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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS JUNE 2002 INTERNATIONAL GCSE MAXIMUM MARK : 130 SYLLABUS/COMPONENT : 0580/4; 0581/4 MATHEMATICS (Structured Questions) Universrty of Camarince Local Exacninations Syndicate Page 1 ‘Mark Scheme Syilabus | Paper 1GCSE Examinations - June 2002 0580 4 Layti) {hours} oe. 69 180min (ii) 45 (mins) ‘9 Not % hour olese. (bi (Amit) $342 (Chris) $513 @ 2964 44460 wud (dy word 2 Throughout this questioa, all construction lengths to an accuracy of 2 mm and angle accuracy just over 1° ao Intended perp. bisector of AB accurate ard Tony enaish ZAOC = 98° OABC completed (ili) (b) 74 (mn) $ OC < 78 (m) 103° < 4OAB = 106° © renga oruteacee (@) Are, centre C, seen (then) Compass drawn, 4 em radiu Correct shading (D){Seh 2] @) Intention of line paralle] to 42 Accurate, ruled, 2 em from AB Correct shading (#2) in @iele ME | tunhars qrenngh. Ang boiedos Rca ENO Al) within 2mm of midpoint and 90%, /\Huir A é. Bl B1v\| AC on their MC if long enaugh. ()] IF eis not, thenC must be accurate B1 | Integer values only Mark om Biya] Integer values only “AS B2 | fot seored allow MI for correct method, by TY calculation ov Matengh foe Ai le® Te a 6 wa | eorhesyeaa tah Heamen Fe Seo Ignere corde Beale, AL [Canhe Keir, AIAG Hat om pep tee fA MI. | Coudont ath Ling ovhide bak musk be in Ciel). Al def no axtra shading outride , Ald $0.07 ng eatnile @ Page 2 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus, IGCSE Examinations ~ June 2002 Aleceph fractions and peracinges Ha) Cd be “ao Sane Secs tos Bly MO 0,54 oe eao| BL Gi) (their) 0.54 + (their 0.4) * 0.2 | MI [his tree re 0.62 Alyy Phis tote comecrly evalua, ww2 oa 1 v | BL {0.55 and 0.45 08s kexows << To | BL | tandd (S08), (Cam be abenk or maby thi) oe 0.43 ~guess BI | O2and08 cle oR « iG ne tabels hee nant alles per Sle) ti O5Sx1 + 0.45% 0.2 sod) ME |S irkote 0.64 of Alig ww2, so) wry casmealiting + #2 @) Paula 62 BIJ] J 200 (their (by(ii))] Pecap V\decieud a rode | oe Tarek 64 BI Gy) Y° 100 (their (c\iD)) J Feeding. BOYS 100 {8} 4a) a= 90° BI b= 90° BI = 138° BI ax a= 6 BL v‘ J A(their 6) enas Ble) ) Congruent Bi gy [igs ooh ees wid aoe got exena. F ° ie implk ~ oh (ow ao tan 21° or Ga = tan 6° | Mi | ic. implicit method oy £4, ners) 34 or Stan 6° M1 | ie. explicit and implies first M. tan 21° Ass, raonds re 14 om AL | N.B.wwo GX=14iem +54cm 7 19S, |E 7) Dep. previous 3 marks unless restushed, (ii 198 =cos4? oe MI | Cunplicity cw GW=195 5 ML | explicit and implies first M cos 42° Answer rounds to 262 em AL | ww isc 198° we rabemd or Hon (fee 282) — theie 14tyfevatuated Gor wA-S4) (GH) = (GA) Bf ‘te Page 3 Wark Scheme Syllabus | Paper (GCSE Examinations — June 2002 6580 5 en @pae) 28 nak shy) darko EC etneher (@) peas B1 | Must be stated. qu BL r=50 Bus) &) Scales comect st | 06 £67 and Tho 50) Reewaresase ee 12 points ¥ plotted P4/\ 3 for 10 or 11V°, P2 for 8 or 94°, PI for 6 or 7 Accuracy < 2mm Reasonable curve through 11 or 12 poinis | Cl/| Coven GES 7 » conmsh Shape, (c) mark atd=12on curve. Bl . T2BT at Bib eau yer ‘Bal Me Balen ons narbo[ldgmtig is eons] (a) Uses d=10 Mi | @34 - #08) 2.4 t02.6mins AND Aly Correct (100.1 for their graph (@) Tangent drawn at (2.5 , 6) M1 | Wer len pining (0,4 (2-56) Relates. gradient te speed MIL ‘Vertical’ horizontal using seales correctly | Mi woo Heads M3. Ti@hocnd oaks mel be stabs, Answer in range 2b te BP m[eial So. Alay se Behe = AO. Page 4 Mark Schame Syllabus | Paper TGCSE Examinations - June 2002 0580 4 oan) PQ#12 — 2x ov t2n-« BI | Seen. (Con ta Weeds) PO? = (4 PP + (42)? $1) Accept “Pythagoras” mentioned (12-222 =x? +22 | BL, antsy te eres su iy 4 — ate + Aei(- 2 BL pis’ = 4 + 144=0 MI | Kis brastul an pansion x - Mr + 72 =0 Fly] No errors seen and working there (ii) q>(-24)? 4.1.72 ot 288 BI | Must be inp+ Vg/r form po(--)A and r=2 Bl | Must bein (p+ Vg\r form cao] Bl | Both wrong accuracy, allow Sel (20.485--.) cao] Bly) NB. ww eannot score first two marks (3.5147) Oy Uses 16(their x) M1 | Recach tbo Answer 56 ———Sbue} Al | ww2 if (a)(iii) correct (id ‘Triangle area 4x? (0.€) M1 | Pccech 2%, Area 122 + 4 triangles MI | Independent Answer rounds to 169 cm? Ale) ww3 if (a)(iii) correct {3 mart) Rotation (only) B1 | (only) => lost if another transformation mentioned 90° clockwise ( about 0) Bu Accept ) or - 90°, or 270° anticlockwise) ii) Reflection (only) BI inliney = x Bly Gi) Enlargement (only) Bl Scale factor 2 BL 2:1 Centre (0,0) or O Big) (b) Translation (only) BI [Nor Trans formahion ov Translocation by vector / 0) oe. Big 4 ow Reflection (only) BI iny+x=0 Bl wi) (-4,.2) wow. B2(,} Bt for each coordinate. Accept in any form . im! «t. @o Ont B2 [Alls Rv (47%), saree to FW, Loo" Gi) Aww. B2 Allow Scl ifRM “( open in 1 x-axis” seen, laut Oe we Page 5 Mark Scheme IGESE Examinations — June 2002 ‘Syllabus | Paper 0580, « B(a)(i) 7.6 used ML 6.28 (cm?) Al | ww2 ay 2n.6 used MI 2.09 (cm) Ady] 2. After 0/4 allow Set for 20960 seen (oye) 5 their sector area Mr 314 (cm3) ot 31, S03 ALA] AS « (their(atiy), iy 2» their sector area (12.56) ML 5 their arc length (40.47) MI 2x6x5 (60) MI 1 a é 3 (om Aye word Ow D Bz (ii) Feiss oe. Pe Allow Sel for “height less” 0.8. (accept '2) eS fa) 3,8,4) 8-- Provided | 51 | that 8 is stil the only mode 8,4) 7 - Provided | BI | that 7/4 is still the median Total of 6 = 42 soi. | MI 42 —(sum of their $ numbers) 3.0.1. | M1 2 Al, o (6) Uses midintervals 5, 15 and 30 MI | (Accept 5.005 etc) S15 + 15m 4300 M1 | dep Breet Tit 1im+302 = 13 06 | MI | wuwingles 13. Among His 2x. 0 +m+n fren TS + Sm + 30n = 13(1S+ mtn) [MI Indep. Cormadiqn by denewiaaw codatnip aan, Simplifies to 2m + Yn = 120 JF on] Some working and no errors seen Gi) (ivy ‘Area represents frequency oe | Bl 2( m+n =15) and subtraction n=6 Or m= 15 -n and substitution 0. ‘ww, 814 correct answer implies 3 marks

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