Underwater Exercise Pool

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Perth Grandmother Invents Underwater Swimming Device

A Beechboro grandmother has invented a unique underwater swimming device that enables
swimmers to practice high speed turns and underwater kicking. The WatrWing helps swimmers
steer themselves underwater, ascend, descend, twist and turn in a range of movements.

Inventor Heather Pritchard, 49, sent her initial order for the WatrWing to the NSW Institute of
Sport where head coach Jim Fowlie is now using the device to train Olympic swimmers. She
plans to have the WatrWing in the hands of swimming students throughout Australia and is
currently working with swimming coaches to design a more buoyant device, the WatrWing
Junior, for children learning to swim.

Institute of Sport Head Coach, Fowlie says: “It is critical for all swimmers to develop good
underwater skills, particularly when dealing with changes in water pressure. The WatrWing
helps them increase their kicking and breathing skills.”

Pritchard, who has worked as a tour guide in the Kimberley, made the prototype for the device
three years ago in Broome using a plastic real estate sign and poly pipe. “People showed great
interest in it,” she says. “It’s fast, it’s fun and it’s a challenge.”

Pritchard now suffers from multiple sclerosis but has not allowed her health to dampen her
enthusiasm for swimming. She regularly uses the WatrWing at her local pool and in the ocean
to keep herself fit. “In my opinion, one of the most important things in coping with multiple
sclerosis is taking regular exercise. I encourage other people to keep going and keep pushing,”
she says.

“It’s about finding that inner drive. Life is about what we do, not what we own. It’s about living,
seeing, enjoying and helping. I want to see others improve their swimming, getting fitter and
having fun.”

The WatrWing costs $59.95 can be ordered directly from Pritchard’s website. She gives
discounted rates and free WatrWing trials to swim schools.

$1 for each WatrWing sold is donated to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia.
For more information please contact Heather Pritchard 0417 177 262 or visit @

Contact Address:

Heather Pritchard (CEO)

HP Productions Pty Ltd

Po Box 91 Ballajura WA 6066

Mobile:  +61 0 417 177 262

E- Mail: heather@watrwing.com

Website: www.watrwing.com

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