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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name
15 NISAN 5776 APRIL 23, 2016
Joseph Budnitzky
Anne Novack Cohen
Morris Fein
Esther Jacob

Philip Meizels
Ida Serlin
Harold Waldman

16 NISAN 5776 APRIL 24, 2016

Earl Bennett
William Edelson
Dorothy Frazien
Rose Grossman

Hyman Schechter
Leo Traibman

17 NISAN 5776 APRIL 25, 2016

Hyman Babcock
Julius Bello
Morris Canvasser
Benjamin Cowan

Lavern Charles Dibble

Jules Feldmesser
Russell S. Nida
Robert Schneider

Robert Shatanoff
Maurice Siden
Eugene Zweig

18 NISAN 5776 APRIL 26, 2016

Ruth Frank
Oscar Koenigsberg
Markus Samuel Simon
Samuel Simon

Rose Slovis

19 NISAN 5776 APRIL 27, 2016

Sonia Firestone
Lilo Klayman
Yosef Lis
Phyllis Robinson

Phyllis Robinson
Bertha Simon
Samuel Spring
Sherrie Teman

20 NISAN 5776 APRIL 28, 2016

Jennie Feldman
Zangwell Garber
Edith Gilbert
Lillian Goldstein

Dorothy Green
Joseph Jaffe
Wolf William Kadushin
Leonard Lyons

Frank Mulivor
Sarah Pleiss
Morris Pushkin
Robert Schechter

21 NISAN 5776 APRIL 29, 2016

Alvin Barnett
Louis Colman
Stanley Friedman
Jay Gorell

David Leader
Carol Line
Albert J. Pines
Helen Tukel

Helen Weintraub

Gloria Sobel

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