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FALL 2014

MBA Semester 4
Q1. Write short notes on:
a) Measuring exchange rate movements
b) Factors that influence exchange rates
a) Measuring exchange rate movements
Exchange rates respond quickly to all sorts of events - both economic and noneconomic.
The movement of exchange rates is the result of the combined effect of a number of factors that are constantly at
play. Economic factors, also called fundamentals, are better guides as to how a currency moves in the long run.
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Q2. The key component of the financial system is the money market that acts as a fulcrum of monetary
Write down the important points under each category mentioned below.
a) Functions performed by money market
b) International interest rates
c) Standardized Global Market regulations.
a) Functions performed by money market
There are three broad functions that are performed by the money market.
1. For the demand and supply of short term funds, the money market provides an equilibrating mechanism.
2. It helps the lenders and the borrowers of the short term funds in fulfilling the borrowing and investment
requirements at a competent market clearing price.
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Q3. Thousands of years back the concept of bartering between parties was prevalent, when the concept of
money had not evolved.
Explain on counter trade with examples.
Countertrade means exchanging goods or services which are paid for, in whole or part, with other goods or services,
rather than with money. A monetary valuation can however be used in counter trade for accounting purposes. In
dealings between sovereign states, the term bilateral trade is used. OR "Any transaction involving exchange of
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Q4. There are different techniques of exposure management. One is the Managing Transaction Exposure and
the other one is the managing operating exposure
So you have to explain on both Managing Transaction Exposure and Managing Operating Exposure.
Managing Transaction Exposure
Transaction exposure calculates gains or losses which occur after the current financial compulsions according to
terms of reference are resolved. Taken that the deal would lead to a future inflow or outflow of foreign currency
cash, any unprecedented alterations in rate of exchange amid the period in which transaction is entered and the time
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Q5. Every firm is going on concern, whether domestic or MNC.
Explain the techniques of capital budgeting and the steps to determine cash flows.

Techniques of Capital Budgeting

There are many techniques which can be used to analyze the projects. These techniques can be broadly classified
into discounted cash flow techniques, which include net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR),
profitability index (PI) and discounted payback methods, and non-discounted cash flow techniques which include
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Q6. Write short note on:
American Depository Receipts(ADR)
Global Depository Receipts(GDR)
American Depository Receipts(ADR)
It represents ownership in the shares of a non-US company and trades in the American stock markets. ADRs enable
American investors to buy shares in foreign company without any issue of cross-border and cross-currency
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FALL 2014
IB0011: International Marketing
Q1. Discuss the different management orientations of a company. How does it affect international marketing?
Management Orientations
The form and substance of a companys response to global business opportunities depend greatly on managements
assumptions or beliefs both conscious and unconscious about the nature of the world. The worldview of a
companys personnel can be described as ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric. Management at a
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Q2. Discuss how culture plays an important role in international marketing. Give some examples of
advertisements which failed due to lack of cultural understanding.
Though society and culture do not appear to be a part of business situations, yet they are actually key elements in
showing how business activities will be conducted, what goods will be produced, and through what means they will
be sold to establishing industrial and management patterns and determining the success or failure of a local
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Q3. Explain different types of cost based pricing.
Full cost pricing, fixed cost pricing, freight & insurance and marginal cost pricing are popular cost based pricing
1. Full Cost Method or Cost-plus Method: The most frequently used pricing method in export is cost-plus method.
This method is based on the full cost or total cost approach. In arriving at the export pricing under this method the
total cost of production of the article (fixed or variable) is taken into account. Over and above the fixed and variable
cost incurred in the production of exportable article all direct and indirect expenses incurred for the development of
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Q4. Tobacco companies are targeting China as Chinese are heavy smokers. Which segmentation is this and
what are the other international market segmentations?
Chinese segmentation: Tobacco companies are targeting China where there is a huge market due to their smoking
behaviour, despite their low income, are willing to pay for Tobacco product just due to their habits.

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Q5. Write short notes on:
a) e Marketing
b) Spot and forward rates
a) e Marketing
E-marketing involves the marketing of products or services on the internet. Successful E-marketing requires good
search engine marketing strategies. The primary purpose of marketing an online business is the promotion of a good
or service. E-marketing makes extensive use of the available tools for getting web users to purchase a product or
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Q6. Discuss the role and activities of World Bank.
World Bank: Origin: Conceived at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods (New Hampshire,
USA) in July 1944, the IBRD, frequently called the World Bank, began operations in June 1946, its purpose being to
provide funds, policy guidance and technical assistance to facilitate economic development in its poorer member
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FALL 2014
IB0012 Management of Multinational Corporations
Q1. Discuss the relationship between international business and international organizations. What could be
the objectives of going international?
Relationship between International Business and International Organizations
The international business is increasing day by day and its importance is widely recognized. A number of
international organizations have been set up to facilitate, regulate, measure and even finance international trade.
Some of these organizations are worldwide and some are regional organizations. Some international organizations
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Q2. Discuss the following theories of international trade:
a) Comparative cost advantage theory
b) Porters theory
a) Comparative cost advantage theory: David Ricardo in 1817 advocated that even though a nation held an absolute
advantage in production of two goods, the two countries could still trade with mutual benefit. Two countries could
both benefit from trade if each had a relative advantage in production. In simple terms it can be said that a country
specializes in production of those commodities where it has comparative cost advantage, i.e, where its costs are less
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Q3. Many countries are apprehensive about permitting MNCs operations. What are the possible reasons for
MNCs are not widely welcome by many host countries. The critics of MNCs argue their case on following grounds:
i) On political grounds, it is argued that MNCs indulge in violation of human rights, promotion of corruption among
politicians, support to terrorist groups and sometimes even in destabilizing the government in the host countries.
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Q4. Compare the management styles in USA and Japan.

Management styles in USA: U.S.A. being a democratic country, US managers are often under pressure to show
better financial results. Americans usually stay in their managerial positions only a relatively short time.
American management style can be described as individualistic in approach, in so far as managers are accountable
for the decisions made within their areas of responsibility. Although important decisions might be discussed in open
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Q5. Explain the scope of comparative management.
The scope of comparative management in managing multinational companies are as follows:
(i) Ability to manage cultural diversity: Managers face difficulties when they work in another culture. People,
having different mental programmes, see situations differently and apply different approaches and solutions to
problems. When a person starts to function internationally, an understanding of culture and its effect on behavior,
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Q6. Write short notes on:
a) Ethical issues in international management
b) Social responsibility
a) meaning and role of Ethical issues in international management: International business can take various
forms ranging from export-import trade to setting up manufacturing units in foreign countries. MNCs are largest
players in the international business. These companies face challenges arising from differences in ethics of various
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FALL 2014
IB0013 Export Import management
Q1. Describe in brief the export packaging and packing. Explain with examples the purpose of marking.

Export Packaging and Packing: Today packaging is considered as one of the most important elements for
marketing any product. Nobody can underscore the need for good packaging when he decides to export his product.
Packaging means packing of the product in some container to reach the ultimate consumer. Packing means
protective covering used for transportation and shipment of goods. Packaging fulfills a vital role in helping to get the
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Q2. What are the various modes of payment by the importer? Discuss.
Payment by the Importer
There are four methods of payment for the international transactions. This includes the Cash-in-advance method,
Letter of Credit, Documentary collections and the Open Account.
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Q3. List the Principal and auxiliary export documents. Explain any two auxiliary export documents.
The following 16 commercial documents involved at the pre-shipment stage can be divided into
i) Principal Export Documents
ii) Auxiliary Export Documents
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Q4. Discuss the objectives and components of Electronic data interchange.
Objectives: The objective of EDI system is to facilitate acceptance of documents electronically and exchange
information electronically between agencies involved in international business. The system replaces all manual
operations. DGFT has also introduced the EDI system in its operations. The basic purpose of EDI is to improve
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Q5. Explain the risks covered and not covered under credit risk insurance.
Risks Covered under the Policy
Under the Shipment (Comprehensive Risk) Policy, the Corporation covers, from the date of shipment, the following
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Q6. Write short notes on:
a) Pre shipment finance
b) Post shipment finance
a) Pre shipment finance: Pre-shipment finance is concerned primarily with the grant of packing credit to enable the
eligible exporters to procure raw materials and for processing, manufacturing, packing, transportation and all such
expenditure to enable them to prepare the export consignment and ship it.
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FALL 2014
Q1. Explain the concept of merchant banking. Write general obligations and responsibilities of merchant
Merchant banking was initiated and grew in Europe. It was enhanced by American patronage by offering services to
both banking and non-banking institutions. Merchant banks are a kind of diversification of banking services and
were originally the real form of banks. The ancient practice of merchant banking was associated with financing the
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Q2. Write short notes on:
a) Pre-issue activities of merchant banker
b) Post-issue activities of merchant banker
c) Book building 75 percent
Pre-issue activities:
The lead merchant banker shall carry out due diligence.
During the carrying out of due diligence, the merchant banker needs to research information on offering,
authenticity and adequacy of disclosure in the offer documents.

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Q3. What is loan syndication? Explain the benefits of loan (Credit) Syndication and various instruments for
loan syndication.
Loan syndication: Syndicated loans emerged in the US market with the buyout deals and in the European market,
with the launch of the euro. Syndicated loans or consortium banking/loans should not be confused with multiple
banking. In case of syndicated or consortium banking, all the bankers and finance institutions provide loans to a
single borrower after following a common appraisal system or arrangement which is carried on very systematically.
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Q4. Explain all the types of leasing. Explain the limitation and problems in leasing.
Types of Leasing
(i) Financial and operating lease
In the case of a financial lease, the lessor transfers all types of rewards and risks associated with the underlying asset
of the lease contract to the lessee.
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Q5. Explain the features of factoring. Write the advantages and disadvantages of factoring.
Some of the essential features of factoring are discussed below.
(i) It is a financial service in which the factor converts credit sales of clients business into cash, on the payment of
some commission against account receivables.
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Q6. Write the features of money markets in India. Explain the participants in the money market.
Various reforms have been initiated in the money market in India. One of the significant initiatives is an attempt to
increase transparency. The Sukhamoy Chakravarty Committee, Narayanan Vaghul Committee and Narsimham
Committee are associated with a review of the Indian monetary system and setting of reform guidelines for the
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FALL 2014
Q1. Write the functioning of the financial system. Explain about cross border financing.
Functioning of the Financial System
An effective and efficient financial system performs the following functions:
Provides a payment system for the exchange of goods and services
Permits multiple payment mechanisms (cash, cheque, demand draft, credit card, electronic fund transfer
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Q2. Explain the role of a Treasury Manager or Treasurer. Give the differences between a treasury of a
corporate and a bank.

Role of a Treasury Manager or Treasurer

(i) Balance sheet management: A crucial element of balance sheet management is the pricing of treasury assets and
liabilities. Besides this, balance sheet management is obviously a proactive and continuous process. The treasury
manager must conduct regular market analysis in terms of changes and controls and keep updating the balance sheet
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Q3. What is call money market? Write the advantages of call market.
Explain about the commercial papers with its advantages.
Call Money Market
Call money market or inter-bank money market is where surplus funds of banks are mostly traded. Borrowings in
the call money market are for a short duration, usually between an overnight and a fortnight to meet transient
defaults. These are loans repayable on demand at the option of the lender or borrower. Hence, the name call
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Q4. Give an introduction of Foreign Exchange Exposure Management and write about the three types of
exposures with examples.
Any company that has a commitment to receive foreign currency payments in the future or pay any foreign currency
in the future is subject to foreign exchange risk due to adverse movements in foreign exchange rates. Being at risk to
such movements in foreign currency is called currency exposure. Foreign exchange exposure is a measure of the
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Q5. Write short notes on:
a) Regulatory Pressure
b) Regulatory Arbitrage
c) Treasury Product Development
a) Regulatory Pressure: For an economy and, especially the financial system, to develop on healthy lines, it is
essential that self-regulation be accorded priority. After the global economic crisis of 2008, the effects of which we
are still experiencing, it has become more important for countries and international organizations to supervise the
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Q6. Treasury has become an integral part of business function. How does Information Technology (IT) play
an effective role? Write about the Treasury Information Systems.
Treasury has become an integral part of all business functions. To bolster its functioning and to safe-guard the
business from possible financial crisis, financial institutions and corporate houses are using state-of-the art
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FALL 2014
Q1. Explain the role of RBI in growth of Corporate Banking. Write the principles of lending to corporate
Role of RBI in Growth of Corporate Banking
In India, RBI has both direct and indirect control on credit delivery system being extended to the corporate sector.
The RBI issues regulations from time to time about allocation of credit, interest rate regulations, margin
requirements, qualitative aspects of monitoring, individual corporate exposure norms etc. to be adhered to by banks.

Various measures are taken by RBI to ensure effective delivery of credit by way of direct monitoring and follow-up
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Q2. Write short notes on:
a) Loan Syndication
b) Commercial Paper
c) Certificate of Deposit
a) Loan Syndication: Like consortium finance, loan syndication is also an arrangement where a group of banks
consider a loan to a borrower for larger amount. However, this process is slightly different from consortium loan.
The following are the features of loan syndication:
(a) The borrower approaches a bank, known as the lead manager, to arrange credit and offers the credit terms.
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Q3. Letter of Credit is a letter from bank guaranteeing that a buyer payment to a seller will be received on
time and for the correct amount.
Give a brief introduction of letter of credit and write the complete mechanism of letter of credit. Explain the
types of letter of credit.
Letter of credit is a method of settlement of payment of a trade transaction and is widely used to finance purchase of
machinery and raw material etc. It contains a written undertaking given by the bank on behalf of the purchaser to the
seller to make payment of a stated amount on presentation of stipulated documents and fulfilment of all the terms
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Q4. Forfaiting was originated in 1960. It is an international supply chain financing.
Explain the process of forfaiting and its characteristics. Write the differences between
Factoring and Forfaiting.
The forfaitor originated in early 1960s when the trade links between Western and Eastern Europe ware renewed.
This was when the rising significance of trade with developing nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America brought
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Q5. Explain the internal and external reasons for industrial sickness.
Internal reasons for industrial sickness
(a) Inefficient management practices: One of the important reasons responsible for industrial sickness is
inefficient management practices and policies followed by entrepreneurs.
(b) Marketing constraints: Another factor responsible for industrial sickness is the marketing constraints faced by
the unit. This may be on account of inaccurate demand estimation of the product, inappropriate material mix
adversely affecting the quality of the product, inefficient product planning, over-dependency on a few buyers and
Q6. Explain the main features of Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). Give the differences between
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) and FEMA.
Main Features
Activities such as payments made to any person outside India or receipts from them, along with deals in
foreign exchange and foreign security are restricted. It is FEMA that gives the central government the
power to impose restrictions.
FALL 2014

Q1. In Development Finance Institution (DFI) explain the changing face of DFIs in India. Write about the
challenges faced by DFIs and reorientation of DFIs.
Changing Face of DFIs in India
DFIs are government-controlled institutions that invest in sustainable private sector projects with the twofold
objective of spurring development in emerging economies while themselves remaining financially viable.
A DFI distinguishes itself by a judicious balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by
any private financial institution, and developmental obligations.
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Q2. Give a brief introduction of Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Explain the important
schemes of SIDBI. Write any few challenges in financing Small Scale Industries (SSIs).
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
SIDBI was set up on 2 April 1990 under an Act of Parliament, as a Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) of IDBI, but
was delinked in March 2000. SIDBI is the apex financial institution for the promotion, financing and development
of MSME sector and for co-ordination of the functions of the institutions engaged in lending to MSMEs.
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Q3. Explain the role of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) in agricultural finance. Explain the RBIs
regulation over DFIs.
Role of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)
NBFCs are companies registered under Companies Act, 1956 and regulated by the RBI. The RBI introduced a new
regulatory framework for those NBFCs who want to accept public deposits and act as MFIs. Since NBFCs are more
preferred legal form, many MFIs want to take this form but for this, they have to satisfy the relevant RBI
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Q4. Write about the Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC). Explain about Indian Railways Finance
Corporation (IRFC) and Venture Capital Funds(VCFs).
Power Finance Corporation Limited (PFC)
The PFC was formed with an objective to provide financial assistance to the power and its allied sectors and also to
act as a catalyst for bringing about institutional improvements in the functions of the borrowing power sector
companies. It helps in the optimum utilisation of the resources available and mobilisation of resources from both
within and outside India. PFC is registered as a NBFC under the RBI Act and RBI has classified it as an Completed
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Q5. Explain the role of technology in institutional banking and also write about the advantages and
challenges of technology in institutional banking.
Role of Technology in Institutional Banking
Technology plays a dominant role in effectively managing the business of DFIs. Though banks have made
tremendous achievements through information technology, they need to make better use of the newer technologies
that are being evolved every day, by extending their services to all sections of the society. The use of technology in
out-of-reach areas can play a significant role in providing financial services to industries located in backward and
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Q6. Give short notes on:
External Commercial Borrowings(ECBs)
Board for Financial Supervision(BFS)
Prompt Corrective Action(PCA) scheme

Management of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs)

External Commercial Borrowings(ECBs): Reflecting the changes in their operating environment, there has been a
shift in the business profile of DFIs. A major change, which has taken place in the financing of investment activity
by the DFIs, has been the growing importance of non-fund-based business. The increased access to corporates in the
international capital markets has affected DFIs foreign currency business. Due to the recent guidelines issued by
RBI (year 2011-12), financial institutions can now have access to funds from abroad. They can use the ECB route to
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Fall 2014
MB0052 - Strategic Management and Business Policy
Q1. Describe the role of five major participants in the Strategic Management Process (SMP) of a company.
The major participants in the Strategic Management Process are:
1. Board of directors
2. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
3. Corporate planning staff
4. Other managers
5. Consultants
Role of Board of Directors
In any organizational hierarchy, the board of directors is the apex/highest level body. The board is the final authority
in managing the affairs of a company, strategic or non-strategic. They Completed Answers available on

Q2. Differentiate between mission and vision of a company? Explain with examples.
Vision statement
A vision statement defines the purpose and principles of an organization in terms of the values of the organization. It
is a concise and motivating statement that guides the employees to select the procedures to attain the goals. Vision
statement is the framework of strategic planning. A vision statement describes the future ambition of an
organization. A vision is the ability to view Completed Answers available on
Q3. Explain in detail Porters four generic strategies.
Porters four generic strategies

Cost leadership
Focuses cost leadership
Focused differentiation

Cost leadership
Cost leadership strategy is adopted by the organisations to produce a relatively standardised products or services to
the customer. It must be acceptable to the characteristics as mentioned by customers. Customers value the company
if it adopts cost leadership strategy.

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Q4. Differentiate between core competence and distinctive competence.

Core competence
Core competencies are those skills that are critical for a business to achieve competitive advantage. These skills
enable a business to deliver essential customer benefit like the selection of a product or service by a customer. Core
competency is the key strength of business because it comprises the essential skills. These are the central areas of
expertise of Completed Answers available on
Q5. Define the term industry. List the types of industries. How do you conduct an industry analysis?
An industry can be broadly defined as the group of firms producing products that are close substitutes for each
other.There is, however, a great deal of controversy over an appropriate definition of industry. The debate or
controversy mostly centers around how close substitutability needs to be in terms of product,process or geographic
market boundaries. For Completed Answers available on
Q6. What is meant by structure of an organisation? Describe the five major structural types or forms of an
Structure of an organization defines the levels and roles of management in a hierarchical way. One can also say that
an organizational structure spells out the way tasks, functions and responsibilities are allocated for implementing a
policy or strategy. These also imply that an organizational structure facilitates or constrains how processes and
relationships work.2 An Completed Answers available on

Fall 2014
MBA Semester 4
MB0053: International Business Management
Q1. Environment scanning is an important part of international business. Explain your views on this
statement and discuss what factors need to be scanned.
Environment scanning is an important part of international business because environmental scanning is a process of
gathering, analyzing, and dispensing information for tactical or strategic purposes. The environmental scanning
process entails obtaining both factual and subjective information on the business environments in which a company
is operating or considering entering Environmental scanning is the internal communication of external information
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Q2. What is FDI? Why is it considered as the best option for a developing country like India?
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): foreign direct investment where a parent company starts a new venture in a
foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up. In addition to building new facilities,
most parent companies also create new long-term jobs in the foreign country by hiring new employees. Different
authors have classified foreign investment in different parameters. However, the most commonly acceptable method
of classifying the foreign Completed Answers available on

Q3. Regional integration is helping the countries in growing their trade. Discuss this statement. Describe in
brief the various types of regional integrations.
Regional integration can be defined as the unification of countries into a larger whole. It also reflects a countrys
willingness to share or unify into a larger whole. The level of integration of a country with other countries is
determined by what it shares and how it shares. Regional Completed Answers available on
Q4. Write short note on:
a) Licensing
b) Joint venture
a) Licensing
A domestic company can license foreign firms to use the companys technology or products and distribute the
companys product. By licensing, the domestic company need not bear any costs and risks of entering foreign
markets on its own, yet it is able to generate income from royalties. The reverse of this arrangement is the risk of
providing valuable technological knowledge to foreign companies, and thereby losing some degree of control over
its use. Monitoring licenses Completed Answers available on
Q5. Explain the Top-down and Bottom-up approach of planning.
Top-down planning
Top-down planning is a common strategy that is used for project planning. It helps maintain the decision making
process at the senior level. Goals and allowances are established at the highest level. Senior-level managers have to
be very specific when laying out expectations because the people following the plan are not involved in the planning
process. It is very important to keep the morale of the employees high and motivate them to perform the job. Since
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Q6. Discuss the importance of ethics in international business.
Importance of business ethics
Ethics is significant in all areas of business and plays an important role in ensuring a successful business. The role of
business ethics is evident from the conception of an idea to the sale of a product. In an organisation, every division
such as sales and marketing, customer service, Completed Answers available on

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