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AAC Assignment

EDUC26048 / Communication Disorders

Carolyn Windsor

Jason Hughes, Nicole Rocha Ferreira

930415917, 991415289
Date Due: 04/08/16

I understand Sheridan policies on academic offences, and have reviewed

statements pertaining to plagiarism for this course.
I have viewed and completed the Academic Honesty Tutorial and Quiz, found in
my course content folder, and on the Library Services site.
This is to certify that I have reviewed the work I am submitting here (and/or
uploading to the Assignment Dropbox) and have taken care to ensure that it is my
own work / words.
I have not used 5 or more consecutive words from another source, without quotes
and un-cited; I understand mosaic plagiarism and have not re-worded
sentences from other sources. I have not represented the ideas of others as my
own. Where relevant, I have included a bibliography of all sources used in
preparing this work.

Signed: _______Jason Hughes, Nicole Rocha Ferreira_________

Wonderful Weather
Description of Activity
We have chosen to focus on the Grade 1 Science curriculum - specifically learning about
seasonal changes in the weather. This particular activity allows students to identify and reflect
on how changes in seasons affect day-to-day life and how we respond to weather changes - like
choosing appropriate clothing and activities. The curriculum describes that by the end of grade 1
students should be able to describe and compare the four seasons and describe how humans
prepare for the daily and seasonal changes (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2016). This activity
will allow students, including Clayton, to start thinking about these concepts and encourage
discussions with each other.
Students will get into groups of three/four and each group gets four decks of coloured
cards and one dice to roll. The faces of the dice have one colour or an instruction (i.e., roll
again). Whatever colour they land on, the student takes the corresponding card from that pile
and asks the question. The activity is based on turn taking - the first student rolls the dice and
asks the question to the student on their left. Once that student answers, it is their turn to roll the
die, pick a card and ask the questions. The turns continue until each student has asked and
answered 3-4 questions. At the end of each round, a snowstorm will occur and students rotate
seats so communication does not always occur
between the same classmates.
The following are the 4 categories for questions:
Pink - What season does this weather occur in?
Orange - What season is the clothing item used
Yellow - What season do you use the item?
Green - Free Choice of question

Participation Opportunities for Clayton

Learning and Communication Goals
One of the communication goals for Clayton with this activity is to get him to
communicate with his classmates by asking and answering questions. We want to encourage
Clayton to make choices by pointing to the options he believes are correct. Especially with the
free choice option, we want Clayton to also have freedom to ask what he wants of his
classmates. These two aspects require Clayton to use 2-3 symbol sequencing (Week 9 PPT,
2016). By including a free choice deck we are creating opportunity for Clayton and his
classmates to want to communicate because we are asking them for their own personal

Claytons learning goals are to learn about the basic characteristics of season changes the same curriculum as his classmates. These questions will determine Claytons knowledge of
the seasons and can be extended to learning life skills (i.e., learning appropriate dress for
different season changes). This is something that he can likely accomplish according to his
currently identified developmental abilities.
How to participate
Throughout the activity there will be moments where Clayton has to wait his turn to
answer or ask a question. When it is his turn, Clayton will roll the dice and then ask the person
to his right the given question by using and pointing to his communication board. He then has
the option to give feedback to his peers answer (i.e., good job/thank you on communication
board). When it is his turn to answer a question, Clayton will point to his answer on the board.
He is also encouraged to prompt the next student by pointing to the Your turn icon or even use
his own gestures. What will help Clayton is that all decks except the Free Choice deck require
asking the same question: What Season? which is a 2-symbol sequence on his
communication board.
Types of and expected responses from Clayton
Answering Questions

Asking Questions

Other Responses

Pink Deck Question: (picture of

snow) What season does it snow?
Claytons Expected answer: *points
to winter*

Pink, Orange, Yellow

Deck: *points to what
and season*

Points to Your turn to prompt

next student

Orange Deck Question: (picture of

swimsuit) What season do you wear
Claytons expected answer: *points
to summer*
Yellow Deck Question: (picture of
shovel) What season do you use
Claytons Expected answer: *points
to winter*

Green Deck: *points to

What favourite
season* OR *points
to What use winter*
OR *points to what
play spring*

Points to Good Answer or

Thank respond to his
answered questions
Points to Roll Dice to roll the
dice himself or prompt next
Points to help or stop when
he needs a break or wants to

EA Role
How to prepare Clayton
In order to prepare Clayton for this activity, we will go over how to use the
communication board in advance before participating. This could include modelling how to use
the board to respond to and to ask questions. As well as what his options are to ask for help or
stop the activity if he wants to. Also, reviewing weather vocabulary prior to beginning the task.
We need to model pointing, making choices and listening to the options on his board
(Week 10 PPT, 2016). We can do this by practicing with a couple of the question cards from the
deck. As the EA we also want to positively reinforce Clayton when he uses board correctly when
practicing (i.e., verbal praise) (Week 10 PPT, 2016). Perhaps going through an example round
with classmates can also help as a prompt.
One thing to remember as an EA is to observe for any possible triggers that result in
Clayton wanting to abandon the task so we can look out for these triggers when participating
with classmates. This allows us to be proactive in how we support Clayton.

repeat questions or instructions if needed
responding to Claytons questions by pointing and using his communication board
encourage his classmates to respond to his question using the board as well
Verbally stating a response (but make sure we give him some time to try and respond first)
What to do when difficulties arise
The most important thing to note as an EA is to give Clayton time to respond and not to
answer for him or request/demand an answer if he does not respond immediately. If Clayton
appears to be frustrated, displaying challenging behaviours and/or not participating, it is
important to remind him of the help and stop options on his communication board.

Communication Board

OntarioMinistry of Education (2016). The Ontario Curriculum: Elementary: Grade 1. Retrieved
Windsor, C. (2016). Communication Disorders Week 9. [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from:
Windsor, C. (2016). Communication Disorders Week 10. [PowerPoint Slides]. Retrieved from:

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