons why I need

The design itself.


We dont talk about the

beauty of it. We let it
speak for itself.
We bring it to life in
photography and video.
In video we make it feel
alive and conscious.
If you want to do
something serious about
energy conservation,
start here.
The problem statement
that pulls thermostats
out of obscurity and
drives interest in Nest.



Programs itself

No complex programming
Learns your preferences

Saves energy

On average, saves 20% on your energy bill

Informs, so that you can make good decisions

Comfort Schedule
Your personalized schedule, based on your


Nest Leaf
Appears when youre saving energy.
1 can save 46%
Detects when youre away and turns system
Know how long it takes to make home


Thermostat is connected to wi-fi and you have a Nest

account...but you dont have to be connected for it to

Pull in local weather, remote to thermostat,

manage settings afar, get software updates,
privacy: safe & secure


Blends in to any home, Attention to detail

Chameleon band, color screen,


Saves energy

Uses all information to drive efficiency

Weather-aware, night-mode,...

Easy to use

Packed with technology to make it simple

Auto-changeover, jumper-less,...

100 other details

Messaging architecture
What I question



Takes too long to understand

But its simple to use

Just turn the ring and let Nest do the rest


Pays for itself

Multiple energy-saving features

How do I experience Nest?

Just live with it & it will create your schedule

Nest adapts

How does it work?

Sensors & algorithms:

Nest Sense

Comfort schedule, Nest Leaf, Auto-Away,

Will it work?


Social media, team pedigree, white papers,

privacy & security


Works with most any home & HVAC system

Auto-wire detection & HVAC configuration,

Multiple thermostat coordination,
Automatic software updates

How do I install it?

break my HVAC
hurt me, my family

Simple install

Everything you need: Screwdriver, Wire

connectors, Bubble level, Better with wi-fi,
maybe need paint, perhaps an installer

How do I get started?

Simple configuration

Interview, intuitive UI
Customer support

How we talk about Nest

Core benefits
and supporting
proof / features

Compact Story

Core story

Extended Story

Deep Dive

Return Visits

Image (Cool!)

How does it learn?

Nest Sense: Sensors & Algorithms

Does this work?

Field Trial and post-GA
testimonials, reviews,
comments, tweets

How do I install it?

Weve thought of everything
Screwdriver, bubble level,
connectors, trim-plates, autoconfiguration. no C-wire
You may need touch-up paint.

I need help.
Support on or 800#

What is it?
Learning Thermostat
Programs Itself
Saves Energy
Sounds complicated...
Its not. Simply turn the ring to
turn the temperature up or down.
Do I need one?
50% of residential energy bill
Few programmed to save any
Problem Statement:
Lets stop wasting energy
Ordinary home thermostats
manage 10% of all energy
consumed in the US thats 70
million barrels of oil each year.
If you want to do something serious
about energy conservation, start here: or visit [retail partner]

Why does it learn?

Comfort schedule: Learns your
preferences. Sets personalized
Leaf: informs, 1 degree = 46%
savings, Auto-Away: doesnt heat/
cool empty homes, Time-to-Temp:
informs, run your HVAC no longer
than you need to
Saving energy is important.
Why we made it, Nest blog
Is there an app for it?
web & smartphone app
remote access to thermostat
get info and adjust schedule
100 Other details
Chameleon, auto-backlight, lens,
color, metal ring, no click
Find out what its like having one: or visit [retail partner]

What else can it do?

Energy Partner: Charts, Infosnacks
Weather aware: better comfort
& conservation
Software updates: future-proof
Does it work in my home?
Works with most any homes HVAC
single stage heat/cool
heat pump with Aux
Multiple thermostats
Multiple homes
How do I get it on my wall?
Designed for DIY
Installers near you
Whats involved getting started?
Connecting to wi-fi is easy
An easy interview and youre off...
But really, how do I get it on my wall? or visit [retail partner]

The real install experience?

Check out our Support section:
FAQs, self-help videos, call one of
our agents
You cant break your system
You cant hurt yourself
But, does it really work?
Tech specs, Testimonials,
reviews, comments, tweets
Team background, White papers
(Privacy: Safe & Secure),
Nest blog
Whats it really like living with it?
Deep dive into Living with Nest
& Why we made it
Its $ it worth it?
It pays for itself given the monthly
savings, Programs itself. Pays for
Buy it or visit [retail

What else can I do with it?

Deep dive into Nest app
Are you a responsible company?
Privacy policy
Terms of Service
Talk about your experience with Nest,
recommend Nest to your friends or

How we talk
Nest Brand Home

Our voice

Our voice is
forthright friendly.

It is confident yet
approachable, expert
yet human.

We communicate
complex ideas in clear
plain language.

Were focused on
the end benefit, not

No geek speak.

No overpromising.

We lay out compelling

facts simply, then allow
the audience to reach
their own conclusions.

We speak to our
audience as their peer,
but an expert peer.

Malcom Gladwell writes like Nest

Davids victory over Goliath, in the Biblical account, is held to be an anomaly.

It was not. Davids win all the time. The political scientist Ivan Arreguin-Toft
recently looked at every war fought in the past two hundred years between
strong and weak combatants. The Goliaths, he found, won in 71.5 per cent of
the cases. That is a remarkable fact. Arreguin-toft was analyzing conflicts in
which one side was at least ten times as powerfulin terms of armed might
and populationas its opponent, and even in those lopsided contests the
underdog won almost a third of the time.

Here, Gladwell unearths a counter-intuitive and unusual trend in

history, and manages to do so with everyday language. He backs
his story with facts and data. The rhythm he establishes in his
writing short, digestible sentences with a single thought in
each is approachable and easy to understand.

from How David Beats Goliath, The New Yorker, May 11, 2009

Imagine that I asked you to a play a very simple gambling game. In front
of you, are four decks of cardstwo red and two blue. Each card in those
four decks either wins you a sum of money or costs you some money, and
your job is to turn over cards from any of the decks, one at a time, in such a
way that maximizes your winnings. What you dont know at the beginning,
however, is that the red decks are a minefield. The rewards are high, but
when you lose on red, you lose a lot. You can really only win by taking
cards from the blue decks, which offer a nice, steady diet of $50 and $100
payoffs. The question is: how long will it take you to figure this out?
from Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

Another useful Gladwell technique is to use suggestions and

questions to engage the audience. It draws the audience into
a state of active focus, priming them for the aha! moment
when Gladwell reveals scientific or statistical truths that refute
conventional wisdom.

Problem statement

Lets stop wasting energy.

Ordinary home thermostats manage 10% of all
energy consumed in the US thats 70 million
barrels of oil each year.
The EPA estimates that 20% of that oil is
wasted due to unnecessary heating and cooling
or incorrectly programmed thermostats. In
fact, the EPA recently eliminated Energy Star
rebates for programmable thermostats, after
determining that they simply dont save energy.
So we set out to make a thermostat that could
avoid this waste by programming itself.
Introducing the worlds first learning thermostat.

Problem description

Your Energy Partner

In most homes, heating and cooling are responsible for about 50%
of the energy bill.

The first learning thermostat

Ordinary thermostats have to be told what to do. The Nest
Learning Thermostat learns from you and programs itself. You stay
comfortable when youre home and save energy when youre away.

Programs itself
Nest learns your preferences with every temperature adjustment
and activity sensors help save energy when youre away.

Saves energy
With Nest, youll discover new ways to conserve. When youre saving
energy, a green leaf appears.

Rotate the outer ring to adjust the temperature. The black display
turns blue when cooling and red when heating. Nests chameleon
design blends in, reflecting the color of your wall.

How we look
Nest Brand Home

The Nest logo

The Nest logo is bold, simple,

and unified. Its all lower-case
treatment and curved geometric
forms convey a sense of
informality and friendliness.

Wherever a Trade Mark (TM)

symbol is required, the logo
shown on the right should be
used. The scale of the TM should
not be altered.

The logotype is comprised

of customized typography,
with each letterform being
constructed using circles. The
letterforms have also been
modified to create links between
the letters. This gives the logo a
sense of flow.

A small scale logo has been

created for use when printed on
product. In this version, extra
space is given between the
characters so they dont collide.

Its simplicity allows it to be

reproduced at many sizes in
all media.

Please do not use this logo for

any application other than on the
product design.

0.5 inches

The small-scale logo should be

used when the width of the logo
is less than 0.5 inches for
instance, when the logo appears
on the product.

nest_logo_small scale use_

Detail shows spacing

between letters.

Clear space

To protect the clarity and

visual integrity of the logo,
it has a clear space zone.

Proximity to typography and

supporting copy.
When using the Nest logo in a
horizontal lock-up with product
copy, the distance between the logo
and text should be at least equal to
the x-height of the logo.


The x-height of the logo functions

as a way to generate a clear space
around the mark.





When stacking the logo with

typography, or as a header to
a block of text, the distance
between the bottom of the logo
and the text should be equal to
the width of the s in the logo.

Logo placement
Business Card

To protect the clarity and

visual integrity of the logo,
it has a clear space zone.

The Nest logo looks best when placed

in the left corner of whatever format
is being used. As a general guide, the
distance from the left edge and top of
logo should match the x height of the
logo as outlined on the previous page.

On small formats (such as a

business card) the distance
around the Nest logo has
been reduced to allow for
it to look visually balanced,
and for it to appear tucked
into the corner. In this case,
the distance between Nest
and the edge is equal to the
width of the s in the logo.

If left corner alignment cannot be

used, the logo can be positioned
in the right corner of whatever
format is being used.

When a corner placement of the

logo looks unbalanced (on large
formats, for example), the Nest
logo can be placed one-third of the
way down from the top on either
the left, or right edge.

Distance = width of s
to edge


Additional logo placement Landscape

Primary logo placement

Secondary logo placement

Additional logo placement Portrait

Core brand colors

Pantone 7544 is the primary logo

color. We call it Nest Gray.

Pantone 638 is the secondary

brand color. We call it Sky Blue.

For Print

For Print

PMS 7544C
C 33
M 14
Y 11
K 31
C 58
M 43
Y 35

Pantone 7544 C is the primary

logo color.
It should always be used when
printing the logo onto gloss, silk,
matte, or dull coated paper, or
when replicating the logo on a
physical form (ie. plastic)
Please note:
Since there is a significant color
difference when printing onto
uncoated paper,
Pantone 7545 U should always
be used when printing onto
uncoated paper.

C 89
C 60
Y 11
For Screen

For Screen

G 175
B 216

R 123
G 133


Pantone 638 C is the supporting

brand color. We call it Sky Blue.
This is used as an accent color
throughout the Nest brand For
example, text headers and web
rollover navigation elements may
appear in Sky Blue.

White space is an important

element to consider when using
color and graphic elements in Nest
design deliverables. It should be the
predominant tone in any layout, as it
encourages the design to feel light,
spacious, and uncluttered.

Supporting color palette

Extended Color Palette

User Interface Palette

The red/blue colors in thermostats
user interface should not be used
in brand marketing communication,
but can be used in print when
representing the UI in photography.

Pantone 7541 C

Pantone 7487 C

Pantone 7488 C (for Nest leaf)

Pantone 1375

HTML E74400 Heating color

HTML 0041E2 Cooling color

For Print

For screen

For Print

For Print

For screen

For screen

Coated paper:

R 153
G 224
B 113

Coated paper:

Coated paper:

C 53
Y 80

M 45
Y 95

R 231
G 68

G 65
B 226



For Print

For Print

Coated paper:
Pantone 1665 C

Coated paper:
Pantone 2728 C

M 68
Y 90

C 100
M 66

Uncoated paper:
Not recommended

Uncoated paper:
Not recommended

C 10


Uncoated paper:

Uncoated paper:


C 43
Y 60

Uncoated paper:
M 36
Y 87
For screen

For screen

For screen

R 224
G 230
B 230

R 61
G 239
B 45



R 255
G 160
B 47

Logo color usage

Color versions to be used

accross most applications.

Single color versions can be used

for black and white applications
(Fax, Newspaper)
PMS 8744
on white

100% Black logo

PMS 8744 on
15% tint

60% Black logo

White on
PMS 8744

White on 60% Black

White on Blue (mainly

for use in User

White on

Use of logo on photography

When placing the Nest logo on a

photographic image, consideration
should be given to the area it
inhabits, i.e. It should have
appropriate space around it.
Consideration should also be
given to the logos contrast against
the background color.
A gray (or black) logo can be used
on light backgrounds, while a
white logo should appear on dark

Incorrect logo use

To maintain the integrity of the

Nest logo, and to promote the
consistency of the brand, it is
important to use the logo as
described in these guidelines.

Weve included a few examples of

how the corporate Nest logo
should not be used.

Learning Thermostat

Do not outline

Do not thicken the logo

Do not clutter the logo with typography

Do not use black on gray background

Do not use black on color background

Do not use over a busy image

Do not use vertical

Do not stretch the logo

Do not create a pattern with the logo

Logo on pattern


Do not use low contrast

Do not use random colors

Do not use angled


The Home

The Leaf

The home is at the center of Nests

mission, so we developed an icon
to represent the conscious home
across all media.

On the product, the leaf appears

when the user chooses a
temperature that balances their
comfort with energy conservation.

Since the N of Nest is borrowed

to represent the homes door, do
not use the Nest Home in close
proximity to the Nest logo, to avoid
repetition of branding.

It is a reward for behavior in the

conscious home. The leaf can be
used outside the product and in
marketing materials as long as its
meaning is not diluted.

Always seek Nests marketing

approval if you tailor a version of
the door to your specific needs.

Only use one leaf per marketing

piece (for example, in the packaging
or on a point-of-sale display) as a
short hand for energy conservation
or to visually indicate the energysaving features of the product.


Additional Symbols
Symbols are sometimes needed
to provide visual support to an
idea or a technical insight.
Use universally recognized
pictograms as much as possible.
Icons should be simple, graphic,
and with a flat appearance.
They should not contain
perspective, shading, bevels and
glossy effects. Keep detail to a
minimum so the icons can be
used at small scale.
Most icons should be in Nest
Grey. A 50% tint of Nest Gray can
be used on icons if needed.
Any additional colors should
only be used when needed for
example, red and blue to denote
temperature. The over use of
color cancreate a clashing set
of icons.
Always strive for the minimum
number of elements, or
accompany the symbols with
explanatory verbage.

Mobile App

Remote Access


Time to temp

Time to temperature



Energy History

Concierge Service

Light Sensors


Learn More

Nest Sense




The Nest curve

To bring life to graphic layouts and

extend the Nest design language,
we use a simple curved geometric
shape. We call this the Nest curve.

The Nest curve should not be over

used. It should generally only be
used once or twice in a single
design layout.

The Nest curve can exist as a

white area to hold typographic
information, a full tone to be used
as a background, or as a shape to
hold photography within.

It is not there as a decorative

design element but to support and
compliment the simple design
language of Nest.

If using the Nest logo

within the Nest curve, the
logo should be positioned
away from the curve and
not tucked into it.

The Nest curve changes

depending on the width of the
rectangle it is being applied to.
In order to determine the correct
radius of curve in relation to the
rectangle it is applied to, a simple
rule can be followed.

Scale the Nest logo to the width

of the rectangle you are applying
the curve to.
Apply the same radius from the n
of the Nest logo, to the upper left
corner of the rectangle.

The Nest logo should be scaled

left edge of the n to the right
edge of the t crossbar with the
width of the rectangle.

The rectangle with the

Nest curve applied.


Our typographic style contributes to

our distinctive modernist aesthetic.
Akkurat is the typeface used
throughout all Nest communications.
Clean, contemporary and legible, we
use it in two weights.

Akkurat Regular
1234567890 &@?!/+(.,:;)
Akkurat Regular is the main
font for use in all corporate
communications and print media.

Akkurat Bold
1234567890 &@?!/+(.,:;)
Use Akkurat Bold for headlines in
display advertising, posters, and
to add emphasis.

Typographic Styling
Nest typography is always ranged left.
This provides the eye with a constant
starting point for each line, making
text easier to read.
When setting ranged-left typography,
its important to take the time to
balance the ragged edge of the text as
effectively as possible. This improves
the legibility and neatness of
the block of text.
Double spaces after periods should
be avoided.
Hyphenations should generally

be avoided unless it is absolutely
Line spacing (also called leading)
refers to the spaces between lines
of type.

Tracking is the adjustment of groups

of letters in a block of text. You can
use it to make text more open
or dense. On Nest body text, the
tracking is usually set less than
The examples shown on the following
pages are only a guide. They use
values taken from Adobe packages,
Apple Pages (word-processing
for Mac) and Microsoft Word (word-
processing for Mac and PC)

Your Energy Partner

In most homes, heating and
cooling are responsible for about
40% of the energy bill. With
Nest, youll know your usage
history, see the time it takes to
reach your set temperature, and
even learn how your home uses
If you have Wi-Fi, you can also
use your laptop, iPhone or iPad
to monitor your home and adjust
the temperature from across
the living room or across town.
Programs itself
Nest learns your preferences with
every temperature adjustment, and
activity sensors help save energy
when youre away.
Saves energy
With Nest, youll discover new ways
to conserve. When you are saving
energy, a green leaf appears.
Rotate the outer ring to adjust
the temperature. The black display
turns blue when cooling and red
when heating. Nests chameleon
design blends in, reflecting the
color of your wall.

Primary typeface typesetting guides
for Adobe Programs

Akkurat is Nests caption/details information
font. The minimum type size when typesetting
Akkkurat is 7.5pt with a 20% increase for the
leading 7.5pt/9pt. The face should not hyphenate
and the tracking should be set to -25. Also the copy
should always be set to align left.

Akkurat is Nests caption/details information
font. The minimum type size when typesetting
Akkurat is 7.5pt with a 20% increase for the
leading 7.5pt/9pt. The face should not
hyphenate and the tracking should be set to
-25. Also the copy should always be set to
align left.

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. The standard body copy
size when typesetting a letter in Akkurat is 10pt with a 20%
increase for the leading 10pt/12pt. The face should
not hyphenate and the tracking should be set to -25. Also the
copy should always be set to align left.

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When typesetting
Akkurat use a 20% increase for the leading. Round
up or down to the nearest half point. The face should
not hyphenate and the tracking should be set to -25.
Also the copy should always be set to align left.

Akkurat is the Nests body copy font.
When typesetting Akkurat use a 20%
increase for the leading. Round up
or down to the nearest half point. The face
should not hyphenate and the tracking
should be set to -25. Also the copy should
always be set to align left.

(space between letters)

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When typesetting use
a 20% increase for the leading. Round up or down to the
nearest half point. The face should not hyphenate and
the tracking should be set to -25. The copy should always
be set to align left.

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When typesetting
use a 20% increase for the leading. Round up
or down to the nearest half point. The face should not
hyphenate and the tracking should be set to -25. Also
the copy should always be set to align left.

Primary typeface typesetting guides
for Pages, Keynote, and Word

7.5pt type /1 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body/listings copy font. When
typesetting, the line spacing should be 1.0. The type
should not hyphenate and the tracking should be set
to -3% on the character slider. Also the copy should
always be set to align left.

9pt type /1 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When
typesetting, the line spacing should be 1.0.
The type should not hyphenate and the
tracking should be set to -3% on the
character slider. Also the copy should
always be set to align left.

10pt type /1 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body/listings copy font. When typesetting
Akkurat line spacing should be 0.8 for leading. The type
should not hyphenate and the tracking should be set to -3%
on the character slider. Also the copy should always be set
to align left.

12pt type /1 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body/listings copy font. When
typesetting Akkurat line spacing should be 1.0 for
leading. The type should not hyphenate and the
tracking should be set to -3% on the character slider.
Also the copy should always be set to align left.

15pt type /1.1 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body/listings copy font.
When typesetting Akkurat line spacing
should be 1.1 for leading. The type should
not hyphenate and the tracking should be
set to -3% on the character slider. Also
the copy should always be set to align left.

(space between letters)
(space between lines
of text)

18pt type/1.2 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When typesetting, the
line spacing should be 1.2. The type should not hyphenate
and the tracking should be set to -3% on the character
slider. The copy should always be set to align left.

20pt type/1.2 linespacing

Akkurat is Nests body copy font. When typesetting
the line spacing should be 1.2. The type should not
hyphenate and the tracking should be set to -3% on
the character slider. Also the copy should always be
set to align left.

Bringing it all together. Hypothetical design examples.

Lets stop wasting energy.

Ordinary home thermostats manage 10%
of all energy consumed in the US about
70 billion barrels of oil each year. The
EPA estimates that 20% of this energy
is wasted due to excessive heating and
cooling or incorrectly programmed

Home has a roof to shield us,

floors to keep us out of the mud,
doors to lock or welcome.
But what if home could do more?
What if home could sense us?
What if home could learn from us?
Then Home could anticipate our needs.
Home could could do good on our behalf.
Home could teach us to live better, wiser.
Home could become, in small ways then
big ones, a bit more human.

Wouldnt it be great if there were a

thermostat that could learn how to avoid
all this waste?

Nest Learning Thermostat.

Your life programs it.

Change your home,

not your address.

Product-centric poster

Brand-centric poster

Bringing it all together. Hypothetical design examples.

Lets stop wasting energy.

Ordinary home thermostats manage 10%
of all energy consumed in the US about
70 billion barrels of oil each year. The
EPA estimates that 20% of this energy
is wasted due to excessive heating and
cooling or incorrectly programmed
Wouldnt it be great if there were a
thermostat that could learn how to avoid
all this waste?

The Nest Learning Thermostat.

From now on, this is a thermostat.

Lets stop wasting energy.

Ordinary home thermostats manage 10%
of all energy consumed in the US about
70 billion barrels of oil each year. The
EPA estimates that 20% of this energy
is wasted due to excessive heating and
cooling or incorrectly programmed
Wouldnt it be great if there were a
thermostat that could learn how to avoid
all this waste?

Change your home,

not your address.


100% recyclable, no plastic

Mixed materials: smooth white card/brown kraft
Restrained color palette
Uncluttered design, product as hero

Envelope template

Letterhead template




Continuation page template






855 El Camino Real

Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301
408 386 0631

Mr John Smith
Avery Label 2 x 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius
faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi elementum orci.
Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna
eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo
faucibus accumsan. Etiam dignissim, nulla id sagittis semper, nisl turpis blandit
nibh, quis viverra eros risus suscipit leo. In fermentum convallis vulputate. Proin
nec accumsan quam. Cras elit ante, hendrerit id feugiat non, faucibus vitae risus.
Vestibulum magn

Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque. Nullam
eleifend bibendum turpis, ut placerat ante ullamcorper id. Aenean eu nisi vitae
elit luctus cursus. Proin nunc turpis, ornare et facilisis in, volutpat sit amet libero.
Proin vel tellus ut tellus vulputate dapibus. Donec consectetur eleifend pretium.
Curabitur iaculis dapibus mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum
malesuada. Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi.
Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis


John Smith
340 Bryant Street, Suite 205
San Francisco
California 94107
Akkurat Regular: 14pt on 16pt


340 Bryant Street

Suite 205
San Francisco
CA 94107
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt

Stationery Letterhead Design
Akkurat Bold: 10pt on 12pt

Dear Sir,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius
faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi elementum orci.
Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna
eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo
faucibus accumsan. Etiam dignissim, nulla id sagittis semper, nisl turpis blandit
nibh, quis viverra eros risus suscipit leo. In fermentum convallis vulputate. Proin
nec accumsan quam. Cras elit ante, hendrerit id feugiat non, faucibus vitae risus.
Vestibulum magn

Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque. Nullam
eleifend bibendum turpis, ut placerat ante ullamcorper id. Aenean eu nisi vitae
elit luctus cursus. Proin nunc turpis, ornare et facilisis in, volutpat sit amet libero.
Proin vel tellus ut tellus vulputate dapibus. Donec consectetur eleifend pretium.
Curabitur iaculis dapibus mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum
malesuada. Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi.
Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis

Best Regards,
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt



Best Regards,
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt


855 El Camino Real

Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301


Akkurat: 9pt on 11pt
408 386 0631

templates cont.
Fax template



Invoice template











Tom Crabtree
Fax Number:
415 932 6369
Erik Charlton
No of Pages:
1 of 2

Dear Sir,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius
faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi elementum orci.
Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna
eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo
faucibus accumsan. Etiam dignissim, nulla id sagittis semper, nisl turpis blandit
nibh, quis viverra eros risus suscipit leo. In fermentum convallis vulputate. Proin
nec accumsan quam. Cras elit ante, hendrerit id feugiat non, faucibus vitae risus.
Vestibulum magn

Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque. Nullam
eleifend bibendum turpis, ut placerat ante ullamcorper id. Aenean eu nisi vitae
elit luctus cursus. Proin nunc turpis, ornare et facilisis in, volutpat sit amet libero.
Proin vel tellus ut tellus vulputate dapibus. Donec consectetur eleifend pretium.
Curabitur iaculis dapibus mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum
malesuada. Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi.
Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis


Wire Transfers:
Payment terms:
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt
Payment Terms: Payment is due
within 30 days of the clients
receipt of the deliverables. If
payment is overdue, I have the
right to stop all further work
in connection with the work
described in the proposal
and any other related or
unrelated work or services I
may be performing for you,
and/or charge interest at 8%
per annum.
Akkurat: 5pt on 6pt


Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt


855 El Camino Real

Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301


Akkurat: 9pt on 11pt
408 386 0631


Best Regards,
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt












Press release template



Issue Date


Due Date



Prepared for:
No of Pages:
1 of 2
Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt

340 Bryant Street
Suite 205
San Francisco
CA 94107 USA
Akkurat:10pt on 12pt
Description of services
: Akkurat:7.5pt

Akkurat:10pt on 12pt

Cost in USD:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4






VAT (17.5%)





855 El Camino Real

Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301


Akkurat: 9pt on 11pt

408 386 0631


Press Release Akkurat Bold: 24pt

Nest Launches Learning Thermostat.
Akkurat Regular: 18pt on 22pt
On June 1st, 2011, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis
ornare, urna varius faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi
elementum orci. Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis
laoreet magna eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam
quis nisl eu leo faucibus accumsan. Etiam dignissim, nulla id sagittis semper,
nisl turpis blandit nibh, quis viverra eros risus suscipit leo. In fermentum convallis vulputate. Proin nec accumsan quam. Cras elit ante, hendrerit id feugiat non,
faucibus vitae risus. Vestibulum magn.

Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque. Nullam
eleifend bibendum turpis, ut placerat ante ullamcorper id. Aenean eu nisi vitae
elit luctus cursus. Proin nunc turpis, ornare et facilisis in, volutpat sit amet libero.
Proin vel tellus ut tellus vulputate dapibus. Donec consectetur eleifend pretium.
Curabitur iaculis dapibus mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum
malesuada. Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi.
Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius
faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi elementum orci.
Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna
eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo
faucibus accumsan. Etiam dignissim, nulla id sagittis semper, nisl turpis blandit
nibh, quis viverra eros risus suscipit leo. In fermentum convallis vulputate. Proin
nec accumsan quam. Cras elit ante, hendrerit id feugiat non, faucibus vitae risus.
Vestibulum magn Akkurat: 10pt on 12pt


855 El Camino Real

Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301


Akkurat: 9pt on 11pt
408 386 0631


Email template

Editorial guidelines

Email Template

It is important to strive for consistency when

writing about our new organization.
Although the Nest logo appears in all lowercase,
when referring to the company in body copy,
capitalize as the word Nest.

Correct use of the company

name and product name.

Nest Labs
Nest Learning Thermostat
John Smith
Subject: Brand Guidelines
May 25, 2011 10:14AM GMT

Correct format for headlines.

Dear Sir,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta
nunc nisi elementum orci. Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet
faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo faucibus accumsan.

Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque. . Donec consectetur eleifend pretium. Curabitur iaculis dapibus
mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum malesuada. Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi.
Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis. Or at turpis. Etiam condimentum porttitor sapien sit amet pellentesque.
. Donec consectetur eleifend pretium. Curabitur iaculis dapibus mattis. Proin eu congue est. In non felis et turpis dictum malesuada.
Vestibulum erat dui, cursus facilisis rutrum eget, posuere quis nisi. Aliquam tempor neque nibh, at laoreet ipsum. Vivamus adipis

Incorrect format for headlines.

Best Regards,

John Smith
Account Manager
408 123 4567

This is a headline

This Is A Headline
855 El Camino Real
Building #4, Suite 290
Palo Alto, California 94301

This email and any attachments to it may be confidential and are intended solely for
the use of the individual to who it is addressed. Any views or opinions expressed are
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Nest Labs. If you
are not intended recipient of this email, you must neither take any action based upon its
contents, nor copy or show it to anyone. Please contact the sender if you believe you
have received this email in error.

Address, Arial 9pt

Disclaimer, Arial 7pt

Inorrect use of the company

name and product name.

Nest learning thermostat
Nest Thermostat
nest Learning Thermostat
nest Thermostat
nest learning thermostat
nest thermostat
NEST learning thermostat
NEST thermostat
NEST Learning Thermostat
NEST Thermostat

Design Guidelines for web

Website color palette

Primarily used for graphics and

accent colors within inforgraphics
and iconography.

Used as panels and backgrpound colors

to distinguish key sections.

For consistency, the majority of body

copy throughout the site will be this
color value.




HEX 7B858E

HEX 8A9299

R 236
G 242
B 243

R 219
G 227
B 229

R 157
G 167
B 176

G 133


The primary typographic header and

link color.

Secondary colors to be used for

accents and rollovers.




HEX 3D4247


R 075
B 068



Typography for web

Primary typeface typesetting guides
for Website

Headlines, Sub-heads, & Body Text

Text Style & Sizes

Large Header
Akkurat Regular 28pt/32pt, ltr-sp = -25

Typography throughout the site is relatively

straightforward. Larger titles follow brand
guidelines and are set to the typeface,
Akkurat. Because Akkurat is not a websafe
typeface, these titles are rendered as images
(JPGs). All other typography is set to the Web
Font Fuller Sans.


Large Body Text

FullerSansDT Regular 18pt/22pt

Here are a few examples of how headers and

body text are being treated.


Small Header
FullerSansDT Bold 18pt/22pt
00Afd8 or 7B858E
Small Body Text
FullerSansDT Regular 15pt/19pt


Narrative Voice Header

Akkurat Light 32pt/34pt, ltr-sp = -35


Chapter Header
Akkurat Light 32pt/34pt, ltr-sp = -35



Additional Content Header

FullerSansDT Bold 15pt/19pt
Tout Header
FullerSansDT Bold 15pt/19pt
Caption Text
FullerSansDT Regular 13pt/17pt

Typography for web

Primary typeface typesetting guides
for Website

Text Style & Sizes

Quote Text
Georgia Italic 16Pt/18pt
Quoted Name
FullerSansDT Bold 13pt/19pt


Quoted Title
FullerSansDT Regular 13pt/19pt

Additional Background Colors

Large Header
Akkurat Regular, 28pt/32pt, ltr-sp = -25
Large Body Text
Fuller Sans DT Regular, 18pt/22pt
Small Header
Fuller Sans DT Bold, 18pt/22pt
00Afd8 or 7B858E
Small Body Text
Fuller Sans DT Regular, 15pt/19pt
To help break-up pacing of content down
the page, there are times when a light
blue or medium blue background panel
can be used. Typography color and sizing
will be the same as it is on white.

Light BG

Medium BG

*Theres additional quote circles

that can be used randomly with any
comment or quotation.

UI Elements for web

Links & CTAs

Here are a few examples of the
Button types that are being used
throughout the site. Please use
the supplied PSD for reference.

Pill Button 1
Bold 13pt

Pill Button 2

Pill Button 3

Pill Button 4


Arrow shifts
2px to the right
on rollover

In special cases, an image/object can

be associated with the pill button to
add emphasis.

Pill Button 4

List Links






Messages slide down upon reveal.

List links that are longer than one line

have a line-height of 18pt, otherwise they
are spaced at 24pt between each link.

Text Link

Overlays & Forms for web

Links & CTAs

There are moments in the site where
a lightbox needs to be used to allow a
user to view a video or fill-out a form
without redirecting them to a new page.
Lightbox Color Fill
HEX ECF2F3 at 50% opacity

Selected radio button

Default radio button

Text field stroke = 5px

Graphic Containers for web

Within sections other than the

Our Thermostat pages, we use
white graphic violators with one
rounded corner that are inset over
the main header photography to help
reienforce the Nest brand language.
The radius of the rounded corner is
set to 40px.


Left corner radius = 40px


Within tertiary pages which are

typically more text heavy, such as the
Career detail and Legal pages,
the graphic violator flips horizontally
and takes over the other two-thirds
of the page.


Left Corner Radius = 40px


Grid Structure for web


12 Column
The whole site is built off of a 12 column
grid structure. Each column is 80px
wide with an inset padding of 16px.
Images and solid color backgrounds
that span the full width of the page are
also horizontally divisible by 80px.


The height of this header, for example,

is comprised of 3 rows.







Column Padding = 16px


The Nest look

The world is full of clean,

wonderful, but largely
lifeless brands.
Nest should be more soulful.

Feel ok about being a little messy, and

never afraid to be human. Not picturepicture, but picture-real.
Kitchens can have crumbs on the table.
Dens, with magazines and newspapers
askew. Pets playing with kids. Clothes
in their transition from the dryer to the
closet. Homework out. People
snacking. Flowers from the garden, not
yet arranged.

Nest will be a brand that endures

when it comes to representing the
way people actually live in all its
human detail.
Nest becomes a brand that endures
when it earns the choice of people
who love making their house into a
true home.


Nest makes cool products but

its mission is more than just
sleek products.
Through photography we should
celebrate life at home, and the
moments for which universally
the home is the stage.

Lifestyle photography

Photography donts

When choosing a photo for Nest,

use these criteria:

A few tips for what not to do when shooting

or selecting a photograph for Nest:

Does it capture a genuine moment?

Does it feel warm or comfortable?
Is the weather, or the home, an implicit character?
Do you feel human presence?

Dont use images where people are posing, or are

used as props like in a catalogue
Dont use beautiful interior design that is not lived-in,
or contrively staged
Dont use images where its hard to tell what the
weather is like, or if this is a public place
Dont use flat, cold lighting

Use natural light, windows, red and green tones vs. blue
People never look at the camera
Photos do not feel staged, wouldnt find it in a catalog.

We are creating not just a product.

Not just a company.
But an idea.

That idea is about this place

that we call home.
Where we spend our lives.
Have our joys.
Retreat back to, to tend our sorrows.
Raise our children in.
Share meals in.
This place we call home
means a lot to us,
because it means a lot
to human beings everywhere.

Our character:

Nest is
In service of making home
a joyful place to be.

Looks like Nest

Honed to a simple expression but no further.
Represents a moment of life being truly lived in all its
human detail. Perfectly designed, but never design-y.

Sounds like Nest

The straight talk of an expert. The advice of a neighbor
in the know. The storytelling of a friend.

Thinks like Nest

Focuses on what human beings really want. Obsessed
about how technology can help. Ingeniously design the
total experience that delivers.

Performs like Nest

Learns you. Adapts your home around you. Saves you
energy, time, money, and makes technology work for you.

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