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Causes of mass shooting are numerous.

Psychological issue

They feel unsecured about their family. They think it is an easy way out
because death arbitrarily ends every suffering. At a profound
understanding, this mass shooting is caused by unstable emotions. They
tend to take rash decisions in the sense that they fail to look at the bigger
picture. They usually believe that the problem they face are meant to be
doggedly shared with other people or a certain group of people who are
characterized by them as the inclusion of the set of people. This is how an
unemotional individual employing a mass shooting can affect a greater
group of population.
This mass shooting tends to cause a chain reaction too in the sense that
families who are affected to the shooting form a psychological trauma.
They fear the use of guns and this leads to protest on the gun usage.

Social causes

Statistics has explicitly shown that most individuals involved in mass

shooting ranges from age 24-26. These are no longer adolescents but
rather young adults who should have the rational thinking to employ
rational decision. Despite being older, this orthodox thinking that they are
matured is definitely a fallacy as they may be affected by social
development. They feel pressured by the people around them and thus,
feel the need to eradicate this annoyance by force. They then force their
way out of this adversity by carrying out mass shooting.
People then has a negative stigma. For instance, the mass shooting that
has been occurring frequently in schools rose the gun control issue. They
only realize the importance of this gun law after the mass in schools. Such
understanding has invoke many misunderstandings and anger in the
American society.

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