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<<April 14, 1963 Edition>>



On August 26, it was reported that a J3 airplane flew over the quiet city of Norvelt and dropped balloons
filled with thick paints down onto the local drivein movie theater below. Suddenly the plane turned around
and dropped down by the Gantos residence. The news team was sent down to the resident of the Gantos
family to interview the family.
I didnt know they ever did that. I knew that the boys were talking about it but I didnt think that they
would actually do that. Im not sure why they suddenly stopped. Youd have to ask my husband or my son
about that. Im very sorry that they did that. said Mrs. Gantos when we interview her. Just a day later we
found Mr. Gantos in his backyard getting ready to go out hunting. We asked him if he was the one that threw
the balloons and if he was the one flying the plane.
Well sure I flew the plane. I was able to get it from the war. Sure, I threw the balloons. Whats the big deal?
This city is taking a nosedive and will soon die anyway. Im sure at least half the people still living here want
to get out of here as soon as they can. So yes, I flew the plane and threw the little balloons. Mr. Gantos was
very straight forward and got right to the point in the interview. Cops are saying that he may be charged for
vandalizing private property. At last we found little Jack running around outside at the baseball field, and we
asked him the same questions we asked Mr. Gantos.
I didnt fly the plane, I just sat in the seat behind the cockpit. After dad threw a few balloons I realized that
throwing the balloons was really mean so when he asked me to throw some I didnt, and told him to land
again. The flight was cool but the balloons werent. was Jacks response.
It turns out that once again Mr. Gantos is at fault. Thank you to the girl scouts Bunny, Mertie Jo, and Betsy,
and cops that volunteered to get the paint of the houses.


Carpenters Homemade Furniture for Sale

Set of Table with Four Chairs, being sold at $158

Book shelf with dividers, being sold at $60

Set of Couches, being sold at $100
Continued on next page
Mrs. Gantos Homemade Casseroles
Mrs. Gantos has agreed to trade a batch of
casseroles for a reasonable trade or a day of work
in the yard
Mr. Huffers sales on Caskets and Cremations
Fine Wooden Casket being sold at $550
Cremations being dropped to $300
Mrs. Helms Four Year Old Black Poodle
If you have any information contact Mrs. Helms
Immediately! A Reward will be given if found.
She responds to the name Daisy.

This Day in

April 14, 1865:

President Abraham Lincoln is shot at
the Fords Theater in Washington D.C., by actor John
Wilkes Booth, just days after Confederate General
Robert E. Lee surrendered his troops to Ulysses S.
Grant. Abraham Lincoln died the next day.
Continued on next page
April 14, 1912:
Just before midnight in the North
Atlantic, the RMS Titanic fails to divert its course from
an iceberg, ruptures its hull, and begins to sink,
sinking completely the next day.
April 14, 1818:
Noah Websters dictionary of the
English Language is printed. The book included more
than 10,000 Americanisms, and took him more than
two decades to complete.
April 14, 1945:
The U.S. Fifth Army joined its British
allies in the assault on the German occupiers of Italy.

New House For Sale at $13,000

Two Bedrooms, one Master Bedroom
Kitchen, Dining room, Basement
Two Bathrooms
Large Back yard, Porch


This obituary is an obituary of an almost life long annoyance, but I guess of a friend too. Its an obituary of a
man named Leonard Spizz, who was born in the small town of Youngstown, Ohio, on April 12,1889. Leonard
also has two siblings, William and Cindy.
When Leonard was eight years old, his siblings and parents moved to Norvelt, which at the time was just
founded and they were trying to get young families to move there for a new start. The houses there were
fashioned with sliding windows and hardwood doors. Just a little more than two months after the Spizzes
moved to Norvelt, his parents divorced, and his father left, never to return.
Leonard thought he knew what was going on with his parents, but after the divorce, he was determined to
know everyone and everything that was going on. He decided he would become a cop when he became older.
One evening, a young girl named Martha Volker came by while on a door to door route to ask the people of
Norvelt for their opinion of a new store that was going to be built at a crossing down the road. The first thing
Leonard noticed about her was her sparkling eyes, her bright smile, and most of all, her quick witted
personality. He knew that when he grew up he would want to marry her.
When Leonard turned 27, he became a cop so he could do even more snooping. After a month of being a
cop Mr. Spizz was able to figure out where Miss Volker lived. Every week or so, he would leave cards,
chocolates, flowers, and other such gifts on Miss Volker's door steps. One day he asked her to marry him, but
she refused, saying, Once all the original Norvelters die may you marry me. Mr. Spizz did not realize that
Martha herself was an original Norvelter.
Mr. Spizz began to grow older and older, and he wanted to outlive the other original Norvelters. Over time
Leonard was able to obtain poison and kill the remaining originals. Martha Volker was accused of the
murders and Leonard was the one to guard her while she was under house arrest. Mr. Spizz was eventually
found guilty. Sadly, just seven months after the murders, Leonard Spizz died of old age on April 13, 1963, at
the age of 74.
Martha Volker, Norvelt Medical Examiner and Obituary Writer

Store Robbed

Martin Luther King Jr.

Mackys Miscellaneous, a store down the road

from Mr. Spizzs home was robbed two nights ago by
what seems to have been two of the Hells Angels.
Officials investigated the scene and told news that the
robbery occurred between 9:30 and 11:00 pm.
Mackenzie Edwards, the owner of the shop, told
the news that she was able to find out that $125
dollars were stolen, along with a leather wallet and a
pack of Fruit Stripes gum. Two wrappers were thrown
down near the entrance showing that there most
definitely could have been two robbers.
Officials are continuing to investigate the robbery
and trying to find the robbers. So far no one has
found them and they havent turned themselves in.
Police are currently holding four suspects, one of
which is going to be released in a week, after further
investigation. Harold Simmons, one of the four
suspects, is planned to go on trial for the robbery on
Thursday, the 18th of April.
One man, Jack Young, confessed of the robbery,
saying that he did rob the store, and that there was at
least one more with him. He did not mention any
names other than his own. Many people are donating
goods to Mackys MIscellaneous to fulfill the lost

Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested on April 12,

along with Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, and
others were arrested in Birmingham. A court has
ordered that King is not allowed to hold any more
protests in Birmingham. Even though they did this,
King has decided to continue protesting in
On the 12th, a police officer arrested Martin Luther
King, along with others involved in the protest. He is
still being held, but it was reported that he will be
released on April 16. Even though King was never
violent in his protests, people are still strongly
against their protests. Most blacks are still getting
treated terribly in Birmingham and other locations.
One group of teenagers was sprayed with a high
pressure hose outside of a store. Many events like
this are still occurring throughout America.
Blacks have suffered injustice for far too long, and
King believes they should not have to wait any longer
for a change. He believes that nonviolence is the only
way that the blacks will achieve justice for once. He
also believes nonviolence is essential for him as a
man of God. King along with many others that
followed him in the marches are willing to even go to
jail for the cause of civil rights.

Weekly Weather








and Sunny



and Wind



Sunny and


New Job Openings at the Animal Shelter

Dog walkers and cat feeders needed. You can volunteer or come in for an interview.
Ford Cortina For Sale
Ford Cortina being sold for $1500. Has been used for 3 years, but is still in good condition.
Susan Willard
Is offering a week of dog walking for just $1


This is not a normal obituary. Another sad event happened as yet another memorable living thing passed.
The 89 year old weeping willow in the park at the crossing of Willard Avenue and Water Street was sadly
blown over and died on April 13, 1963. It was a memorable spot especially for me, since that is the first time I
ever saw and learned the word bird.
In 1874, this Weeping Willow was naturally planted. It grew well till the founders of Norvelt build the small
town on this ground. They saw this Weeping Willow and thought it was the most beautiful thing in the area.
Instead of cutting it down for more wood, the founders decided to let it grow next to Sewickley Creek in
section D of Norvelt. Many people of Norvelt knew and grew up with the tree, but in the windy rainstorm
yesterday, the old wood gave way and ended the long and respected life of the Weeping Willow.
When the weeping willow was 36 years old it was almost cut down but there were locals around to stop a
man from cutting down the tree. Ever since then a small decorated fence was built around the tree to remind
the people of Norvelt of that time. The tree was cut partly but now all thats left is a dent on the once west side
of the trunk.
This weeping willow has been home to birds and squirrels for over 60 years. Even though there are many
people that knew this tree well and would like to have a memorial, we are not going to officially hold one.
Instead the city of Norvelt has decided to plant a three year old weeping willow in the exact same location as
the last. The children will be able to then watch it grow and the adults can see a remember the old times.
Mr. Greene of Norvelt

Weekly Sudokus

Lets see if you remember these!

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