The Outline Part LL Tania

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The Outline

Name of the project:

Dare to be... Satiric!
Satire; Noun. An obsolete kind of literary composition in which the vices and follies of the
authors enemies were expounded with imperfect tenderness.
-Ambrose Bierce

Tania Clerveau
For Language Art class
Terry Price

Thursday march 13th, 2014

NAME: Tania Clerveau

TITLE OF THE LES: Dare to be... Satiric

The cycle chosen is the third one; the sec 5 students who are in enriched English. I
chose them because I think they would have enough baggage and knowledge at this point
to be more creative and open towards that type of literature. Younger students are usually
not mature enough to understand and enjoy that type of literature. Also, secondary 5
students are almost adults and I think they would like to be introduced to tougher and
unconventional school subjects. At this point in their lives usually these learners need a
little more to be stimulated. They cannot wait to leave High School and try themselves
out in life (college life, work, traveling, and love). I wouldnt do this project with regular
students in sec 5. I would be afraid they would pay too much attention to their
weaknesses in the L2 (grammar, comprehension, writing skills in general, speech
problem, shyness and so on). It would push focus away from the main goal (main goal=
introduce them to a new type of literature and to reinvest their knowledge and

General subject matter (what? / how ? / why ?)

The center piece of this project is the short story Happy Ending by Margaret
Atwood. I chose this short story because it has a lot of interesting subjects in it. Students
would have a wide range of subjects or themes to choose from and they could be easily
inspired by them for their own work. I will create PowerPoint presentations to introduce
them to satire literature. They need to understand the base to be able to push their own
creativity in the right direction. The PPT will be on the important characteristics of
satiric literature, the pioneers of the genre with information on personal life and
their literature background. This way student can make links between styles and
people. We will also have PPT on the story of satire literature itself. Where was it
born? In what context was it brought up? Why was it invented? The targeted audience
and so on... I will also use video of famous American satiric artist Lenny Bruce and
talk about his short but interesting life. We will also look and discuss (and probably
debate) on an episode of the most contemporary satiric cartoon ever...South Park! I will

also share with them an extract of the famous Gargantua and Pantagruel by
Francois Rabelais. This is not American or British literature but I think this can help
students understand and appreciate satire literature a little more! Plus, if I am teaching
this LES in Quebec students will be able to relate because theyve probably heard of him
in other classes.

Anticipated problem and solutions

I think that students could overstep in their redactions or their final redaction. They could
try to push the boundary of decency and freely use vulgarity, discrimination, racism and
violence. The solution would be to warn them beforehand that those kinds of ideas
(including text, images clips etc) wont be accepted in my classroom. In any case, their
work wont be read or shared with the other students. In fact I will ask them to come up
with something else. It might sound intense but I really believe in respect and the
expression live and let live. I cant imagine another student being unease or intimidated
by a subject wrongly explored by his fellow classmate. Not under my watch.

Necessary Material (all through the 9 classes)

Smart board
Black board coloured chalk and eraser
Big poster and markers
Plasticized images of famous emblematic authors and artists of satire literature
(Lenny Bruce, Margeret Atwood, George Orwell, Ambrose Bierce, Marc Stone
and Trey Parker)

Class #1. Introduction

Class will be decorated with plasticized
images of famous artist and authors!

Content/activity/todays menu:

PPT number one: (What are satires? +

important characteristics + presentation
of authors and pioneers) + Discussion
with whole group!

Class #2

Content/activity/todays menu:

PPT number two: Place of satire

literature. What is it place in literature?+
in what context was it brought up


Class #4

Content/activity/todays menu:
Presentation of the short story Happy
+ think-pair-share analysis on
Margeret Atwoods work for this short
Brainstorm and listing of main
subjects and themes.
Content/activity/todays menu:
Students compose their first one page
short story using a theme from our
brainstorm and in invented character.
(text number one)


Content/activity/todays menu:
Clip of Lenny Bruce and short
presentation on the American
comedian + short class discussion +
Composition of text number two *using
the same instructions (text number
Web link :


Content/activity/todays menu:
Reading and discussion on Gargantua

and Pantagruel
Proof reading and editing of text
number one and text number two
by peers and feedback from T.

Students are allowed to bring snacks
during the viewing.
*healthy snacks only!

Content/activity/todays menu:
Episode of South Park+ short
discussion + composition of text
number 3


Content/activity/todays menu:
Editing and proof reading of text
number 3 +
Final moment to retrieve all the info
and elements from the three texts
already done in previous classes. Need
to start writing the final version
(text number 4)
Text number four is a mix of
characters and subject used in
text number one two and
The final text has to be
maximum 3 pages long

Desks will be gathered together for an
enjoyable reading moment!

Content/activity/todays menu:
Finalizing the final text+ proof
reading by peers and presentation of
the final text in small team of 4 or 5.

Well done so far Tania, especially when it comes to your main ideas and
topics to be covered.

I also like the different focusses you chose for

discussion, writing, peer support, etc. Keep these the same as you move on.
I also think the number of classes and the amount of time per lesson should
work out well in the end. As you further develop things and work on your
final version, please be certain to fill in some of the gaps when it comes to
what exactly takes place during lessons (what teacher and students do and
why they do them?, evaluationexactly what is evaluated, how, and why?
And so on and so forth.). Please see my comments throughout for details.
Keep up the great work!

Grade = 8/10

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